102. A Long Night

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Song:" should have known better " sufjan Stevens

The whole flat was pitch black when Michael entered, the blinds to all the windows in the living room were down and it was only when the engineer turned the lights on that he saw Sara curled into a ball on the couch, a small gray blanket covering her small body and Blue, who'd usually bark at him the moment he opened the door, was now quietly nestled next to her

What was even weirder was the fact that Sara didn't even acknowledge him when he entered.She just laid on the light gray couch, her beautiful face covered by her now mid long auburn hair and she didn't even flinch by the opening of the front door or from the lights.

When Michael's blue eyes seized her up worry immediately crept in his every vein and cell and the engineer strode to the couch with hurried steps, leaving the beautiful roses on the coffee table.

Crouching next to her on the sofa, Michael gently removed some of her hair with his long fingers so he could see her face.She was sleeping. Her brows were knitted together hard as if she was in an incredible pain and the dried stains of mascara were tainting her gorgeous face. Her skin was even paler than usual and thanks to her blocked nose she was breathing harsher.

Michael's worry increased drastically and he was debating whether to wake her up or let her sleep whatever had happened away. Millions of questions started swimming in his head, surfacing on the tip of his mouth but he had no one to ask them of.

What had happened? Why hadn't Sara called him for something that had obviously upset her so much?Was it something with her father? Or maybe with that fucker Dylan. Michael was ready to fight them all in the name of Sara's well being.Or maybe she had called but he hadn't heard his phone. Shit, if he had, he wouldn't he able to be at peace with himself

Because now as he watched his wife sleeping, she seemed so under pressure and sad and mad and the angry black traces that had dried on her cheeks only whispered to him of what a great sorrow she must of been in for something.

He wanted answers, but he also didn't want to wake her. She must of been fighting her own demons then, in her sleep. He knew when Sara was sad about something if Michael wasn't the one comforting her, she escaped to the world of dreamland.

His long digits carefully caressed her slightly wet, probably from tears hair and when he looked at Blue, who was lying peacefully on Sara's curled legs, he saw the doggo looking at him with that one sad puppy look that made Michael even more worried. But good girl she was, comforting her mommy the best way she could.

With a low sigh, Michael stood up to his full height and went to turn off the lights and instead turned on the small desk lamp that was on top of one of their book shelves. Then he undressed his suit jacket and left it on one of the chairs on the table, trying to make as less noise as he could, so he wouldn't wake up his sleeping beauty.

And then with careful moves, he snaked his strong tattoed hands under her warm body, lifting her up slowly so her sleep wouldn't be disturbed and surprisingly Sara didn't even flinch as Michael hugged her to his chest and slowly started to walk to their bedroom with Blue following quietly behind him.

His ocean eyes were glued to Sara's restless in worry face and he felt his heart breaking for her. Even in her sleep, Sara looked deeply sad and disturbed about something and Michael wasn't sure he had seen her like this before. It was scaring him beyond belief to know his love was hurting.

With much effort to open the door and to not hit Sara's hanging head on the door frame, Michael slowly entered their bedroom where he could see the pretty sunset from the big windows of the room.
It was so beautiful and colourful, the last strands of the sun were weakly caressing his skin with its warmth. It was a complete contrast to what he was feeling at that moment.

The engineer placed his wife on the bed gently and Sara didn't move even once as he put the white comforter on top of her body and pulled down the blinds completely so she wouldn't be disturbed by the lights of the nearby buildings. Blue climbed on the bed and again curled next to Sara comfortably.

Michael watched her as she slept, her breathing still heavy and her face muscles didn't relax even for once as he moved her from one room to another.But the smudged mascara on her cheeks bothered him too much and with the risk of waking her, he took a wet wipe from the packet on the night stand, carefully cleaning as much as he could around and under her closed eyes.

And 20 minutes later, after taking a quick shower and changing into sweats, Michael entered the kitchen. His belly was rumbling rebelliously, reminding him of the single coffee he had this morning. But he hated eating dinner without Sara by his side. It felt wrong and all he wanted was for her to just be alright. He was so damn worried

And despite the luring idea to just order a pizza, Michael knew Sara wouldn't be in the mood for that, especially if she wasnt feeling well. So putting all the knowledge he had learned from his amazing wife, the engineer took out all the veggies ftom the fridge in the hopes to try and make her favourite vegetable soup.

A smile crept upon his frowning lips as the memory of Sara dictating him the recepy over the phone emerged in his mind. He remembered how he almost sliced his middle finger off, too caught up in listening to her soft voice over the line. Michael would lie if he said he wasn't completely head over heels in love with everything in her.

Of course cooking didn't go without any incidents since Michael almost over cooked the vegetables, but the soup actually turned out fine, only lacking a bit salt. And by the time the engineer sat to eat he felt more exhausted than ever and all he wanted was to just lay next to his wife and sleep for 3 days straight.

He also tried not to go and glance at her from the door every 2 minutes to see if she was awake, but she never was. It was as if someone had put her under a sleeping trance that she had no power to escape from. And now even if he was dying to go to sleep, the engineer knew he would be restless and that would result in him just tossing and turning all night in worry.

So, after washing his plate and putting the roses in water, Michael laid comfortably on the couch, stretching his long legs on it and tried not to think how he found Sara lying there almost dead like 3 hours ago. Nothing on the TV was gonna hold his interest for long but his eyes were too tired for him to start reading a book now. It was no use because he knew he wouldn't be able to concentrate anyway.

It was gonna be a restless night by all means and all Michael was left with was to wait for Sara to wake up so he'd finally calm down a bit and ask her what had happened. But first and foremost he was hoping she was physically and mentally alright...

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