87. Guess Who

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Chicago was so damn beautiful during this time of the year.The streets were covered in white thick snow,buzzing with life as people passed by,of course in much more hurry than usual.The Christmas lights and those of the expensive looking shops gave the city that magical vibe that the holidays always brought upon people.

There was someone dressed as Santa Klaus at every corner,asking you for a photo with Santa for a dollar.But she didn't mind that.Quite the opposite.The never ending lively sounds of Chicago calmed her down.She let the snow flakes fall on her hair and face,enjoying the feeling of being lost in the crowd.

Sometimes she liked to look at the people she passed by and tried to guess their life story.Were they as unfortunate and foolish as she once had been. Did they have a happy family, were they poor or filthy rich,what were the hardships in life they had to go through so she could see them passing her in that exact moment on the street?

She often felt light as a feather when she was around all those people.Because no one was looking at her,no one was paying attention to her.No one seemed to judge her or look her way badly.She was invisible.Everyone was so busy to worry about themselves that they muted everyone around them. That was one of the things she liked the most about her hometown.This city had the ability to just engulf you in its never ending crowds and hide you good.Sometimes that's all she wanted.

When she turned a corner which lead to one of the calmer neighborhoods in Chicago,she strode on the side walk,stepping carefully on the frozen ground.The last thing she wanted was to fall on her ass and bruise it

The other woman was already there when she turned another corner,the house on display.She went and hugged her tightly,smiles covering both their faces.She really liked their developing relationship.It was just unbelievable how lucky she was to be surrounded by such great people as this woman.That was only the beginning of a wonderful friendship she hoped.

"Finally some more long lasting snow in this damned city" the other woman commented with a grin when the two of them parted and started walking to the woman's car.December was cold,goddamn it.She smiled in agreement as they got in the car,her skin a little but she wouldn't have minded walking more anyway.

"Yea,its good to see this scenario. Its quite beautiful" she beamed as she buckled the seatbelt of the passenger seat.When they were set to go,the two women engaged in a small day to day conversation as the other woman started driving to the nearest mall which was at least 45 minutes away unless there were traffic jams which she was sure there would be.


"How was your appointment with the doc"

she asked as the two women strode along the big mall that was so fucking full of people that she felt crushed.Finding good and valuable Christmas presents in here was like trying to find bananas in a corn field.A.k.a impossible.And she really wanted to find something memorable for a gift.Not some Lakers tee that he probably wouldn't even wear.

"I'm four weeks strong now,but I'll have to wait probably four more to reveal the gender." The other woman replied and a small smile curled on her reddish lips,her free hand going to caress her clothed non swallowen belly.She was practically buzzing with excitement.Just the thought that her and him had created a life and it was slowly and steadily growing inside of her was ..immaculate.

They had wanted a baby and knew that whenever they were ready they'd have it.Well,it had happened a little unexpectedly but still,she felt like the proudest mama on earth even tho the baby wasn't even out yet.She couldn't help but be eager to see it.To see this small human being that would give all importance to her living and to her man's.

"I can't wait to see your child running around and laughing. It will truly be a blessing"

the other woman commented with the biggest smile on her face as the two entered a mens' wear shop that was crowded with boring wives who were buying their hubbies the ugliest of choices.There was no thought in those presets,no genuineness. It was just something plain.She hated that.And that's why she was empty handed.Everything here seemed so the same, so blunt.

"I know,right?We'll be a small happy family."

The other woman commented with a soft smile on her face as she imagined him with their girlie/boy.She could see him holding their child in his strong arms,talking to it in a gruffy voice to make it laugh.She imagined him singing to their kid when it would break into hysterical cries in the night,calming it down in his solid embrace. He was gonna be a good father

"But he doesn't know yet and I'm not sure how exactly to say it" she added as her eyes aimlessly roamed the piles and aisles of clothes that she had no intention of buying.

"You're scared of his reaction?" She asked the other woman,her not so perfectly groomed brows scrunching together in thought.

"No,it's not that I'm scared"

the other woman shrugged,trying to seize the right words to explain it with as they left yet another shop without buying anything.Their mission of buying presents was starting to seem more and more impossible with every shop they exited with empty hands.

"It just happened so suddenly and we haven't talked about it recently" she added but the other woman's gaze was glued to the baby store they were passing by and she suddenly caught the pregnant woman by her hand,stopping her.An idea popping in her mind.

"I think I have an idea" the non pregnant woman said as she lead the other woman into the store where they were politely greeted by the two saleswomen.

The pregnant woman watched her friend with curiosity as she got herself in line,waiting for her turn to come.Damn it,why was it so damn full in here too?

"What are we doing here?" She asked in a shushed voice but couldn't help the way her eyes roamed around all the baby clothes,her imagination going wild once again with vidid dreams that she hoped would become her reality in just eight months.

"Shh,you'll see" her friend gave her a delvish grin as they moved further, finally being their turn on the check.

"Hi,I just wanted to ask if you have these clothes that say 'congrats,you're gonna be a father' or something?" She offered a kind smile to one of the saleswomen who looked down in thought for a bit and then nodded once.

"Mira,I'll go show the ladies what they are looking for"

the saleswoman informed the other one,which was named Mira apparently and then walked from behind the counter to a direction in the shop, silently gesturing for the two women to follow her,which they did.

"Perhaps this is what you're looking for?"

The saleswoman asked them once they reached a pile full of boys and girls clothes,all with the writings congrats mommy,congrats daddy.That's exactly what she had in mind.The two females thanked her and dived straight into their search.

"Maybe that should be his gift.Its a nice way to tell him you're having a baby"

her friend smiled at the pregnant woman,reaching out to take a white baby bodysuit that had a ' congratulations,you're gonna be a daddy' saying on it with in blue letters.

The pregnant woman took the bodysuit gently from her friend's palms into her own,allowing her fingers to graze the words written on the soft material.She felt her eyes getting watery as a grin broke onto her beautiful face.Her pregnancy was in its earliest phase and she was already so emotional. How hadn't she thought of this? It was the perfect way to tell him.So perfect.

She felt her heart pick up speed, the small clothing still in her hand as she imagined his face when be opened his gift in 2 days.It was all so exciting and sudden and she felt like she was hyperventilating.

"This is the perfect gift"....

Don't hate me lol,I purposely didn't put any names here.Have fun figuring out who is who 😁 and hope you all have a great day/night

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