55. Another Red Eye

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"Up all night on another red eye
I wish we never learned to fly
Maybe we should just try
To tell ourselves a good lie
I didn't mean to make you cry

Maybe won't you take it back?
Say you were tryna make me laugh
And nothin' has to change today
You didn't mean to say, "I love you"
I love you and I don't want to

We fall apart as it gets dark
I'm in your arms in Central Park
There's nothin' you could do or say
I can't escape the way I love you
I don't want to, but I love you" Billie Eilish 'I love you'

20th of September

"Here's all the documents you'll need.Don't forger your ID and other documents,they might ask it.I'll have my secretary email you a draft of the blueprints"

Mr.Lockwood,Michael's boss explained with finality and a reassuring grin spread across his slightly wrinkled face as he handed Michael the papers.He believed Michael could do great things in his life.That's why he had given him the job.

"I'll look thru them tonight,to get the general idea" Michael replied,his face somber as he put the documents in his briefcase,getting ready to leave since they had covered almost everything about the job in Washington.A whole year away from Chicago.A whole year without Sara and his family.Except that he lost Sara before he even accepted the job.

'Don't go there,Michael...

"The flight is at 5am.You're flying with Atkinson." His boss instructed as the two men started walking out of the office and stopped by the elevator of the Maxwell engineering building.Michael's real place of work.

"All I have to say is good luck,son" Mr.Lockwood patted the younger man on the shoulder.Even he had noticed the big change in Michael and he tried not to worry.Michael had worked for him for so many years that Peter Lockwood had him as a son.

"Thank you" Michael gave a weak but grateful smile and stepped into the luxurious elevator as its heavy doors slid open,his expensive black suit feeling tight on him.

"I'm sure your family will survive without you for a bit" the older man tried to joke,not knowing how bad that stung into Michael's open wound.The doors slid closed before he could answer and the engineer leaned his back to the cold wall,his blue orbs closing as he felt the tears start fighting to get out again.

"I have nothing anyway."

23th of September

" what do you think about this one?Will it hide my unnecessary curves"

Katie asked with a laugh as she held a black silky dress in front of her,looking at it thoroughly, but Sara's mind was somewhere else.It was on the other side of Chicago.In a loft.With a man.Her lover.Michael.

When she was near Dylan she was able to mask her depression but with other people it was becoming more and more difficult.She just missed him so terribly. Every night the doc stayed up late,wondering if he had departed.She wondered if he had ran away from her the way she did from him.It would only be fair, she thought bitterly.

"Sara...Sara?Are you with me girl?" Katie had that worried look in her chocolate eyes that Sara terribly wanted to avoid but she needed to let it all out.She needed to talk.She knew Katie would understand her.She had no one else beside her now.

The streak of sudden tears surprised both of them but Sara couldn't stop them anymore.She tried to brush them off quickly but her friend had already seen her as well as some of the other people in the shop.

"Oh,Sara" her friend hugged her tightly to her,rubbing her back in comfort. Seeing Sara this hurt made Katie ache too.Seeing her reddened copper eyes, so sad and dull,the nurse wished to do something.

"Its all my fault, Katie.I left him.I hurt him.I ruined him" Sara whispered into her shoulder in a trembling voice,her eyes tightly shut as silent tears wetted her friend's blouse. Sara didn't care they were in the middle of a store aisle,she just felt so weak and lost without Michael.She felt numb and broken.

"You did the right thing,baby.You had to choose."Katie whispered to her and brushed the hair and tears away from Sara's face when she looked at her.Guilt was written all over it.

" you should have seen his face,Katie.This man really loved me and I ru-ruined him." Sara hiccupped as she tried to breathe through her blocked nose.The tears weren't as intense but she felt the headache forming.

"It will all be okay.You did this to protect him"

Everything around Sara was starting to spin and she felt way too hot,her heart was beating wildly and her limbs were weak.And in a heartbeat,her body fell limp down on Katie's feet.The only thing she saw before blacking out was Michael's handsome face smiling at her.Her fallen angel.


23th of September, 5:34am

Michael sat slumped in the plane chair as he watched the clouds they passed by.It was still dark outside and the plane was eerily quiet.His head was leaned on the frame of the small window,the voices of the flight attendants distant on his mind.
And when they offered him a drink,the engineer was too tempted to ask for a Scotch,but instead he kept his mouth shut and declined with a shake of his head.No amount of alcohol would ever erase the memory of her.

His whole body was weak,the only thing he wanted was to close his eyes and never wake up again.He wanted to live in that beautiful dream of his.

There, Sara was walking hand in hand with him on the beach.Her long hair was blown softly by the wind and she looked at him with those beautiful copper eyes of hers that looked like pure honey in the sun.She whispered to him ' I love you' and he smiled at her.It was his haven.His safe place.His dreams.Where Sara was holding his hand steadily in hers and never parted from him.

He fell asleep.

Share your thoughts on this chap with me :)
P.S- the ending of this story is gonna be one hell of a rollercoaster, I can't wait 😁

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