61. Neat For A Doctor's Handwriting

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Highly recommend you to listen to "night trouble" by petit biscuit while reading

When Michael left the room full of kids,he couldn't stop smiling.These little ones were progressing so fast even tho they were disabled. He had taught them the alphabet today and the way all of them tried so enthusiastically to learn it with him was more than fascinating.

He said a few goodbyes here and there and went to his locker so he could pick up his things and go,but the moment he opened the small door,an origami swan fell right onto his feet.

With his brows knitted together in confusion,Michael kneeled to take the small paper in his hands.

*meet me at the cafe near the docks at 4...please*

His blue gaze immediately recognized Sara's neat for a doctor handwriting and felt his heartbeat increase drastically as he reread the sentence again.Was she out of her mind?To think that he'd actually have the will to face her.

But deep down,the engineer knew he needed to hear what she had to say.He needed to know what lie she would slip to him again.What pathetic apology she'd try to feed him with.What was really pathetic however,was he.Because Michael felt himself willing to listen to her shit again, just because he missed her terribly and his soul craved her affection and closeness.

And then the anger and sorrow filled him in an instant and without really thinking it through Michael closed the locker and quickly made his way to his Audi,the swan resting on the passenger seat where she used to sit once.


There weren't many people in the cafe around the afternoon when he came so it was easy for Michael to spot his ex lover.

When he met Sara again for the first time two weeks ago,he hadnt really had the time to observe her fully,because of his anger and surprise at her sudden arrival.

But now his blue eyes seemed to gaze at nothing but her. She had changed.So much.She was looking out the window and the fact that she was unaware of his presence gave him a bit of time to really look at her.

Two of his favorite things about Sara had vanished now.First,her beautiful and contagious smile was now replaced with a deep frown,her lips in a tight line.And her lovely long reddish hair was gone too.The hair he had ran his fingers thru so many times,was now short and darkened and Sara didnt look like herself.

When her hazel eyes suddenly met his, Michael gulped slightly and watched the nervousness express on her whole face.
Not wasting any more time, the swan still in his hand,Michael started walking to the table slowly,all the while their eyes never parted, screaming all the things they were silent about.His hands were sweaty and he could hear his pulse,his legs were trembling with every step further.

"You never said you could make origami" he remarked lowly and threw the paper on the table in front of her,then sat down.

He remembered that one night,after they had made love for hours,they were sitting on the sofa,eating leftovers from the pizza and she had asked him to show her how to make paper cranes.Michael still remembered her giggles when she failed to follow his steps and they just ended up having sex again.

"I had a great teacher" Sara answered calmly,no signs of giddiness or a smile on her face.She had no right to be happy after ruining his life like this.

"Sara,please.Just cut the shit.What do you want?"

Michael was too tired to try and make things okay.Sara didn't even know how much he was holding himself from bursting out crying and begging of her to make every memory he had with her to disappear. Because the pain she had caused him was unbearable in the heart and too painful on the soul.

But before Sara could answer,a weitress came over their table and Michael didn't know whether to be thankful or irritated about it.

"Hello, what would you like to order?"

She smiled at Michael politely and Sara didn't miss the way the young girl practically drank in Michael's sexiness with her eyes.And the doc felt a jealousy that wasn't for her to feel,swallow her whole.She had no right to be jealous over him anymore, he wasn't hers.But she still couldn't help it.

"No,thanks.I won't be long" he gave her a polite smile and with that the employee retreated to the bar,leaving them alone again,for which Sara couldn't be more happy.

"I know that you don't want to hear a word from me and you have all the rights not to,but please,just please give me a chance to explain myself to you"

Sara's copper eyes were hopeful and sad and she prayed he wouldn't leave.Although that was all she deserved of.To be left just like she had left him.

"To give you a chance?" Michael scoffed with a mocking laugh and shook his head.His blue eyes darted to the big window for a second where they could see the coast and the wildly crashing waves along the beach from a far as the October winds blew forcefully on trees and the people outside.

"Did YOU give me a chance ,Sara?You didn't.You left me there to drown in my own misery and tears while you married that fucker and became Mrs.Hanks.So don't go ahead and ask of me something you yourself didnt give me!"

his words were venomous and his voice was shaky,the tears were on the brim of falling down his cheeks,but Michael knew he wouldn't back down this time.He wouldn't allow her to ruin him again.

"The moment you said yes to him,you lost ME.Do you know how hard is it for me,that I have to see you every fucking day with that damn ring on your finger,a constant reminder of your betrayal and of what I have lost.I've got nothing to tell you,Sara.You ruined it,so don't come crying at me now and acting like a saint."

Michael's tone was low but every word penetrated Sara as if knife after knife was stabbing her straight in the heart.And he was right.For everything. How stupid had she been.She had no right to weep over him now.It was all lost.

And without saying even a word more to her,Michael quickly stood up from the chair and left,because he was just a second away from falling apart,and the least thing he wanted was for her to see how much he was actually hurt.

The only thing this meeting had done for both of them was to salt their wounds even more, making the sting and pain unbearable... Until one of them finally gave up forever...

I'm sorry I haven't been at my best with updates lately, I just don't feel well emotionally rn,but still hope you enjoy .Vote and comment and if you like my Misa story you could check out my other Misa one,called her other half :)

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