20. Mr. Scofield

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*a month later*
Song for this chap" I know" tom Odell

"Damn it" Michael cursed under his breath as his skeptical blue eyes observed the burnt lasagna on his bar plot. He thought he had the oven under control and went to take a quick shower but when the engineer returned,the smell of burnt food invaded his nose.It was 7:09pm and Sara would be coming soon.

He had wanted to make dinner for her since he knew she would be tired after work but to hell with dinner.Now he had to order some take out.Fucking shit.

But despite the destroyed lasagna Michael was in such a good mood.This past month since he cornered Sara in the restaurant's restroom she had agreed to be with him,to be his. They were lovers now and he was on cloud nine.Of course they both decided to wait a bit till they had sex but he wasn't complaining. He was just happy.The woman he had wanted so so much was beside him. And while she still hadn't broken things with Dylan,which Michael hoped she would do soon,he tried to hide his annoyance with that.He didn't like sharing but Sara was there and as the desperate man that he was,he was willing to take everything she offered.

They quickly learned so many things about each other. Like how she was the messier one of them, but the better cook.Michael discovered a true child hiding In her.He remembered that one Saturday morning when she was staying at his place how she sprawled flour all over his face and they chased and tickled each other like little kids or how she cant sleep with even a glimpse of light in a room or her undying love for Scooby Doo.She was so carefree when she was with him.She was so amazing in every aspect.But he was still surprised she hadn't recognized him and that scared him.Maybe she was pretending not to know about Fox River but if she wasn't Michael was so nervous how she would react to his past.

Michael was brought back to reality when he heard a knock on his door.Gladly.

"My,my.Don't you look mighty fine tonight Miss Tancredi" he greeted Sara the moment she entered and the lovers hugged tightly.She was as stunning as always in her jeans and purple blouse and here he was,in sweats and a tee.

" and you Mr.Scofield smell like you burned the whole loft down" she said playfully and with a smirk on her face tiptoed to give him a tender kiss on his kissable lips,fingers snaking around his neck.

All the tiredness escaped Sara's body the moment she was enveloped in his strong arms.The tension in her shoulders decreased rapidly as she buried her nose in his cologne smelling navy tee that now had a hint of burning smell on it.

Accepting to try and be with him felt as the best thing she had ever done in her fucked up life.Michael was truly one of a kind and she couldn't tear herself away from him.He was gentle with her,he was considerate and playful and sometimes serious and she loved it.Her feelings for him over the past month only got stronger,but she tried to ignore the ache in her chest.As if it wouldn't last.She was still engaged to Dylan but the thought of Marrying him was becoming more and more distant.Still, something just wouldn't let her call everything off with him.

"I missed you today" Sara looked up at him at his words,glad that he broke her out of her dark thoughts.The 4 words made her heart warm and beat steadily in her chest.A big smile crept across her face.

"Who wouldn't miss me" she retorted playfully and when she saw him arch an eyebrow her grin only grew.

"Just kidding,I missed you too,Scofield" she whispered and winked at him,removing heserelf from his long tattooed hands so she could kick her shoes off.

"So what's the deal with the smell?" She asked curiously once her purse was on the rack and her shoes kicked to the door and she joined Michael in his fancy kitchen.His home really was cozy and modern,a bit dark but still very beautiful. The big windows allowed the perfect view to the river and Sara sometimes found herself staring at the blinking lights that reflected in the water for hours.

The tone of the loft was mainly black and gray but he was a man after all and besides Sara liked it.It was so unlike her and Dyl's house.Which had mostly bright colors.

"Uhhh" Michael scratched the back of his head,trying to hide his apologetic smile as he stared at the ruined food.

"I tried to cook lasagna,but I kinda burned it" he said,trying not to let the disappointment and failure take over him.

When Sara saw the poor expression on her lover's face,she grinned softly and walked to him near the bar plot where stood the said lasagna.It really was burnt but Sara couldn't give a damn.The thought that Mike had tried to cook for her was enough to make her happy and sated.He was so thoughtful towards her.

"Love,its alright.We will just order something. Besides maybe we could eat it,maybe its not that bad" she joked and went behind him,kissing his left broad shoulder.Michael's fingers enterwined with hers and he smiled.God,why was this woman so wonderful.

"I would rather keep you alive,love" his tone was playful as he turned around to face her,their arms locked on the other's back and they shared loving gazes.None of this felt real.These moments they shared were too good to be true but they both wanted to enjoy them while they lasted.

"How about I shower real quick while you order a big size pizza for us,yea?" She asked gently and came to caress his clean shaven cheek.Michael visibly relaxed and smiled at her,kissing her temple.

"Dinner date in 20 minutes,don't be late miss Tancredi or I'll have to spank you" he said when she stepped away from him and started walking towards his bedroom where she had spare clothes for when she was here.

" I might be just a bit late" she teased right back and with a wolfish grin disappeared into his bathroom,the stupidest smile on her beautiful face.She was happy. So was he...

Are ya guys as happy as I am that misa is finally together.How long can Sara keep her secret?

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