48. Liar

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After Michael changed his suit into jeans and long sleeved blouse, the couple decided to arrange themselves a small date.Just the normal things a couple would do,which they weren't but both lovers wanted to enjoy the most of each other while it lasted.

Good for them,there was a very nice park just near Michael's neighborhood and they decided not to take his car,despite the slightly chilly fall weather.

"Fall is so beautiful" Sara commented with a small smile as they walked along a path that was covered with withered leaves,all of them with so many beautiful colors.

The couple's fingers were laced together,keeping them warm in the afternoon as they enjoyed the last remaining few hours of the sunlight.There were many people walking past them,kids yelling and joggers and elderly people were everywhere.

A grin appeared on Michael's lips at her comment and his blue orbs wandered for a moment around the beautiful park.It really was beautiful. But there was something more fascinating and mesmerizing that he would never forget.His Sara was the most gorgeous and amazing woman he had ever seen and her beauty was irreplaceable.Just like her soul and pure heart.

"It is,but for me,you are way more beautiful"

In Michael's eyes whenever Sara smiled she bloomed beautifully like a rose in Spring.Sara was sexy and dearing like the most hot days of Summer,she was as fascinating as the path the fallen leaves created in Fall and she was sometimes ice cold and unpredictable like the worst snow storms in Winter.But Sara was and would always be the love of his life and the one Michael would forever cherish.To him she was one in a million.

"Liar" Sara giggled and rolled her eyes, squeezing his fingers in hers.After almost five months of them being together he still had the ability to make her blush like a teenage girl even with the slightest of a compliment. The power Michael Scofield held over her...

"Yea,you're actually not beautiful" Michael answered after a few seconds of silence,trying to suppress his laughter hard at her sudden confused expression.He stopped walking,tugging her to stop too and he watched as Sara searched his serious eyes for some hint that it was a joke.

Michael didn't care that they were in the middle of a path that was full of people because the moment his blue orbs met her copper ones he forgot everything and everyone else except Sara.His lovely Sara.

One of his long fingers came to gently caress her cheek and he allowed a small smile to graze his lips as he gazed down at his world.Sara's eyes closed for a second at his tender touch

"The word beautiful can never fit a woman like you,Sara.You are just purely fascinating, my love.So fucking gorgeous" he watched as her previously scowling face turned into a sweet blush and she bit her lip,gazing up at Mike,trying to ignore the damn butterflies that were dancing in delight from his kind words.

The doc leaned her face to his and their lips met in a chaste sweet kiss.God,this man.She wanted to rain his face with kisses.And not because he had told her she was beautiful. It was simply the fact that Michael coming into her life was a real blessing and she was her true self with him.She loved him truly and with all her heart.

"Don't play me like that,Scofield or no head for a month" She laughed at her own false threat,gazing up at him lovingly with the stupidest smile on her face.

Michael rose a brow at her words,remembering her just an hour ago under his desk with his dick stuffed in her mouth.The memory made him hard in his jeans uncomfortably fast.

"Baby,we both know you you love my dick too much to even concider it" he said as lowly so other people couldn't hear them and Sara pursed her lips,suppressing her grin.

"Touché"and with that the couple continued their walk,hand in hand, both of them buzzing from the foreign but so so pleasant feeling of being free.

"I can't believe we got caught in the rain" Sara said an hour later in a fit of giggles as they entered some small restaurant that they had seen in their rush to get away from the rain.They both had felt like teenagers, running hand in hand from the rain and laughing like idiots.And even tho they were wet to the bone they wouldn't change any of that for the world.

"Maybe we should have taken my car" Michael commented quietly with a laugh as they seated themselves at a table near the window and watched as people tried desperately to get away from the storm.
The restaurant was fairly full and the couple enjoyed the warmth coming from the conditioner as the sweet scent of food invaded their senses.

Just as Sara was about to answer a waitress welcomed them and handed them menus and retreated, giving the couple time to choose their food.Soup sounded quite delicious for both of them and when they gave their order in,the couple cuddled next to one another on the small couch.Whenever they were eating together they liked to sit next to each other and not opposite.The closer,the better.

"I think this is my favoutite restaurant now" Sara giggled a bit as she tasted a spoonful of the soup and moaned in delight, enjoying both the food and Michael's slight caress on her inner thigh,trying not to get affected by it.

Oh but only if Michael knew what she was hiding under the plain clothes.Her trip to Victoria Secret was definitely fun and Sara couldn't wait for his reaction to seeing her in the fancy lingerie.He just wait till they got home.

"Its good,yea"Michael nodded his approval as he too ate a big spoonful of the food.

"So,when will you be leaving for downtown?" Sara questioned as she wiped her mouth with a napkin and took a sip from her water.

"In like ten days.These projects are on the finish line.And when I get back to Maxwell you can visit me freely." Michael gave her a sweet smile and took her free hand in his,kissing the back of her hand lovingly.

Sara decided not to dwell on the fact that her wedding was like in 20 days.She wanted to focus on the now and the time she had with Michael.That's all that mattered to her anyways.

"Of course" she gave him a tender smile and kissed his lips,wanting to free herself of any thought that was wedding related.The man beside her was all that was important to her.

Do u think Mike will like Sara's surprise?

Do u think Mike will like Sara's surprise?

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