I didn't expect that

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As soon as he said that I hung up and started thinking of a plan. I was a little scared because I thought he was going to try to beat on me. My door is impossible to break into but my windows were always an option. When he was staying with me once, he put his hands on my baby because she climbed over him to get to me constantly and he got fed up so I kicked him out and didn't let him back in when he asked to get his belongings. I was scared and knew he didn't want to be let in for that. He was going to out his hands in me too so I kept the door locked and next thing I knew he bust my window with a fire extinguisher. He sprayed every window around my house and my doors and when he was done he started to spray inside my house. It looked like it was full of spoke I couldn't see at all. I was just hoping it wouldn't travel upstairs to where my baby would breathe it in. So this time I wanted to be careful and not bring any harm to them. I can't just lock my door and I can't let him beat my ass and the police take years to show up. A good ass idea popped up in my head. I took a bottle and emptied the juice out of it and pissed in it. I then went to the trash to pick out a shitty diaper and mushed some of the waste into the bottle and shuck it up until it was blended perfectly with the pee. I was going to throw it on him after I opened my door. "Nah that's only gonna be nasty. It isn't going to stop him from doing anything." I thought. So I went down stairs and put a whole bottle of salt in the same bottle. That's still not enough. I was rushing so I was panicking on what to mix. The bottle was full at this point but I just had to add more things so I opened my front door to pour half of it out and there he was. At the parking lot getting out of his car. I quickly came back inside and locked the doors and started mixing everything in it. I put apple cider vinegar in it, normal vinegar, lemon juice, bleach, all kinds of seasoning and cleaning products. "This is it. This gone fuck him up." I thought. On my way to the door I took one last look at my nasty ass mixture and was actually proud of myself. "You nasty bitch" I said to myself smirking. I could've just mixed the bleach and ammonia and threw it at his face but it would hospitalize him if he didn't die before hand. I hate his damn guts but I would never want him to die. And besides I did a damn good job with this weapon I just created. He bammed on my door. I opened the wooden door but kept the metal door ("screen") locked. I had one hand on my hip and the other hand behind the door with the bottle in it. "I don't want to fight and argue Lena I just want my clothes." He said very calmly. "Why the fuck is he so calm?" I thought to myself. "I don't have your clothes." I said as I shrugged my shoulders and looked him up and down. "Virgina already told us you took them and Ashely beat her ass for it already" he said remaining calm. "Is she who was apparently supposed to come beat my ass?"  I asked with a grin. "Man Lena I just want my shit that's it." He said shaking his head with an innocent face. The old me would have fell for it and let him in when he looked at me like that but the me I was in the moment was just waiting on him to give me one reason to throw my mixture in his face. "I really don't have your clothes, they're not in here. I put it all in one plastic bag so it was heavy and it riped. I was going to burn them but the bag tore up before I got here. If yoy lucky all of your stuff is still on the streets of Moncrief" I said nonchalantly. "Lena are you serious? I just need my uniform atleast so I can go to work tonight" He asked. I was beginning to feel bad because he was still calm and surprisingly showing emotion. I knew those were the only belongings he had and I threw them over the street... But I just simply shrugged my shoulders. Fuck that job. I hope he gets fired. Hell he's done worse to me. "Yeah. 9/10 most of your stuff is still there. It wasn't nothing expensive or worth picking up foreal" I said. He looked like he was about to cry but of course he didn't he looked down and shook his head. "Man you evil" he said as he walked back to Effic's car.
This can't be it? How could he be so calm? Why is there a bottle full of mixture still in my hand and not on him? He must have something big planned for me.
I was paranoid because I didn't know what he had in store for me and when? If he catch me in public what will he do? I had so many questions that weighed on my mind for a few days.
*6 months later*
"Incoming call from 561-***-****". I think the fuck not. Who is this?" I was talking to myself out loud knowing damn well who it was. I answered anyway. "Hello?" I said casually. "What's Lena. How my girls doing?" He asked. My first instinct was to hang up. But I didn't. He was calling to speak to the girls I guess. "They're always gonna be okay as long as they're with me." I said. "Yeah I know you're a good mother Lena." He said laughing fading into seriousness. "I know. But wussup." I said to stay on track. "Can I talk to them?" He asked. "The girls are sleep right now" I said as I started stroking April's silky hair. They were knocked out and stretched across the halfway deflated air mattress letting out their little baby snores. "Damn. Kiss my girls for me" he said. "Okay I will" I replied as I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry for what happened ma. Shit was bad for me and I was stressed the fuck out and I took it out on you. I shouldn't have. I done a bunch of fucked up shit and you didnt deserve any of it. I was wrong and I think about that shit everyday. I treated you like shit and I wasn't there for my babies. I was so busy trying to please Ashely and stay in Amiya's life.  I love my baby man i was just trying to play my cards right and it back fired on me real bad. Please forgive me Lena." He said it with so much depression and regret in his voice. It felt so sincere. He never apologized to me like that before. "Where you been at for so long we haven't seen or heard from you for months." I said ignoring his apology. I clearly fell for it. He got the memo because I would've snapped or hung up if I didn't accept his apology.  "I been out here in Miami surviving. After you threw my stuff out I had nothing. I couldn't go back to work without my uniform so my dad got me a ticket for a grey ground" he explained. I was lowkey satisfied I ruined things for him. "My pops started taking my shit so I ended up moving out and staying with this private owner but this bitch I was seeing was causing me problems and got me kicked out of there so for a about a month now I been sleeping on the side of this church. My pops won't even let me in to eat or even take a shower at his shit. Im down bad out here" he continued. At this point I didn't know whether to feel bad or good. This is what I wanted. For him to fall for doing me dirty. But how vould I let someone make me so toxic to actually want this for a person? This isn't who I am. So paid more attention to my feelings that felt bad for him. We talked about everything that happened and what each other was going through for hours. Hours turned into a month. We were on the phone from dusk to dawn everyday. "Hey bae" he would call me happy to talk to me. "Wussup bae? Were you able to eat something recently, did you get a shower somewhere?" I asked highly concerned. "Yeah I did im good ma." He said. "The girls birthday coming up in a week" I said excitedly. "I know I wanna do something for my girls too. I get my check before their birthday too so I'll have some money to send something for them" he said. "How about you come down here and stay until Thanksgiving. We can go to the zoo on their birthday, they've never been." I said. All of a sudden I got a little blue because I remeber Shon telling me to not take them until he was able to go because he wanted to teach them all of their animals. Who even remembers the last time I talked to him... He won't answer a text or phone call from me even if I was on my death bed seems like. I dont know why he just disappeared like that.  "Alright we can go to the stank ass zoo" he said laughing.

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