60. Are You A Painter Now?

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Michael almost dropped the painting palette in his left hand when he heard the firm knocks on his door.The engineer left the palette on the side table and brushed his dirty fingers on an old cloth then went to open the door with long strides.

The small flutter and hope in his heart that this could be Sara on the other side of the door died down the moment he saw his family smiling up at him when he opened.

"Hey,guys" he chuckled and opened the door wider for them to come in. Yes,he was surprised by their visit,but a pleasant peaceful feeling settled in his heart when they were near him.He felt calmer.

"How are you feeling about a pizza night,uncle Mike?" LJ smiled and hugged the older man briefly while the others settled comfortably in the loft

"What the hell,are you a painter now,Mikey?" Linc snorted with a laugh as he went to the window where Michael's canvas stood,his seascape almost mid-started.

Michael gave a tight lipped smile, his palms digging into the pockets of his gray sweatpants as he too stared at the okay done sea waves.

"The Bob Ross kit" Linc read out loud as he picked up the art box which still contained a few unused brushes.

"Um,yea.Had nothing to do in my free time,so" The engineer vaguely explained and went to the kitchen to clean his hands properly.His boss had given him a whole free month and Michael being Michael,couldn't stand doing nothing.It was a real luck with the painting tho.

One night,after endless tossing and turning and with Sara being the only thing on his mind,Michael had gotten up,made himself from her favorite tea and turned on the TV.There was this man,painting and explaining his techniques and Michael had found himself so fascinated by the way he talked so calmly.Everything in that man's painting was happy,a happy little world.Michael wanted to live in one.

So the very next day he ordered himself an arts kit.Michael still had a lot to learn but he actually found himself feeling relaxed and zoning out into a better place the moment his brush touched the canvas.The less he thought about Sara,the better for him.

"It's actually looking nice,Mike" Vee complimented him when she entered the kitchen and embraced her brother in law in a tight hug.She was a woman after all and the heartbreak was easy read for her on Michael's face.So she practically dragged Linc and LJ out of the house so they could spend some time with him.It was obvious he was in some dark place now and they had to show him they were with him,there for him.

"I'm still a sore beginner" he replied with a small chuckle when they parted and the both of them started pulling the pizzas out of the boxes in a somehow comfortable silence.Well,silent as much as it can be,since the father and son had the TV on already,watching the Chicago Bulls game and were discussing enthusiastically.

"You're a fast learner,in no time you'll be creating paradise on a paper" Veronica commented lowly as she put slices in plates and reached for the fridge for any kind of soda.

"Have you seen her recently, you know,since you're back in Chicago?"

Vee shot her question when Michael said nothing to her previous statement. She was curious,but also quite cautious since her brother in law had been quite sensitive on any Sara related topics.And she wanted to help him.

"Vee..." Michael sighed quietly the moment him ex was brought back into question.The heaviness on his heart when only thinking about her was terrifying, what was left of talking about her or at all seeing her,which he was now forced of since they worked in the same charity center.

"I don't really want to discuss this.Can we just forget her? Sara didn't exist, okay?She's not in my world anymore." His thumb and pointer finger came to stroke his temple as the engineer felt a headache forming.The tightness and neusea were returning back to him and suddenly the pizza didnt look even a bit delicious and the painful clutch caused by his own words was making him want to just go and sleep,to stop thinking.

"You obviously loved her" Vee was aware that she kept on pushing but she just couldn't be at peace when he was like this.She had grown up with the two brothers and she had the mother instinct to protect him like a sister.And if she had to go and fight Sara for hurting Michael,she would.

"She was obviously with me for a good time,not a long time,if you know what I mean"

Michael wanted to sound mean and angry,but all he actually was ,was one sad broken man.His depression was stronger than ever and talking about the person that had caused it just made him want to smash every little thing she had touched in this damn loft.He wanted to burn the memory of her,but she was so stubbornly fighting for a place in his heart.Even if she wasn't physically there anymore.

"I don't believe that.Sara wasn't around much,but she was just enough for me to see the way you looked at each other.She really loved you,as you did her,perhaps still do"

"What are you two buttheads still doing with the pizza there?We hungry"

Linc yelled from the living room,unknowingly giving his little brother the excuse from this dreadful conversation, but Vee's words were already sinking fast into his brain and now nor painting,nor his family would be able to pull him out of the dark pit he was heading to.

Do you all like that I kept Vee alive.Also did you like their convo?
Anyways till next time and stay safe you all xx
Also I'm.sorry for the short chap.

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