30. I Love...

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*edit made by me*

At first Michael thought he was imagining the words coming out of her mouth,but when he looked into her hooded hopeful hazel eyes,he knew.

She had said it.

She loved him.

His right hand came to caress the side of her cheek gently,in complete contrast with his a bit violent behavior while he fucked her.

His breathing was shallow and it felt as if his heart was hardly pumping in his chest as they laid tangled on the black sofa.The air in th room was starting to cool down together with the high of their orgasms.

"You do?" His question came out as a whisper and he only hoped he had heard correctly.

"Yes.I love you,Michael" Sara declared.She didn't care that they had been together only a month and a half.What the two of them shared was something truly special. Their bond was so strong and if Sara didn't believe in this soulmate shit before,she definitely did now.Michael was her other half.

"And I love you,Sara" his voice was low and when he saw a grin appear on her beautiful lips,he couldn't help but smile himself.Words would never describe how grateful he was to have her in his life.He only hoped she knew how important she had become to him.

Sara couldn't contain the grin on her lips when hearing him say it.All her fears of him not returning her feelings vanished and her heart filled with warmth.And that weird feeling in her stomach settled, but it was good.He wanted to share more of his past with her and it meant a lot to the doc.

"You know,Mr.Scofield, I'm kinda starving after this...session of ours." She giggled when her stomach rumbled in approval and with a chaste kiss,Mike got up from the couch and pulled his boxers on,aware of Sara staring at him the whole time which only left him smirking.

"There you go" he gave her a plate full of Chinese food moments later and sat down beside her with his own in hand.Sara was wearing his black tee,her sex hair gracefully falling onto her shoulders and she hummed quietly when having a bite of her food.Even if it was cold it was delicious.Or maybe she was just too hungry after their mind blowing fuck.

"They are truly amazing" Sara commented quietly,her copper eyes observing the intricate ink on her lover's body.Truly fascinating.

"I was actually surprised you didn't recognize me.The news were going crazy about me and Linc at the time" Mike scoffed and took a sip from his water.

'It's now or never,Tancredi'

"That's because at that time I was uh,I was high all the time.I used to be an addict,Michael.I never knew what was going on around me." It looked as if that night was a night of confessions and Sara couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about his reaction.

Michael didn't seem to care tho.Everyone had pasts and everyone had made mistakes.Never judge someone by their past,because you were never there with them to witness why they did what they did...

He gave her a soft smile and grasped her little hand in his,entertwining their fingers together.

"I think we will manage just fine for an ex con and ex addict, don't you think,love?" At that they both laughed and in this moment, it felt as there was nothing more pure than the love these two had for each other.A forever one.


"Soo, when are we going to get you a dresssss.There are so many kinds,oh God,I can't wait to see you in white,darling?" Katie said excitedly as they walked to the canteen to get lunch since it was raining again and they couldn't go to the bistro.

Sara barely contained herself from rolling her eyes at the mention of her wedding that was 3 and a half months away.The doc felt as if she would vomit just at the reminder that she was about to become Hanks in just a few months.

"Katie,there's still 3 months left,I have time.Besides,i don't really want something grande,just something simple with not many people" Sara offered,trying to steady the annoyance that could surely be sensed in her tone.

Katie scoffed at her words and gave her a funny look as they both poured some coffee for themselves. Hospital coffee tasted like shit.That's why Sara almost never ate there.

"You know that's not even possible. Frank would never allow the daughter of the governor to have a simple wedding.Besides,Dylan doesn't seem like the type to shy away from showing off either."

That was another reason why Sara hated being the governor's daughter.Ever since she 'got her life in order' Frank insisted she and Dylan attend any important meeting or a ball or whatever just so he could show off his perfect daughter and her fiancé. The doc really wished to tell everybody to fuck off every once in a while.Especially her dad,even tho he acted a bit more okay and they had a somewhat decent father daughter relationship. Until she decided to fuck up that was.

"Hellooo,Earth to Sara,did you hear me?" Katie said a bit loudly,snapping the doc out of her miserable thoughts.

"Ye,I heard you" she huffed and sipped from her black coffee.Fucking hell, that tasted like shit.She quickly disposed it in the sink and threw the cup in the nearby bin,hoping none of the other staff saw her almost spitting it out.

Just as Katie was about to say something Sara's phone vibrated in her pocket


"Dr.Tancredi, urgent case in operation room 4" nurse Julia spoke hurriedly on the phone and Sara was so glad she was about to escape her friend's burning questions for once.

"I'll be right there" her voice was firm and she hung up,trying not to slip away way too quickly.

"I gotta go,operation emergency" with that she quickly made her way out of the canteen and to operation room 4,trying not to think about the upcoming wedding that was burning hot on her trail.Fucking hell,God be with her.

What are your thoughts on this?The wedding is coming guys,what do you think will happen?
Till next time!

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