71. Bruises

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By the time Michael had gone home and taken a shower it was already around six in the evening.His chunckles were swallowen red and the skin was slightly ripped at places because of the sheer force of his fist against Dylan's fucked face.

Michael wanted to feel guilty,wanted to be sorry for intruding in his home and hitting him,but something so much bigger and more powerful had him hitting the bustard before he could as much as blink.And the immerse satisfaction that coursed thru his veins at watching Sara's to be former husband lying helpless on the floor had Michael more excited than he would of liked to admit.

The hot water had washed away the blood on his busted lip and hands,relieving the tight knots of tension in his shoulders.The engineer knew he needed to tell Sara before the fucker did,because only God knew what he would lie Sara to so Michael could be the villain. But he wouldn't have it.

They were rebuilding the relationship between them and that meant no keeping things from the other. What point in keeping his mouth shut,when Dylan could easily go on and show her the bruises Michael had left on his face.And that would possibly lead to an argument between them,that was the last thing he wanted.The bond and feelings between them were so fragile right now that every slight thing was possible to shake them in a negative way.

So after his long and somewhat relaxing shower,Michael shaved the small stubble on his face,carefully avoiding his bruised lower lip and then treated his chunckle.If Sara saw it she'd insist on fixing it herself and Michael wasn't sure he could handle her touching him,even like that,without jumping at her and capturing those luscious lips that he'd been dreaming of ever since they got parted.Baby steps,Michael,baby steps.

He kept reminding himself of it as he covered his inked upper body with a navy baggy sweater and covered his long legs with blue jeans.Spraying some perfume on himself Michael looked at his reflection in the mirror in the corridor.

His blue eyes were sparkling with determination,plump lips set into a straight line as he shrugged his baggy black jacket on.His mood despite the fight with the wanker and the small voice in his head telling him that Sara wouldn't like what he did,was suspiciously good and he hoped tonight was going to turn out well.But he'd never regret beating Dylan.Ever.

Sara better understand that...


"I was thinking of roast chicken for dinner with some greens.God,my tummy is rumbling just by the thought of it" Katie dreamily said as she and Sara walked to the exit of Chicago Memorial, the long day at the busy hospital finally over.

Sara giggled at her friend's demanour and felt her own stomach growling at the mention of food.But her mind was elsewhere.She hadn't heard of Michael since he drove her to Katie's at almost 2 in the morning a night ago.And the doc sure as hell tried to ignore the small voice in her head that told her that Michael,despite his words at the diner,had actually decided to stay away from her.

But she couldn't leave things at that.When Sara said she'd fight back for his trust and love she fucking meant it and she had every intention of calling him tonight,just to hear his deep but so smooth voice...and to calm her inner voice that had always been so damn annoying.

"Katie,I can't even say how grateful I am for you to have me in the house,I know I'm intrud-"

"Sara,honey.You are more than welcome in that damn house, you know,my house is your house too.Besides the girls love you and you know it.Take all the time you need and don't worry,okay?"

Katie cut Sara off with a gentle but reassuring smile,meaning every single word. Sara,thankfully had been saving quite a bit in her bank account and she was only staying at Katie's till she found a suitable flat that was on her pocket,because damn it,Chicago was expensive. She knew she could always just go to her father and ask him for money or even an entire apartment but then again,her pride came into the picture and besides,Frank didn't even know that Sara was failing a divorce with Dylan.

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