The time had finally come

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*A month later*

Me and Henry started talking again. We talk on and off all the time for years. He's the first guy I ever loved. I was 13 when I him and he was 15. So everything he told me I believed him which made me head over heels about him. He even had Shon beat. At that point between me and Henry its been about 4 years of being in love with him. The only thing is, I never met him. At the time not even as much as a video chat. We only texted and had phone calls. He lived all the way in indiana. We always kept the hope of meeting each other one day and it kept us going. He's the same guy I got into a heated argument with and stepped outside to get some fresh air and relax right the same night my nightmare began with Spazz. "Im in Jacksonville now" Henry said on the phone "Where you at!?" I screamed excitedly. Javon was looking at me crazy, he didn't know what was going on or who I was talking to. "Im at this chase by a walmart" he said. "Yooo we right down the street, we 5 mins away. We finna come right now!" I said giving Javon a hand signal to pull off. "Henry right down the street we gotta go like right now!" Javon was completely relaxed while my excitement was going through the roof. "Nah we finna leave" henry said. I was kind of bummed because I really wanted to see him. But I wasn't too upset because I was looking crazy anyway. I had on a solid black tee shirt, my exs gym shorts and some snow boots even though it was hot and a bonnet. I didn't plan on going to see henry or anywhere. Javon was bringing me something as a favor for his mom I was only supposed to walk to his car and back. "Well can I see you later?" I asked still excited. "Yeah" he said casually. "Okay just text me before you come im gonna be at Javon house." we established before hanging up. I don't know who is closer. Me and Henry, Henry and Javon or Me and Javon. I spent all day at Javon's house because I didn't want Henry to know I was staying in a hotel. Henry stopped updating me on where he was throughout the day because I got the meno we weren't going to meet just yet. He said that he had to spend time with his family because he just got in town. I understood so no bad feelings. We also established that we were still going on a date tomorrow night. So the next day I soent all day getting ready. I bought the prettiest wig I could find, got my nails done in which i never do, bought new shoes to match my new balck dress along with the Michael Kors purse Shon had bought me for Christmas. I also bought a bottle to loosen myself uo because I knew I would be extremely nervous and also because I knew we mught get drunk and fuck in his car. I was ready. I was feeling like beyonce. As it got closer to night time Javon picked me up in his car and brought me to his house so Henry could pick me up from there. His cousin Janadia was there hyping me up as well. It got later and later. The later it got the more I started to sip on my bottle. Henry finally called me and told him he couldn't take me on a date because he was already out to eat with his family. I was so sad and disappointed I started taking the bottle to the head. No more sipping. I was waterfalling from the bottle. I wanted Javon and Janadia to turn uo with me because I didn't want to feel alone. So I filled his mouth with liquor and he couldnt handle it. He spit it all in the sink. It was agood thing he did though because he was our driver. Janadia drunk some but only a little bit. By the time we got in the car I was already really drunk. Half of the bottle was gone. We went to pick up one if Janadia friend's and she sat in the backseat with me. At this point I was so drunk I knew I was past my limit. But that never stopped me. One minute Im in the backseat yelling and having fun and the next minutebim waking up in the parking lot of the hotel. Janadia's friend had been dropped off. "Lena! Lena! Get up!" Javon and Janadia kept calling my name to wake me up. I had blacked out. "You home, we gotta go upstairs" Javon told me. I struggled to get out of the car without falling Javon had to help me. "We gotta go upstairs" he repeated. "Okay I got it" I said as I started walking backwards. He knew I probably wouldn't make it upstairs on my own without falling back down. So helped me as we walked up two flights of stairs and he waited until the door was answered for me. As soon as the door was closed I fell on the bed and went right to sleep. Luckily my family handled my kids the next morning because it would have been a very rough time for me. The only time I could life my head from off the bed was when Ibwas going to the bathroom to throw up. This hangover lasted all day. I didn't tell Henry about it because maybe he already felt shitty enough for standing me up. I never got to see him during his visit either.

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