120. Five Years Later

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5 years later

"come on, Michael. Let's go give these to daddy and then we'll go see uncle Linc and auntie Vee"

Sara made a gesture with her free hand to tell Michael Junior to come to her, a big smile stretching her lips as the little 5 year old ran clumsily to her, hugging his mother tightly around her waist.

Since it was Cassie's birthday(Link and Vee's child) Sara had decided to take a week off work and take Mike to Chicago with her so they could celebrate as a family.

So much happened in the next five years.

Sara watched Michael grow, becoming smarter and more handsome with every day that passed. He looked so much like his father, not only in his looks, but he seemed to grasp the interest of construction just like her passed husband.

It wasn't always easy to raise him as a single mother and answer Mikey why he didn't have a daddy like the other kids at school. But this kid was her everything. Sara focused entirely on him and only him, trying to give her child all the care and love in the world.

She often brought him to Chicago so he could bond with the rest of his family and ever since Mike was little Sara would tell him of a super hero called Michael Scofield. Mikey loved that superhero. He even had a small t shirt with Scofield written on its back, which he was wearing now.

Sara tried not to tear up as Mike ran to the grave of his superhero, gently placing the white roses on top of it with a big grin on his innocent face. The summer breeze gently blew away Sara's long yellow summer dress and when Sara's hazel eyes fell upon it a memory struck her as if it was yesterday.

It was years ago when she had just met Michael and it had been a few days since they had made out in his car after their first date. That day it was raining in Chicago, mid May Sara remembered. She could still see his bright blue eyes pleading with her in the local supermarket to talk to him for just a second and could feel his hot wet lips on hers. She yarned to taste them again...

And then Sara remembered telling him there couldn't be anything between them  cus she loved Dylan. The hurt in his orbs haunted her to this day and the doc felt a painful pang in her chest. Oh, how she missed him. So so much.

Clearing her throat and shaking her head a little to get rid of the unshed tears in her eyes, Sara focused her attention to her son who was currently explaining to superhero Michael about the new "building" he had constructed at home after school a few days ago.

"he seems to love visiting him"

Vee suddenly appeared by Sara's side, startling the doc a little and pulling her away from her melancholic thoughts.Vee smiled at Sara's surprised expression and gave her a tight hug.

"I didn't hear you coming"

Sara said with a genuine smile when the two women parted and both looked at Mikey. The kid looked so lively and happy being here, talking to his favourite superhero and it was heart-warming

"he's handling it well." Vee commented after a few beats of silence, trying to hide the hint of grief from her voice as her green eyes continued on watching the little boy.

"it's better for him this way"

Sara replied quietly, leaning her head against Vee's. It was better for everyone this way. At least if Mikey didn't know his father was dead, he wouldn't have to taste the bitterness of life. Sara wouldn't  bare it to see the confusion and pain in those striking beautiful blue eyes of his. She couldn't do this to her son. He was her everything and the doc couldn't even think of hurting him this way.

She knew she would have to tell him the truth about his father one day but until then Sara preferred to keep her little boy in his happy bubble. He was still a kid after all.

That was her life now and this little boy was  her entire world and she if she had to take anything back or change it, Sara Tancredi wouldn't change a single thing. Michael Scofield had come into her life with a reason. He was like a storm, he came in suddenly, made her life the most beautiful mess and left, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

I love you Michael...


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