107. Drowning?

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Two days later

The water was suffocating her, it was all around her, filling her lungs, yet she wasn't drowning. Her beautiful long auburn hair was floating all around her underwater. Her eyes were wide open and she was screaming inside but on the outside her tiny lips didn't even tremble.

She felt how she was slowly sinking, her naked body felt warm and her eight months pregnant belly felt pretty much weightless. She wasn't even fighting to get to the surface. Her hands were stretched on both her sides and she let herself slowly fall down, but the more she sank into the deep blue ocean, the more she was actually reaching the surface.

"wake up! It's not real! Wake up!"

she could hear a distant whisper, yelling at her in a ghostly voice. It was pressuring and scary, the voice just kept on yelling it at her, telling her to wake up and the two hands that were suddenly grasping her neck startled her, making her open her mouth and gulp the salty water as she fought her way to the top, her screams muffled

"wake up, wake up, wake up!"

it was a demonic whisper that continued to ring in her ears, its grip on her neck disappearing just like that, her pregnant belly popped. She couldn't feel the pain, but she was terrified. The water around her became bloody and the more she swam the more it felt like she was now drowning in her own blood

She paddled with her legs and arms with all her might, screaming helplessly as she jerked her whole body, trying to escape.


The voice yelled again and just as she saw its wrinkly hands grabbing for her legs, her head popped to the surface of the water, she was gasping for air. Fierce rain was falling on top of her exposed head as she tried to stay afloat, taking deep breaths as she frantically looked around. There was nothing but endless ocean miles ahead .The water around her was now clear as day, reflecting the stormy clouds in the sky. A storm had come.

"Sara... Sara... Wake up, love"

Suddenly the blue waves of the ocean became Michael's worried orbs as he gazed at her from his standing position next to the bed. Sara blinked a few times slowly, trying to process her surroundings. She wasn't drowning in the ocean, nor was there a strange creature yelling at her. She also noted she wasn't at the hospital now.

How long had she slept that she hadn't even noticed when Michael had taken her home? Thankfully her head wasn't pounding this time and her stomach wasn't hurting so bad. But that damn voice kept on repeating in her head, haunting her even in her concious state.

What wasn't real? Sara knew it was just a dream but it felt too real, she felt horrified as the images of her pregnant belly just popping emerged in her mind. Truly a terrible dream. Or a nightmare was the better word for it.

"are you alright, love?"

Michael asked quietly as he sat down next to her on the bed and took her smaller hand in his and with his left one caressed her slightly damp forehead. When he heard her screaming from the kitchen his heart literally fell to his feet and he practically ran to the bedroom, seeing the way his wife jerked helplessly on the bed in her sleep

"it was just a nightmare, I'm alright"

Sara managed to give her husband a small smile, squeezing his hand a little.Despite her nightmare and the way it left her scared shitless, she felt better. Her voice wasn't as hoarse and she actually felt energetic enough to not go back to sleep the moment she woke up. Maybe being away from the white lights and sheets of the hospital was treating her better.

It wasn't as depressing at home and it helped even a little bit with distracting the doc from the fact that she practically had a miscarriage 3 days ago. Sara felt the way her heart immediately clutched with sadness at the thought and focused her copper eyes back at her husband's wrinkled in worry face

"I'll go get you some water"

Michael announced softly and with a last squeeze of her hand stood up and went to the kitchen, his mind swimming with all the thoughts he wanted to voice out loud, but he had to be patient.

When Dr Gray said Sara was okay to go home yesterday she warned Michael to not bring stress to his wife since this could be bad both for her mental and physical health and the engineer promised to go gentle on his wife, he himself too anxious for Sara's well being.

"do you need anything else, love?"

Michael asked when he returned back to the bedroom and handed Sara a glass of water and watched as his wife greedily drank all of it. With so much sleeping hours he knew she must of been so damn thirsty. When the cup was empty Sara gave it back to Michael and leaned on the pillow again, enjoying how the smell of their home evaded her nose, instantly making her feel more calm

"I just need you"

She replied in all honesty and reached for his hand again, tangling her fingers with his.
At her words a small grin broke on Michael's plump lips and he leaned down to kiss her temple tenderly.

"I'm here, always" he whispered quietly against her skin, his free hand removing a strand of hair behind her ear as he leaned back into his position on the bed.

"I'm sorry for everything, Michael. I'm so sorry"

Sara's voice came out stranded as she apologised to her husband, her tone cracking with the sincerity in her heart. She really was sorry for the way she had treated him, he was in this with her and she hadn't been fair to him at all.

She watched as Michael took a deep breath, his grip on her fingers tightening just for a split second.

"you've got nothing to apologise for, okay?
We'll have time to talk about it all, now you need to rest, my love"

It was killing him to know she blamed herself for everything and carried the guilt on her shoulders so heavily.

"no, no, listen to me please. I was in the wrong to keep you in the dark and I'm sorry for not telling you earlier. It was stupid of me to do so"

Michael could hear the regret literally dripping from her soft voice and he shook his head firmly as he took both her hands in his, the ocean blue in his eyes intense against her hazel ones.

"I don't blame you, Sara and never will. I want you to know that. What happened to us is terrible, but I promise you, love, we'll get past it together."

The hope and kindness he had in his heart were so powerful to Sara.Yes,they just realised there was the possibility of them never having the family that they wanted, but they were together in this and knowing how supportive Michael was of her, she felt even a bit lighter.

"there are many other alternatives and when we are ready to be parents, when the trauma isn't as bad, we'll do whatever it takes to have our small family, okay?"

Sara felt like crying again, but this time not because of her big loss, but because of how great of a man Michael Scofield was. How truly amazing he was and how lucky she was to have him by her side. It was extraordinary experience to live your life with someone as strong and magneficent as him.

"I love you, Michael, so much"

"always and forever, love..."

Dreams can be quite interesting don't you all think so🤭
Anyways I was curious what is a scene from this book that made you the saddest and what's a scene that made you happy. I'll be more than happy to hear your thoughts 🥰

Wish I Had Time For Complicated Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora