79. Stubborn? I'm Worse, Honey...

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Song : " high by the beach" Lana Del Rey


When the divorce papers came back
to Sara unsigned on a Sunday afternoon she couldn't help but curse Dylan with every possible bad word that ever existed.It had been a whole ass week since her lawyer sent the papers to him and he had the audacity to reject.

The doc was borderline pissed.How could he be so selfish,refraining her from happiness with the man she was in love with.Her beautiful and amazing Michael. Yes,she didn't do him good at all by cheating on his stupid as fuck ass and marrying him was one of her biggest mistakes.

But at least she had had the balls to call everything off,for his and her own sake.At that time she wasn't certain that Michael would even want to breathe the same air as her,but she had needed to do this.And now as things were going her way for once,this fucker decided to play games on her.

To be frank,Sara never pegged him as the man he showed himself to be.She had thought of him as a kind,quiet person,but when she slipped once he showed his true face.Yes,he had had every right to be angry at her and scream and even throw her out of the house,but not to lay a hand on her,call her a drug addict of a whore and delay signing the papers.That was low,even for him

Her friendship with Michael had been progressing so well in the past month.They finally had the chance to properly do things.With the cute little dates,taking their time,not hiding from anyone.The freeing feeling to walk around the park without fearing that someone might recognize her with another man was so..nice.Just amazing and healing for their friendship which she hoped would grow into a relationship again.She was gonna be patient.Sara would wait for an eternity for Michael if she had to.

This time nothing was rushed and they had all the time in the world.Well,she was so angry that Dylan wouldn't sign and the sexual tension between her and Mike was definitely growing,the barely contained lust was only fueling her passion for him even further.

Only the reminder of last Saturday when he was helping her move and they shared their...moment was able to make her wet her panties in an instant.That night when he had went home,she lit a scented candle in her room,shut the lights and snaked a hand between her thighs,her imagination only briefly covering what she knew would come once she was Tancredi again.And she was so eager and excited to be with him in a real relationship again.

Her naughty thoughts of Michael got to her quickly,the wetness collecting between her legs as tingles and goosebumps ran all over her.It somehow managed to calm her nervousness and she felt less agitated as she walked thru the gates of the 'Skies' company,the building where her about to be former husband worked.

She was more than determined to make him sign the damn documents and she'd force him If she had to.The doc just wanted to be happy for once,goddamn it.And his prejudices wouldn't stay in her way,not anymore.

The surprised look Felicia, the annoying ass secretary that always checked Michael out,gave Sara was ignored by the doc and she went straight to business.Her chin up and her hazel eyes hard on the dark haired woman behind the counter,she nodded swiftly as a greeting,her lips pursed in a tight line.She wasn't gonna take anyone's shit any longer.

Michael's love was overpowering and even tho they weren't still together, he gave her strength and confidence and she felt like the most desired and untouchable woman.The barrier would only be broken by his magnetic blue pools.

"Mrs.Hanks,good morning.What can I do for you?"

Sara's eyes squinted just the slightest as she looked at the secretary. Had this woman always been so fake or was the doc seeing it only now.Maybe being with Dylan had her blinded in the worst way possible. Not to talk about the way her blood practically boiled when she called her Hanks.

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