53. Washington?

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19th of September

"The world was on fire and no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you

No, I don't wanna fall in love(this world is only gonna break your heart)
With you

What a wicked game you play, to make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you"

"Wicked games" Chris Isaak

It was on the third ring that Michael heard his boss's raspy voice on the other line as he picked up the phone.

"Mr.Lockwood, I hope I'm not disturbing" Michael's own voice was low and raspy from all the crying for the past two days but he tried not to remind himself of it.

"Of course not,Michael.What do you need?" Mr.Lockwood's words pulled the engineer back to reality before he had the chance to fall down into the depths of his sadness and dark thoughts again.

"Um,the position in Washington,is it still available?" Michael hoped that it would be.He couldn't go another day in that loft without remembering Sara.

Gone were her sweet laughter and giggles,gone were the playful glares she would send his way,gone were the peaceful nights when they would dance and laugh together.Gone were her extra toiletries and clothes.Gone was the way he smiled when he would see her smiling like a child herself as she watched cartoons. All that was left as a reminder that this wonderful but cold woman had actually existed in his life was the lavander scent that had somehow spread itself through out the whole place.

For two days straight all Michael did was to lie in the bed,hugging the pillow she used to sleep on,clutching to the little that was left of Sara.He had cried and cried,his blue eyes red and puffy and tired from the lack of sleep.And when he was dozing off,images of her betraying and leaving him had him startled awake and in tears and sweat.

The whole loft was a big mess,glass shattered everywhere, the living room reeked of Scotch, but no alcohol held the power to erase Sara Tancredi from his mind or heart.He was angry and sad.Repeating this cycle of crying and breaking things.
His body had been weak and pale from the lack of food and he felt like shit.

Michael had always thought people were exaggerating when they would say they couldn't live without someone.

But the moment Sara left him and the realization downed upon him,Michael realized that even tho he had oxygen in his body,even tho he had food and water in his fridge,the hole she left in his soul was torturous.He felt empty and with no will to live.She had completely destroyed him.

On the third day,Monday,he took a shower for the first time since the past 3 days.He shaved the small stubble on his face and dodged looking into his sad lifeless eyes.He cleaned the whole place,went for a run,letting all the city sounds drown his thoughts.The more he moved,the more he wasn't thinking of her.

Today was his last day at "Skies" company ans it was time to head back downtown,so around 4 o'clock he came into his temporary office,trying to steer clear of anyone, because starting a conversation was the last thing on his mind.

He also tried to stop the pouring memories of Sara in here,where he invited her to dinner for the first time.These thoughts did nothing but make him ache so he fastly started packing all his stuff and now he was sitting on the chair,one suitcase packed and hoped his boss would say yes.

"I knew you wouldn't miss this opportunity. And to answer your question-yes its still empty.So pack quickly,Scofield.I want you tomorrow in my office by 10"

Mr.Lockwood's words relieved some of the tension in Michael's shoulders and he nodded slightly to himself. He couldn't wait to get away from this damn loft and from Chicago.Away from her.

"I will see you tomorrow then" and with that Michael hang up and put his phone in his pocket,turning to gaze at the twinking lights of the early Chicago night.

A tear slid down his cheek as his icy orbs stared at something unidentified in the distance.Her words were at a constant reply in his sharp mind and Michael couldn't escape them or her.The image of Sara was there to haunt him and he needed to desperately occupy himself with something otherwise he would go crazy.

The knock on his glass door startled him and he quickly wiped the tear away before spinning in his chair.For some reason he hoped that when he turned he would see Sara,looking at him with all the adoration and love in those beautiful copper eyes and she would tell him that she was there for him,with him.

But all the hope was erased from him when instead of Sara his eyes fixated on Dylan,her future husband.

The moment Michael saw him his jaw clenched in anger and he felt it spread quickly in his veins.He watched as the wanker stepped in with the biggest fucking smile on his face that the engineer wanted to wipe away with his fist.The urge to scream and break things was returning in his body with full force and he had to take a deep breath to calm himself.

"I was hoping to catch you before you leave us" Dylan spoke, still smiling but Michael didn't even make the effort to greet him.Right now he wanted to fucking murder him.

"And I wanted to give you this" he slid a beautifully decorated envelope to Michael and his brows knitted together in confusion when he read the words 'wedding invitation '

"What's this?" Michael's strict grumpy voice echoed in the office as he ever so rudely stared at the envelope.

"You know me and Sara are getting merr-"

"So?" Mike cut him off before the other man could continue. He just couldn't cause this to himself.He couldn't let himself hear the words.

But Dylan of course,given the naive and stupid man he was,didn't even pay mind to Michael's moodiness, too caught up in the euphoric feeling of getting married so soon.

"We want to invite you to the wedding" he explained finally and Michael felt the bile rise in his throat fastly.Just the thought of Sara with someone else made him sick of his stomach and now this fucker had the audacity to come in here,smiling like a clown, inviting him to the wedding with the woman that was supposed to be with Michael now.

"I can't.I have work.Now if you'll excuse me" Michael's tone was clipped and he quickly got up and exited the office.He couldn't stand sitting there with that prick and breathing the same air as him without beating the fucker to death.It was too much even for him.

After he ordered the security to get his stuff down by his car,because in his anger and frustration he left it in the office, he got in and when he had everything he needed,Michael drove to Linc and Vee's house,trying to breathe deeply to calm himself.He was already counting the little days left to his flight...

Okay,first,so sad abt our sweet Michael.
Second,I sorry that I didn't update 'her other half 'today,but I just felt like writing this instead.
Update on the other story will be tomorrow aka Monday

Till next time

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