15. I Will...

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Nervousness coursed thru Sara's whole body and her palms were sweating as she found herself making her way to the tall and familiar building's gates.

With quick steps she fastly guided her feet to counter in the lobby where stood Felicia, her eyes glued to the computer as always. What the young doc was about to do wasn't easy but it had to be done.

Sara couldn't get Michael out of her head and everything was slipping out of control,from him kissing her in the kitchen five days ago to her dreams.
She had to stop before things got worse and she actually did something she would regret later.

The doc wasn't supposed to feel that way.She thought she loved Dyl with all she had,thought the nice and calm life they lived was good.But then Scofield came into the picture and everything changed

Sara felt a rush of excitement every every time she saw him,she shivered lustfully from his touch,her heart pounded furiously with every look he gave her.Those lovely blue eyes that had a hint or unknown in them lured her to the engineer.Just one touch from him was enough to set her whole body on fire and she could feel the wetness pooling in her underwear every time.

The brunnete hated herself for this,for what she was doing to Dylan.For God's sake they were about to get married in five months.It had been almost a month since she met Michael and everything she was feeling towards him was messing with her head badly.If someone asked her just a month ago if she was ready for the wedding,Sara would have jumped up and down in delight.But now,now she wasn't even sure anymore.

"Umm,miss Tancredi... Are you with me?" Felicia asked more loudly so Sara could hear her this time.The doc had been so deep in her head that she hadn't even realized when she got to the counter.

"Yes,sorry" she said quickly and bit her lower lip.She tried to decrease the awkwardness with an awkward smile which only worsened her situation

Felicia's eyes narrow slightly but she dismissed Tancredi's weird attitude. So she gave her one polite smile and asked her question again.

"So how may I help you,miss?" Sara just now realized that Felicia always called her 'miss,miss Tancredi'.She hates that.She was just an ordinary person.

"Its just Sara" she corrected her gently with a sencere smile "Dylan asked of me to come and take the papers for his last project " she just hoped that Felicia wouldn't make it a problem and not let her in.She hoped her lie was decent enough to be believed.Dylan in fact was in NY on a congress for the new projects for houses around the coast of Long Island and would be home later that night.

"Umm,okay...Sara.Would you like me to tell someone to get them for you?" And at that the doc shook her head,trying to appear calm.The last thing she wanted was to be caught in Michael's office when Dylan wasn't even in Chicago.

"No,I'll be good,thank you tho" she tried to appear normal as she waited for Felicia to hand her a visitors card and the moment the secretary slid It across the counter Sara took it with a quick 'thank u' and headed for the elevator.

That same elevator where she and Michael locked lips for the first time and memories flooded her mind as she entered the cabin.The ride this time seemed so much faster than when they kissed or maybe it was just her head playing games with her.Her heart was beating so wildly in her chest and her hands were shaky.

Suddenly the panic that she didn't know where his office was and the fact that she couldn't ask Felicia was even more frustrating.Her hazel eyes looked around frantically and then it hit her.Floor 18.The same as Dylan's. That's where he went the last time.She just hoped it really was his office cus imagine the awkwardness if she entered someone else's office.

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