116.Old Classmates

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Song "bored" Billie eilish slowed

With hurried steps Michael quickly strode back to his wife and without even stopping to hear what they were talking about or to think if this man was familiar, the engineer collided his right hook with the man's jaw.His sudden anger and jealousy were driving him towards violation and he had no clear thoughts in his head.

A sudden rush of adrenaline filled his whole body, his heart was beating like crazy, his breathing was harsh and unsteady as he watched the man stumble and fall backwards from the punch. He heard a distant gasp or two in his ears but by his fuming expression he seemed absolutely uninterested in them.

The slight pain in his chuckle was barely felt because of the familiar thrill that was now pumping in every his vein as his chest fell and rose with every deep and harsh breath.
But the regretful feeling that rightfully had to take over him never came and Michael craved more, he felt hateful and angry.

"Michael enough!" Sara yelled loudly, her voice cracking as she watched her husband go for a second blow at the man who was holding a palm to his left eye.

He heard his love's voice ring in his ears and felt her small hand pulling on his bruised one in order to get him away from the gathered crowd. His sharp icy orbs were suddenly on her and the engineer seized up her obviously fearful expression but in a moment of affect he couldn't even care.

To say he overreacted would be understandable, but now in this state he couldn't think of it that way. Michael felt like his obsessive jealousy was ruining him but there was no holding back as the image of the man talking with his wife reappeared in his mind, triggering something dark and animalistic in him that even he couldn't control.

Without even leaving the man he punched to defend himself, Michael took Sara's hand aggressively in his and with no word whatsoever strode to the parking lot of the park with fast steps, his brows furrowed in unreasonable anger and Sara could only try to keep up with his fast pace, looking at him with so much confusion and worry.She actually felt horrified.

This was a side of him she had never seen before and quite frankly it scared Sara to see her husband like this. He had never given her a reason to feel uneasy in his company and now one and only question invaded her thoughts :what made him act like this?

"what is wrong with you, why did you hit the guy?!"

Sara finally broke the silence with a somehow tamed yell as she withdrew her hand from his forcefully, her wide copper eyes gazing at him expectantly. Her heart was beating unsteadily and her husband's doing concerned her deeply and the more what happened sank in her head, the angrier she got. He had no right to behave like this

She planted her feet to the floor determinately, crossing her hands to her chest and pretended that his sharp judging eyes weren't piercing her and for a moment she went back to the night she left him broken in his apartment and became Dylan's wife. The memory gave her chills but the ex doc tried to focus on the now instead of drowning in their sometimes miserable past.

"what am I doing? What are YOU doing Sara, flirting with other men the second I leave your side? "

Michael spat venomously at his wife as he turned to face her, squinting his eyes in an accusing way which felt like a fucking slap to Sara. How could he think such a thing! Didn't he have even a bit faith in her and her feelings for him. They were married for god's sake! Wasn't this enough proof for Michael that Sara loved him and only him

They couldn't even care they were having a fucking fight in the middle of a parking lot, all that mattered was Michael's childish and somehow crazed behaviour and the way he was accusing his wife of something like this was so hurtful.

Sara's lips fell open in disbelief at his statement and her eyes went wide as his words pierced her ears and sliced her heart in two.This man that was standing across from her now in the cold September night was not her husband. This was some crazed jealous man that she didn't know of and in that exact moment she wanted her Michael.

The gentleman, the man who had soft smiles only for her and gazed at her with warmth in his eyes. But now it was replaced by cold blue orbs that stared at her in resentment and she was actually lost for words. How could he act like that, punching a random man for talking to her.

"the man's name is Steven, we were in one class in high school and it happened that he ran into me, why did you fucking punch him?"

Sara was straight up yelling, not even caring they were outside and people could hear them or that she was Frank Tancredi's daughter. Michael was acting completely irrational and stupid she would lie if she said his doing didn't anger her. She knew he was the jealous type, but she had never thrown a tantrum when Michael would run into someone he knows, especially women.She was fully aware of the sex eyes females would throw him.

"high school sweethearts, I imagine he told you how gorgeous you've gotten with age and that he wants to fuck you! "

Sara's husband sneered in her face, his words going right through her and the invisible knife he stabbed her heart with continued to cut deeper and deeper. The more Sara listened to that nonsense, the more she needed to be away from Michael.
They've had arguments and she'd seen Michael really be sad about their it, but now.. Now he seemed to be purposely saying these words to make her feel bad.

"in this moment you deserve for me to fucking slap you, but I will not do it because despite of your words tonight I love you and unlike you I don't want to hurt your feelings!"

Sara tried to be as calm as she could as she answered her husband, her eyes full of unshed tears but she was stubborn. Her sweet and loving Michael wouldn't even want to make her feel uneasy in some way, but this one didn't even seem to care for her watery orbs as he watched her with cold unforgiving eyes, his full lips set in a disapproving frown. It was paining the ex doc so much to see him act this way.

"if you didn't want to hurt me you wouldn't have talked to that fucker"

Michael's tone was accusing and in Sara's eyes his behaviour was unbelievable. What had gotten into him for god's sake! He was looking at her as if she had just murdered someone and the way her husband wanted to make her feel guilty for saying hi to an old classmate was more than absurd.

"you know what, I'm done, so so done with you for tonight and right now I really really wish you would go away!"

Sara stated firmly, not being able to hold the tear that slipped down her cheek. She felt so hurt and betrayed by the person she loved the most in the world. Her mind was trying to process and excuse his behaviour any way she possibly could but nothing felt right as she shifted on her feet in anger.

But right now Sara Tancredi for the first time in her life wanted to be away from Michael, she couldn't stand to hear this nonsense come out of his mouth any longer. It was too much. So without thinking it through she turned on her heels and started to quickly walk away from the car and her husband, burying her cold hands in the pockets of her jacket, no longer holding her tears and the wet streak felt hot against her cool skin.

"good luck with that darling, because guess what, I'm going no fucking where, so good fucking luck with that "

She heard his now distant yells but she didn't dare to turn and go back.He had hurt her deeply tonight and she needed some time alone to process and analyse everything that happened that evening.
So with tears streaming down her face she rounded a corner and entered the busy New York streets, ready to walk her problems away and lose herself even for a bit in the big crowds.

One thing was for sure, she hated theme parks now...

Thoughts on Michael's behaviour?
Also, with the next chap culmination 1 starts but it won't be the biggest one yet... 🤷‍♀️

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