32. For You, Ms. Tancredi

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Songs: "witchcraft";" fly me to the moon" -Frank Sinatra

Work day was finally over and the moment Michael stepped out of the gates of the building he loosened up his black tie with white stripes.It was so fucking hot out.

He quickly scanned the roads full of people and cars and was about to head to the parking lot when something caught his attention.

An elderly woman,probably in her seventies was sitting on a chair and before her were sprawled pods of beautiful flowers. And that gave him an idea.A small smirk crept upon his lips as he walked up to the woman.

Her face was wrinkled and her hair gray but her honey eyes were so warm.A person could see she had a pure soul.

"Good evening,Miss.Can I buy some flowers?" He greeted her sweetly with a smile on his face as his eyes raked over the beautiful plants.But a certain set of pink roses caught his eye

"Do you have your focus on anything, son?" She asked kindly and smiled at the young man.Well,he was in his 30s but still.

"I would like a bouquet of pink roses" he informed her,his eyes staying glued on the flowers.He only hoped that his sweet Sara would like them. When they had talked in the morning she sounded off and he had been worried about her.Maybe this would boost her up a bit.He couldn't wait to go home and see her.This sounded so nice.Sara and home...

"Whoever she is,she is going to love them,son" the woman grinned brightly at him and handed him the gorgeous bouquet.

"I can only hope so" he replied,paying the woman and with a "goodbye" went to his parked Audi in long strides,the flowers laid on the passenger seat as he drove away.


The sweet smell of Sara's special vegetables soup that she had cooked for Michael a few times was all around his loft and his stomach grumbled in approval.

"I see you're not bored here,Dr. Tancredi." He joked when he entered the kitchen and found Sara washing her hands.

When she heard his voice Sara quickly dried her hands and went in for a tight hug,burying her nose in his neck.All her anger and problems from earlier that day dissolved the moment he enveloped her in his warm embrace

"I figured since I was cheeky enough to spend the day here I could do something at least" she smiled up at him and went for a kiss,their tongues tying together in a slow sensual kiss that seemed to take all the tension away from both of them.

"You know you don't have to do any of that,right?I don't want you to tire yourself with that" he gently pulled a strand of her ponytail behind her ear,staring lovingly at her.

"I wanted to cook for you,love.And speaking of food,why don't you go take a shower while I put some food to cool into the plates?" She offered,her small palms sliding up and down his clad chest in a relaxing manner.

"Fucking hell,what a wonderful woman you are.Do you know how wonderful you are?" He didn't wait for her to respond and pulled the bouquet that he was so careful for her not to see in front of her.

"For you,Miss Tancredi"

Sara stared wide eyed at the pink roses and their amazing scent enveloped her nose.Dylan never bought her stuff like that because he knew she hated them,but damn it why did her heart flutter like crazy every time Michael did.Every single time he had given her a bouquet she would bring it to her office and stare and grin stupidly at it.

"That's a wonderful gift,Mr.Scofield. I'm very flattered" Sara gave him a kiss and went to take a vase out and fill it with water.The flowers truly were so beautiful.

Michael gazed at her as she put them into the water and the stupid ass grin wouldn't leave his face.He thanked whoever brought them together forever.

"This is so delicious,love" Mike moaned in appreciation 20 minutes later as they sat at the marble black table in his kitchen and ate while Frank Sinatra was quietly playing on the radio.

"Oh,yea?" Sara grinned at him as she watched a bit of the soup drip on the small corner of his mouth.He was so fucking adorable. When he had to be a gentleman he was borderline mamerism and all,but she liked this Michael much better.The Michael in his sweats that sang songs of Frank Sinatra in the mornings,made her dance with him like crazy till they were both laughing their their asses off. She liked the goofy Michael and the one that laughed at her stupid jokes and tickled and played hide and seek with her in his loft.Fucking hell,this man was amazing.

"Mhmmm" he hummed and wiped his mouth with a napkin,his head jamming lightly to the song "fly me to the moon" and his voice was heard,making Sara giggle in her seat.

"Its my birthday in two days" Sara informed him when they started cleaning the table together after their delicious meal.

"Is it,love?" Michael asked,surprise lacing his voice.Why didnt Sara tell him earlier?He would have no time to pick a present properly

"Yep.Dylan will invite you for dinner to celebrate it.It would be suspicious if it was me who's making the invitation"she explained as she put the plates into the dishwasher while Mike brushed the table.

" I would love to be there.But now,Dr Tancredi all I want it for you to dance with me" he took her hand in his and brought her close to him as the song "witchcraft" started playing.

Sara's hands snaked around his neck as they moved together into the beat,grinning at each other and Michael softly sang to her.She had heard him singing when alone a few times and even tho he denied it,she thought his voice was great.Little did she know that he had been in a high school group and was actually a great singer

"Its such an ancient pitch
But one I wouldn't switch
Cus there's no nicer witch than you"

he sang to her and Sara could only stare at him in amazement as they danced together in his kitchen without a single care in the world.

Idk abt you guys,but I personally love this chap.Anyways,hope you enjoyed too and till next time

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