35. What Are You Doing, Sara?

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*Katie looking like a badass*

Sara stood silently by the edge of her desk and watched as Katie went and opened a window despite the air conditioner working.

Sara knew this expression.Katie was mad and she wasn't gonna let this pass.She would want answers and the doc had no choice but to stay there and confess.


"Before you start talking let's get rid of this sex smelling air" her friend interrupted Sara,her voice dripping with mockery which left the doc feeling more embarrassed than ever.

Sara shut her mouth and bowed down her head a bit,her teeth piercing her flesh.

She saw Katie lean on the frame of the open window,crossing her hands over her chest.

"What are you doing Sara?Are you cheating on Dylan?" Surprisingly, the nurse's voice was calm and low as she waited for a response from her best friend. What she saw in that office just a minute ago left Katie stunned.She had never thought that Sara would do this.

"I-i don't know how it happened, Katie.I don't know" Sara sighed quietly and buried her face in her hands. This was all such a mess.It was her fault,but even if the guilt kept on towing on her shoulders, Sara wouldn't leave Michael.She was too in love to do that.

"How long?"

"August is our third month together" Sara replied too lowly and looked at her friend, but she didn't see the judgement in her chocolate eyes,she didn't see the previous anger.All she saw was pity and sadness in Katie's eyes.

"Why,Sara?Darling, is your relationship with Dylan not good, is he treating you poorly?"

Katie fired all those questions but her tone was gentle and she went in to hug Sara.She knew the doc needed it.True,this affair was a very stupid thing to do,but Katie wouldn't leave her alone,instead she would try to help her solve this.That's what family does.And Sara was family to her.

Sara laid her head on her shoulder and a tear rolled down her cheek and onto Katie's uniform top.

"I fell in love with him,Katie.I wasn't able go run away from it.He just struck me like a lighting" she sobbed even tho she knew she had no right to be sad when she was the one doing this to her fiancé.She was the villain in this story.

"Oh,Sara..." Katie pursed her lips and ran her hand up and down the doc's back in a calming manner.

"Why won't you leave Dylan then?Or break things with Michael. Honey,you can't have both of them."

Katie tried to reason with her friend.

Sara shook her head and stood up,her fingers playing with the end of her coat.

"Its not that simple" she replied and occupied Katie's previous position by the window.The city was so lively and people were going on with their lives while Sara watched with watery eyes.

"Why not?If you really love Scofield,then you need to break things with Dyl." Katie explained and even tho it pained her to even offer this,it was Sara's only option.She had to dump one of the two men.This game was dangerous.

"I don't wanna hurt Dylan" was Sara's weak response,her hazel eyes staying trained on the bright streets outside.

"Don't you think you've hurt him enough already?"

This question hit Sara like a truck and her head shot to look at Katie who was already looking at her steadily.

"I just,I don't want things to go down like that.I'm scared." She finally admitted it to herself and to someone else.

"Scared of what?That you'll hurt and lose him or scared that you'll lose Michael if you choose to stay with your fiancé?"

Damn it,why did Katie have to always ask the difficult questions!

"Sara,you'll be marrying him in two months, don't do this to yourself,girl.You need to decide.You can't bounce between them"

Katie added when Sara kept her silence and she hoped her friend listened to her because the nurse hated seeing her like this.And it got to her,she had been so damn happy and bright because of her relationship with Scofield.

Right person,wrong time they say

"Wish I had time for complicated" Sara voiced quietly and looked down,pulling a strand of her fallen ponytail behind her ear.

Katie sighed and took the files on the desk that Sara was supposed to bring to her and looked at the doc again

"You know I wont judge you and you know I'll always be there for you,but you need to get your shit together before someone gets hurt.Don't play with fire like that,Sara"

And with that the nurse let herself out,leaving Sara alone with her thoughts. She wanted to cry.She wanted to curse the person that made her meet Michael but made them impossible for each other.She wanted to smash everything in this damn office as the anger from her own actions built up in her system.

If only she had been single and if only they had met in an ordinary damn coffee shop.Michael would ask for her number,they would go out and would feel this strong connection from miles away.They would be in an open relationship, without the secrecity and the lying.They would happily live in his loft,fuck like rabbits and have the best time of their lives.Maybe a few kiddos and a doggo on the way too.

Oh,if she only had time for complicated...

A small sob escaped her and with a deep breath to calm herself she reached for her phone,her fingers quickly typing.

*we need to talk.Meet me at the bay at 6*

Her eyes were blurry as her orbs focused on the words.She just hoped that all would end well in the end...

Who else loves how supportive Katie is.Also,what do you think will happen when they meet up?

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