110.Phone What?

146 4 25

Songs:" lover boy" a wall, " nervous" the neighbourhood (both slowed down)

Michael could feel the tension in his whole back, neck and head. The jet lag was catching up with him quickly and even the hot shower in the expensive hotel he was staying in didn't help. His whole body was slouching tiredly and all he wanted was to order himself something to eat and then go straight to sleep since he had to be up early tomorrow.

The warm water drops were dripping from his chest as he walked around the room in a white towel and just as he was about to order himself roomsercice his phone rang.A grin spread wide on his face and his eyes lit up the moment he picked up the phone and heard his wife's lovely voice.

"hi there Mr. Scofield" Sara greeted him on the phone playfully, her eyes shining in the barely lit bedroom as she laid flat on her back.

"to what do I owe this pleasant surprise, Mrs. Scofield"

Michael beamed as he sat on the bed, his top half mostly dry now because of the unusual heat of May. His blue eyes glanced to his watch quickly, noting that it was around midnight in Manhattan now and Sara was usually asleep by now.

"I couldn't fall asleep and I knew that hearing your voice would calm me down".

Sara replied truthfully but put no tension in her answer, she was just a woman who was calling her husband because she couldn't fall asleep. She had tossed and turned in the bed for an hour before deciding to call her husband. She knew that if she closed her eyes and listened to his voice it would almost feel as if he were there with her.

"I figured that was it"  Michael chuckled quietly and got up, moving to the big windows by the balcony to stare at the lively city.

"how did everything go today with the job?"

Sara asked quietly and the way she could hear his calm breathing through the line somehow excited her, she didn't know what she meant by it exciting her but it did.She could actually imagine her husband now, lying his slender body on the hotel bed, a soft smile on his face as he talked to her.

Just by remembering today Michael wanted to punch himself in the face. It was one of the most stressful work days he had ever had, and besides worrying about Sara and checking his phone every five minutes for a text or a call, hadn't really allowed Michael to concentrate fully.

"it was.."  he paused for a second, trying to find a word to describe his work day as his palm ran over his freshly shaven head and a small laugh escaped him.

"it was an experience, love. Some  of the men in the meeting were flying in the  clouds, thinking they have the best knowledge and ideas"

Michael pouted like a little kid but hearing Sara's laugh on the other side had him grinning like an idiot. Oh, damn it, he was already missing her so bad. What he'd give to hold her right now. His mind unwillingly flew to this morning when they kissed by the door and how easily she had him hard in his black slacks.

"well, lucky you for coming home tomorrow then, huh?"

Sara beamed sweetly as she moved her phone from one hand to another. She couldn't wait for him to be home

"more than lucky I am" Michael agreed, the lights of Seattle reflecting beautifully in his ocean eyes.

"I spoke to Katie today after work"

Sara informed her husband, a big smile taking over her face as she remembered her conversation with her best friend. Oh my, how she missed her too. Working shifts with her in Chicago Memorial or having trash lunch in the hospital or shopping with her. They hadn't seen each other since the wedding and it felt so God damn long.

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