12. Roses

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Sara was just spraying perfume on herself when she heard the door bell ring and jumped in her place.He was here.Her heart started racing and with trembling fingers she put the bottle down,exiting their bedroom to go open the door.

She casted a brief glance at Dyl who was now putting wine glasses on the table and light jazz was sounding from the living room.

With a deep breath,Sara braced herself and opened the front door.

Katie and Henry's smiling faces washed before her eyes and the doc felt more than relieved.Maybe he would be late or he simply wasn't coming.She surely hoped so,because otherwise she had no idea how she would survive the night under his intense blue orbs.

"Doctor, Tancredi,are you ready to get wiped out from this baby right here?" Katie half yelled in excitement and held up the 'Cabernet Sauvignon' bottle of red wine in her hands.

Sara laughed at her friend's antics and went to hug her.God,she was so grateful to have Katie in her life.

"Hi Henry" The doc greeted her friend's husband with a smile when she and Katie parted and Sara gave him a brief hug as well.

"Come on in" she invited them inside the cozy big home just in time as Dyl joined them at the corridor.

"Heyy,come quick guys,we've been waiting for you.How have you been Henry? Katie,you are as stunning as ever" Dyl greeted them excitedly and went to hug his family friends.Which Sara was grateful for because the touch of his hand on her waist felt oddly strange to her.Unwanted...

"Okay,okay.Let's go sit and try Katie's father's infamous Cabernet Sauvignon" Sara said playfully and took the bottle from her friend so she could pour the liquid into the glasses.Sara only hoped the alcohol was strong enough because this night was gonna be quite the adventure.

The beeping sound of the oven took Sara's attention away from the drinks and she went to check out the ready steaks in there.Oh,it smelt delicious. Her stomach crumbled in approval.

"Dyl can you please take care o-" her sentence was stopped mid way by the sound of the bell ringing a second time and now Sara really felt nauseous.

'He's here,he's here.Just be calm.Don't stay near him and most importantly don't kiss him Sara!' She tried to collect herself but the whirling emotions and butterflies in her stomach weren't helping one bit.

"There someone else joining us?" Katie asked with a puzzled smile as she watched Sara go to the door.God,she was so frozen it seemed.Like her steps were forced.

"Yeah,a friend from work is" Dyl informed them " so Henry,my guy,did you watch the New York giants match yesterday,it was a shame for them to lose the game" Sara's fiancé spoke and the two men started talking about football,boring Katie to death.

Sara gave herself a quick glance in the mirror by the door,ignoring her scared and unsure expression. God,no.She was totally not ready to face him.

When she opened the front door,the sight of Michael Scofield suddenly looked more delicious that the steak in the oven and damn it,the tingles it spread thru her body.Sara couldn't help herself and on their own accord,her copper eyes roamed his sinfully sexy body.Loose blue jeans covered his long legs and a baby blue shirt covered his upper body,bring it out the blue in his eyes.The sleeves of it were rolled of course,showing those inked beautiful hands of his.Two of the bottoms were open,exposing his inked as well chest.Sara couldn't help but wonder what his godly body looked like without clothes.Damn it,he was so fucking sexy and Sara wanted to jump him right then and there.

The big bouquet of red roses in his hand caught her attention and when she looked into his sparkling in the night eyes,it felt as if it was only the two of them there.

"Good,evening, Sara.You look beautiful" he greeted her with a grin. It was true,she absolutely looked stunning.Even in just plain jeans and navy blouse.Navy.His favorite color looked so good on her and for a moment Michael imagined her sprawled on his cotton navy sheets underneath him,begging him to fuck her.

He bit his lip hard,trying to make these thoughts go away but when his gaze settled on her rosy lips Mike couldn't help but yarn to kiss them,touch them, use them.

The engineer knew perfectly well that it would kill him to be so close to her but in the same time so far away from her.No woman had ever captured him the way Miss Tancredi had and he couldn't stop thinking about her ever since the first time he laid eyes on her.Her beauty was natural and no woman could match her in Michael's mind.

"Good evening" she said softly,a small smile grazing her lips and she had to refrain at least a thousand times from staring at his plump ones.

"Come on in" but she made no effort to step aside and when Mike entered the house,their hot bodies brushed together. Yea,so much as staying away from him.His now familiar scent invaded her nostrils and she gulped hard as she closed the door behind him.

"These are for you,beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman" he knew he probably sounded lame but he couldn't help it.This woman was just something else entirely.

Sara gently took them away from him,hoping that he didn't notice her bashful expression in the dimly lit corridor. When she looked up from the beautiful bouquet,Michael was staring instensly at her and that made Sara squirm under his gaze.

"Thank you,they are beautiful" she answered quietly, biting her bottom lip and breathed in the sweet scent of the roses.It was gonna be an interesting night for sure...

Hope u all liked it and yea,misa is finally in the same room together, would they control themselves this time around tho?☺
Till next time.

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