4. Tingles

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It was Friday night and Sara and Dylan had just gotten home from the twins birthdays and she was quite exhausted. The engaged couple said almost nothing to each other except for Dyl asking her to go to the office party that his boss had arranged tomorrow night.Sara had vaguely agreed,her mind being elsewhere entirely.The doc wished she could blame her moodiness on the draining shift at work.

Katie's two lovely girl twins were so adorable and they preferred to play with her all afternoon instead with all the kids that were there.And Sara was beyond joyful from the fact and so, despite feeling like shit, the beautiful doctor tickled and wrestled them,their affectionate laughter filling her heart and ears.

Dylan spotted the big smile on his fiancé's face as he watched her put on her night gown and couldn't help but be curious what she was thinking of.

"What are you smiling about,honey?" He voiced his thoughts out loud and completely focused his attention on Sara,leaving the book he was reading aside.He was one of those people who would always read a book in the evening just before falling in a deep sleep and would enthusiastically tell Sara all about it the next day, while her nights consisted  mostly of changing position after position and turning her pillow to the cooler side at least ten times before falling asleep

Sara snapped out of her mind the moment he spoke and she looked at him with sleepy eyes but a grin was plastered on her lips.

"I was thinking about the twins" she beamed and quickly nestled next to Dylan on their big bed.She felt safe in his warm embrace and was ready to sleep the tough day away even tho as mentioned a bit earlier, sleep was always a hard guest to welcome in her house.

"They are pretty nice kids" Dylan stated sincerely and a grin appeared on his own lips as his fingers trailed up and down Sara's arm in a calming manner.

"Yeah,they are" Sara mumbled sleepily and put her head on his chest, his steady heartbeat ringing quietly in her left ear.Dylan looked at the woman that was soon to be his wife and couldn't help but think about the future himself.As long as Sara was with him, it would be great.

"You know.." He began to say in a soft voice,taking a deep breath

"We can have one of those one day.Me and you." The engineer finished and awaited his fiance's response, although he was more than sure in her and in the answer she was about to give.

Sara's heart fluttered at the fact that he too was thinking of their future.Of creating a family with her one day.
Hazel eyes met chocolate ones and the couple smiled at each other.A hope for a good future in both their eyes.Good was a key word there.

"I love you" Sara murmured,snuggling up even closer to Dylan but she said nothing when she heard him whisper in a low tone

"I love you too"...

Sara's dress

Sara gave herself one last look in the nirror

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Sara gave herself one last look in the nirror.The dark red dress that she was wearing hugged all her soft curves in all the right places.Nude sandals accompanied the look and her long auburn hair was straightened,her make up minimal as always.She didn't need it,she already looked gorgeous without it.

"Look at youuu.Absolutely gorgeous,miss Tancredi" Dylan exclaimed as he entered their bedroom just in time when Sara put her perfume bottle on the night stand.She grinned softly at him and gave her fiancé a chaste kiss.

"You don't look bad yourself honey"
She replied flirtatiously and Dylan beamed at her, putting his car and house keys in the inside pocket of his suit jacket

"You ready?"

He asked and Sara nodded,breathing in deeply, but somehow secretly, because the last thing she wanted was for Dylan to suspect any nervousness in her.She was just in hopes that Michael wouldn't be there, which was very unlikely, given that he was the star of the firm now. Everyone was in line to spend some time with him, get to learn something from him, it was as if he was a God, at least from what Dylan had told Sara.

By the time the couple got to the fancy restaurant,it was already full of people.Sara recognized some from her previous attendances to parties like these.Not that she liked most of them,cus they were all just some rich gals and gents that had too much to say about politics and had no 'humanity' whatsoever.Sara despised such empty, cold hearted people.

Her copper eyes observed the place and the nagging thought that she was actually looking for him was overwhelming in a very bad way.Sara had to stay away from Michael as much as she could.It did nothing good when he was around her.He brought out a side in her that she had to keep hidden from Dylan at all costs.Sara didn't like the way her body tingled whenever she thought of Michael.This had to stop.

Still,her eyes continued to roam on their own,in search of the sexy mysterious man.People all around her were conversing and laughing as music and the delicious smell of food filled her senses.And then there he was.

Michael was engaged in a conversation with two other men that seemed to be slightly older than him.He didn't even seem to give a notice to anything that was going on around him and that gave Sara the perfect opportunity to sneak a quick look at the handsome man.

He was wearing a black suit and a light grey shirt underneath,a black bowtie and dress shoes finishing his look.Sara bit her lower lip unconsciously as she fully obsrved his tall frame and then moved her hazel eyes to his chiseled face.

His expression was calm and stoned,his kissable lips moving to answer to the gents he was talking to and curling into a smirk from time to time, she even swore she could hear his laughter ringing in her ears soundly. And then as if to torture her even more,he lifted the glass up to his mouth and took a sip from the dark redish liquid that Sara only assumed could be red wine.

And then,all of a sudden he turned his head straight in her direction ,his icy orbs met hers and Sara felt as if the air was knocked out of her lungs .A sly smirk grazed his pinkish lips and the challenge was clear in his orbs.He had noticed her staring,no,gawking at him actually and Sara felt the irritation creep up every nerve in her tense body.

Good God help her...

To be continued. Also vote and comment so I know if to continue updating.
Till next time lovelies.

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