All for nothing

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"911 what's the location of your emergency?"
"I don't know if you're the lady I just spoke with but I just recently asked for paramedics to be sent to (address) to check my baby out. She has a fever now and the last time that she had a fever she fell into a febrile seizure and I need them to check my baby out and for some reason my sister turned them around saying that she doesn't need to be checked out. Please send someone back out there" I begged with a face full of tears. My throat was so sore and full of knots I couldn't even talk straight. After the ambulance called they told me that the only way she could go to the hospital is if someone would go with her or they will have to call DCF. That is Florida's term for child protective services. My head was already spinning with so much negativity I didn't hear him correctly. I thought he said she needs to go to the hospital or child protective services will be involved. " Thomas what is her temperature" I asked him specifically because I didn't think jessey would actually take it because she swears April is fine. "105" he responded. I flipped shit. The last time April had the seizure at 103°. So 105 scared the living hell out of me! "Can you PLEASE tell jessey to go with her in the ambulance please!" I yelled at him crying even harder. I had the worst headache but that couldn't stop me from freaking out. "The ambulance is gone Lena she's fine" he said casually. If it was possible for me to stick my hand through the phone I'd pull both of their necks through it at the same time for sure. The only person I could think of who was close enough was spazz. He did not live too far away from jessey's house once again and he also had his girlfriend's car so I knew he could be over there quickly to take her to the hospital. Given the circumstances that I have not let him see the girls and over in what and told him to leave us alone from what happened to me I had a very huge doubt that I will be wasting my time calling him for help. I called Randy on messenger and he answered quickly. " please don't keep my baby's away from me" he accidentally pleaded before I can say anything. He noticed how much I was crying trying to get words out of my mouth " Lena calm down what's wrong" he asked sounding like he actually cared. " April has a really high fever and she can fall into a seizure at any moment and just ignore Thomas will take her to the hospital and every time I call the ambulance they turned them away I really need you to go over there and take April to the hospital please they said that if she doesn't go DCF will get involved and I and I cannot get my babies taken away from me" I cried to him. The thought of getting my baby is taken away from me hurt me very much but actually having to say it broke me. " calm down and I'm on my way right now just send me the address" I sent him the address and he was there within 10 minutes. Within those 10 minutes the Paremedics called me and informed me that both April and Praise were okay and that they may have had the stomach virus but no fever. "Why you say all of that? I really thought April was going to have another seizure" I said wiping the rest of mascara out if my eyes that were smeared in my tears. "No I said it was Praise throwing up but you didn't want to shut up and listen." Jessey said in the "I told you so" voice. "Well why did Thomas tell me her temperature was 105°?" "I told him that was her pulse" she replied. I was so relieved but still upset at the same time. Because my baby was okay but now Spazz was already on the way thinking his baby is sick when she isn't. "Your sister said you was lying but the small time I spent with them made me feel good I miss them" he sent in a text message when he got there. "I heard you didn't feed them.. Let me help you with our kids not trying to take them from you, they love you so much I know they will hate me if I take them from you" he added. Nigga what? Taking my kids? Lying? What the hell would I lie about? I was so lost on where he was coming from.  "Lie for what, im at work and my sister called me telling me this stuff, you're the last person I want to call for anything im still so mad with you" I defended my actions. He wasted no energy on the he say she say drama he got straight back to the point. April and Praise. "Let's get this together so I can help" he demanded. He never begged to help me. It was always the other way around or when he needed something. But he needed nothing from me either. I didn't trust him but this was new so I said "if you want to help, the girls need uniforms for school and they at thomas house on such and such days, you can see them when you want." I continued to express how tired I was of him running in and out of my kids lufe and picking when and when not to be a dad because it isn't fair to them or me. "You right, I respect that. Now can I please step up and be a father without the bullshit? Im working two jobs and about to be a manager, just let me be in their lives. All I can do is back this up. Trust me. Yoy don't trust that I will protect them, if wanda touch a hair of theirs I would flip. So if you say you know me, I don't have no more words."
Because my kids were "sick" I had to take them home for the night. There's no way I could've made it to her house from work and back to my hohse on the other side of town. "Go ahead and go home, we'll bring the girls to you." Jessey informed me. I got home and got myself ready for bed as it got later and later. "Hey me and Spazz are on the way to your house to drop the girls off" she said. "Jessey no! Why would you bring him to my house?! He's the reason I moved in the first place! I don't want him to know where I live at all!" I said freaking out. "Chill, im going to have him park somewhere far enough from your house so he doesn't know exactly where you stay and you meet me to get the girls. Plans followed just as made. "Be easy and keep your head up" spazz texted me after dropping the girls off. I have no trust for this nigga at all. It's only going to be a matter of time before he asks to come to my house using the girls as an excuse or back to his normal ways he go. What the hell is his agenda....

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