69. Green Tea Talk

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"You're the last person I expected to see here" Michael commented softly,his eyes never wavering away from her,his orbs were taking in every detail about her half covered face and he wished she'd stop covering her cheek with her palm so he could see all of her.He was a greedy son of a bitch,he knew.

Sara offered him a slight grin,her fingers fidgeting with the ends of the white cup.How in all people in Chicago she had ran exactly into her ex lover?But she should have suspected this would happen.She was in his neighborhood after all,where they had been together numerous times.And she could only suspect he couldn't sleep,that's why he was here.

Katie had offered her to go sleep at hers but Sara didn't want to be around anyone right then and the sudden idea to go to the diner felt like the best thing.And don't get her wrong,she was beyond ecsatatic that Michael was here with her.

She was just worried that if he saw the small blueish bruise on her cheek, he'd go and beat the shit out of Dylan.The engineer tended to be overprotective of her.And she really didn't need another fight for tonight.

"I couldn't sleep.This felt like the right place to go to" she explained quietly and lifted her mug with no longer steaming tea to her lips in the same time the waitress brought Michael's order and retreated with wishing them a good night with a polite grin.

"You used to hate green tea" Sara said,a hint of a giggle in her tone as she watched him close his eyes and inhale the sweet scent of the hot liquid. It seemed all her worries were lifting from her back with his presence around her,she felt lighter

"Someone I know told me about it and I've been addicted ever since" he replied with a smirk as he recalled the first time Sara made him try her fave green tea and he had been in love with it ever since.But the part about being addicted, he wasn't sure that was meant for the tea.

"She has a good taste then" Sara teased back, enjoying the light banter between them.Their past meetings ever since he got back had all been so tense and sad and it was nice to see them now.Actually able to sit around each other without balling their eyes out with tears.
It was a progress,comparing it to the first time they saw each other at the center and Michael refused to talk to her completely, which he had every right to do of course.He had such a big heart.

"She does" he nodded his head slightly,his mind racing with ways to express what was actually going on in his head.How could he say it when he himself didn't know.

"Sara...about what you sa-"

"I broke up with him.I just want you to know that before you say anything further" Sara hurried to stop him,too scared of his rejection.She was like a desperate crazy woman,but she wanted for this to work so bad,for them to work.

Whatever Michael was about to say escaped his mind like smoke in the air and he couldn't help the surprised arch of his brows.She had broken up with him...Was this real?Was he dreaming?Someone needed to pinch him,because if this was just one of his many dreams that Sara was finally his ond his only,he'd crumble completely.

His blue eyes scanned her fingers and he saw no band on one of her hands and in his desperation,he gently took the palm she was covering her cheek with to examine it and ignored the way her touch made his whole body buzz excitedly.

There was no sign of a ring on her other hand either and Michael almost smiled,almost,but refrained himself.There were so many things that still needed to be fixed between them.

But then, then his cool blue orbs settled on the small bruise on her cheekbone,his lids narrowed instantly and he felt the blood in his veins start boiling.

That fucker...

"Did he hit you?" Michael questioned,his tone serious and his handsome face was set into a scowl.Fuck!That was exactly what Sara didn't want to happen.But he was a smart man and could easily put two and two together.

Her copper eyes were pleading with him not to make a fuss about it,but the way Michael's breathing was ragged and one of his palms tightened into a fist,told her that he wouldn't let it go so easily.

"Sara,did he hit you?" Now he was demanding an answer and he only needed her confirmation to get up,drive or walk or fucking run to that damned house and break the wanker's nose.How pathetic could one be to hit a woman!

At this point she didn't even need to answer and the small hand that clamped around his bigger one to stop him from getting up surprised Michael and his eyes darted to where their hands were placed on top of one another.

"Please, just let it go,it was nothing, Michael.I caused him more pain and I'm not saying that him hitting me was right,but I already ended everything, so please,just let it go.I had enough for one evening...okay?"

Sara only hoped that her pleading plus her gentle touch on his arm was enough to calm him down, at least it did before.

"That doesn't mean I will forget or ignore it" he stubbornly argued,his blood boiling and his fist itched to colide straight with Dylan's face.
But seeing Sara's sad and tired expression,he stopped himself.He neeeded to be her comfort right now, not her tormentor,even tho that's what she deserved of for breaking his heart.

"I'm not asking you to.I just,umm.I wanted to tell you that I know I made a terrible mistake and now,if you're willing to forgive me,which I know won't be easy at all,I'll take anything you offer me.Whether it be a friendship or um,or if you decide to stay away from me,I'll understand."

Her fingers were trembling slightly in anticipation of his response and Sara couldn't help but hope for the best.

"That's the problem here,Sara,that despite everything I can't stay away from you"

Michael finally admitted to himself and to her and this light feeling settled in his stomach,just like when you go to Church and talk to God about all your sins and emotions and you feel lighter and cleaner in the soul.

"But" he mumbled,already missing the warmth of her hand,which she had retreated from his.

"We can't be anything,and I mean anything, until I see the damn divorce paper. And we'll take things slow,build a friendship and trust again"

There, he had finally said it and Sara felt like she was on the damn cloud nine from happiness, he was giving her a chance and that's all she longed for.

"I can work with that" Sara promised in all seriousness,already set on a mosion to win the love of her life back.She'd wait forever for him if she had to...

Do you think things will work out between them,or would the past be too much for one to handle?
Till next time

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