78. A Good Team

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Songs: "a little death" "cry baby" "lurk" "daddy issues" the nbhd. "Cola" Lana Del Rey

"I can't believe we actually did this on our own" Sara let out a disbelieving laugh as her hazel eyes observed the just now constructed bed

"Yea" Michael chuckled,a small tired pant leaving his plump lips and he offered her one of his dazzling smiles when their eyes met.

"We make a good team,doc" he added humorously and laid on the bare white mattress, the exhaustion of moving Sara's belongings into her new home and constructing a whole ass bed had defo tired him,but he wouldn't have wanted his Saturday to go any different.

As long as he was with Sara.Because being with her in the same space was so overwhelming and energizing. They started their morning with her coming to fetch him so they could take all her shit and move it to the new apartment.They talked about their past experiences in the helping centers, Sara told him about her volunteer work in Africa and they had both been amazed at the fact that they had never seen each other in university since they had been so close to each other.Literally.

And after almost a whole day of unpacking,organizing shit and going to the store a few times,they were now both laying on the bare mattress,at a respectable distance of course and tried to catch their breath as their eyes stood glued to the white ceiling.

"Mhm " Sara mumbled tiredly and a lazy smile spread across her face.Her back was aching like she was a 63 year old lady,but her heart was at a constant wild beat because of the excitement Michael's presence brought upon her.Just breathing the same air as him,which was now filled with his unique scent,made her drunk and out of any coherent thought.

"Thank you for coming tho,I don't know what I would have done without you"

Sara craned her neck to look at him in the exact same time he turned to face her and the way the last weak strands of the sun bathed his face,making his blue grayish eyes stand out,left Sara speechless and her orbs involuntarily moved to his lips.Goddamn it,If Dylan doesn't sigh the papers right now!

These two months had been a real rollercoaster for both of them.From Michael coming back to Chicago and not wanting to even be in the same room as her,to Sara coming to the realization that she didn't want to be caged anymore and to now.A whole month of them holding in their real feelings and restraining themselves from one another,but Sara couldn't help but be excited as fuck about the future.

He had let her back into his life and even tho there was no physical contact between them, the stares,the smiles,the honesty and communication between them was everything.So much had happened in such a short time and Sara felt overwhelmed,with good emotions of course.Her only guess was that even the strongest fence couldn't keep them away from each other.They were addicted to each other.Worst case addicts.

"You'd be sleeping on the floor I suppose"

Michael teased her,followed by his infamous smirk and wink that just made Sara melt on the spot and the damn butterflies did their happy little dance that was always there when they were giddy with each other.This playful side to Michael was one of her favorites.But who was she fooling,she loved every single side and fiber of this man,she loved him,so much.

"They say it's good to sleep on the floor sometimes, straightens the back,you know" Sara replied smugly,grinning cheekily at him and he only responded with a wider smirk as they just stared at each other.

Sara could feel the heat from his body radiating close to her and the temptation to kiss and hug him was evil,so evil and ruthless,leaving her only with the burning desire of her skin to be glued to his.Ever since she left him a little over a year ago,Sara had felt this emptiness and longing that only he was able to fix.In fact when she'd touch herself and think about him,she came harder than she did when she fucked Dylan,which had become an even bigger rarity.Because most of the time she just had to fake a fucking orgasm.

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