66. She Told Me She Was Sorry..

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Later that evening

Song: two feet "I feel like I'm drowning"

"Imma go take a piss" Linc informed Vee and Mike and after clearing his throat he got up from his seat and strode to the restaurant bathroom.The fam had decided to go to a restaurant to discuss what they were doing for Christmas.

Well,it went something like Vee demanding that they hadn't been out to a restaurant ever since Michael left for Washington and in her words they were gonna bond over some holidays talk.

Truth was,Michael didn't give a flying fuck about Christmas.The gift he wanted the most was the least likely thing for him to get.And of course that being Sara's cheating lying ass who he still loved with his whole damn soul for no damn reason.

He knew he had to hate her for everything she did to him,but the engineer simply couldn't bring himself to.And as always,she had to drop the damn bomb and leave,leaving Michael to gather the pieces.

Her confession of leaving the bloody wanker excited him,he couldn't lie.The possibility of Sara finally being single and them having a chance for a real relationship lightened his whole body on fire,leaving him restless all night and day.Her words were on a constant repeat in his head,like an annoying song that you want to get off your head,but you can't

But every time he as much as dared to even think of restarting his life with her,the fear and anxiety overwhelmed him,coating his mind into a slick layer of insecurity.His heart was at war with his mind.His heart wanted to finally be at peace with her and accept her love for him again,it wanted her so badly,it needed her so it could be complete again.

But his mind was a real soldier,fighting against all emotion and irrational thought.His mind was shielding him from the rejection and the abundance, that Michael had experienced way too many times to remember now.It was as if his mind was constantly building a rock hard wall that was impossible to crumble.

And the worst was that he was starting to get used to this pain and agony,he was starting to accept it.Live with it.And that's what scared him the most.Because he didn't want it to be that way.He just wanted peace and her love.

But it seemed like eternally he was fighting a battle that was impossible to be stopped.Question was,how would that end...Would he give in to the slow seduction of his heart or would he stay faithful to the rational thought in him.To be or not to be?

"Michael!" Vee hissed for what felt like the hunderth time and when his blue pools distractedly turned to her Vee's green eyes scanned the salon for any sign of Lincoln but he was no where to be seen.Good.

"Spill.I can sense that something is wrong"

her tone was gentle but her words were rushed,she knew Mike wasn't comfortable with talking about Sara in front of Linc,because he didn't even know why they had broken up in the first place.And Vee sorta knew.Michael wasn't the type to talk much about his feelings but the slow realization that he too needed someone to share to was downing at him.And it felt good for once to have someone to really talk to.Besides he could really use some woman advice about his...errr,situation.

"She told me that um..she told me that she was sorry for what she did.And,uh,she said that if I wanted to,umm,to be together, she'd be there for real this time" Michael was usually so confident with his words and his voice was smooth but he was a damn rollercoaster when it came to Sara Tancredi.A stuttering hot mess.

"And what do you think about that?" Vee tried to control the small part of her that was excited from his words.She could clearly see the damage Sara had done and she felt the instinct to protect Michael as her brother.

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