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There's a very loud buzzing in her ears the moment her hazel slide open. Her pupils are blown almost to full capacity, her breathing  ragged, mouth dry and lips slightly open. Her pale skin is covered in cold sweat and Sara Tancredi can't even make a sound.

She just stares at the white ceiling, her heart beat echoing painfully in her ears. Where is she? What is happening?
She moves her head a little to observe her surroundings. It feels familiar but not quite. She is lying down on a bed in a bedroom,a beautifully decorated  one and light is coming from the open windows.

She's... Home?

The first things she hears are birds chirping.And then the distant crashing of waves.The whole room is sunny. It must  be around noon she thinks. Sara tries to get up but feels it is extremely difficult. There is something heavy on her it feels that doesn't allow her to stand up freely.

And then she looks down and almost has a heart attack.

Her belly is big and very much pregnant, it looks like one that is nine months grown. WHAT THE FUCK?!
Sara feels extremely confused and panicked, heat waves washing over her. Why is she pregnant, where is she, why is she hearing waves instead of cars and city noises?

And then she hears it. Kids' laughter. The voices are loud and pitched. It seems they are having fun, laughing at something someone with a deeper tone says. And then follow the footsteps that are getting closer to her, as if someone Is running to her.

Sara sits up carefully, still gazing in amazement at the big belly attached to her body, her hand coming in to caress the warm skin there. She's wearing a tank top that rides up her bloated stomach and male shorts. Her long auburn hair is in a very very messy ponytail.

And then the handle of the door cracks a little and the door opens, her son Jasper poking his head to peak at his mother with a half toothed smile.

Sara's brain immediately recognises her four year old son and even tho she is still so damn confused a big grin stretches on her dry lips as Jas yells "mommy's awake" loudly and runs to the bed excitedly, pulling himself under the covers, giggling mischievously.

But where's Mikey? What is going on?

Jasper starts hugging and kissing his mother's cheeks, telling her he is so happy that she is finally awake

What does he mean finally awake? How long had she been sleeping?

And then Michael Scofield walks in through the wide open door, smiling brightly at his wife and Sara feels as if she will faint at any second. Michael is here, he is talking and smiling at her but she doesn't hear a thing.
Her ears are muffled and she hears that loud ringing again, not comprehending a word he is saying.

Tears well up in her hazel wide eyes and her heart beat fastens. His scent fills her nostrils and she feels his warm touch on her shoulder. Is she dreaming? What in the world is happening. Is Michael real right now or is he a just in her imagination as he had been many times.

She tries to look at him through her watery eyes, not being able to control the tears at seeing her husband. He was pretty much the same, buzz cut, sharp clean jawline, striking blue eyes and a dazzling smile.
But something is missing. Where are his tattoos? His entire upper body is clean, not even a trace of ink on it.

Michael is hugging her now as she bursts out crying. She cries of disbelief that he is holding her. She can feel him, flesh and bones, warm body, blood flowing in his veins. He was real.And then while Michael hugs her and Jasper innocently looks at his mom and dad, Cillian, their older son joins them quietly, then Sara Tancredi realises it was all one big dream.

No, there was never a Dylan she had been engaged to, she never cheated on him with Michael, who she certainly didn't meet at her "house". Sara never broke up with Michael and never went through a divorce with Dylan and a miscarriage. Michael never died and she didn't have a son named Michael Junior.The tattoos on Michael's skin were missing because Linc was never to prison so Michael could break him out.

The reality is that Sara met Michael Scofield in her doctor's office when he came in with a broken leg. He was still an engineer, living in Chicago. They fell in love and eventually got married, creating a beautiful family of five, the fifth one being Nicole, their unborn baby girl who was due to join the family.

And after living together in Chicago for five years, the married couple had decided to move to Panama where it was sunny and beautiful.She works at a small local hospital and Michael chose to be a mechanic. Their house is not very big but it's cosy and welcoming. Just by the beach.

Sara slowly starts to come back to reality, her heart filling with such joy. Her hands snake around Michael tightly, a big and so grateful smile setting on her lips despite the fact that she is crying.

In this moment as Sara sits and hugs her family tighter than ever, she realises how much she loves her life. Every chapter. The good, the bad. More than ever is she now grateful to be holding her husband and kids.

It feels so real to her, the whole dream. Every touch, every word, every glance, every sigh and sensation, every tear. It was as if she was watching from afar another version of herself living a completely different life. A life she had never imagined, a life filled with passion and excitement but so so much pain.

But after all, it was one bad dream and nothing more

Maybe it is better for her to realise that it isn't always good to have time for complicated....

Were you blown away by the ending of the book?
Anyway, the end is here and Misa's journey in this book ends here. A big thank you to everyone who supported me from the start and still reads it with interest. I love you all and it was a pleasure writing for such a fandom, I've had an amazing time creating this piece and I hope you as readers enjoyed reading it too.

Love, Vicky❤️

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