Change of plans Wanda's here

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After him making his decision that he misses his family, things were going good. Surprisingly we still didn't take it to the next level of him moving back in. It helped us co parent better being on the "I miss you" terms. Maybe it was happening right for all the wrong reasons but it was happening better than ever. He continued to see the girls more often. About 4 times a week now and not always at night. He brought them candy, spending change, and purses. I felt like he was actually doing something for a change and that this was going to be stable. That is until his girlfriend moved in with him. I was unaware of her arrival, she'd been there a week before I found out.
*text messages*
Lena: Hey you wanna take the girls to the park with me
Spazz: Yeah I'll be over there in a lil bit
Lena: No we goin to the one by your house, the one at my house is too small they can't do much but go down one slide
Spazz: Alright well we'll just chill at your house.
He was so fixated on us not going to or by his house so that made me curious. I got my kids ready and walked those 4 blocks to his house. There was a silver income tax car in his yard but I didn't think anything of it. I know some of his friends have cars so maybe he had didn't want us over there because he had friend's over. I knocked on the door and he quickly answered. His face looked as if he seen a ghost. "Wussup?" He said looking back into his house and closing the door quietly.. "You ready?" I asked him looking concerned. "Yeah but you can't just be popping up over here like that I got company now" he said. "Oh Shawanda moved in? This her car?" I asked looking at it then back to him. "Yeah its hers" he replied. I didn't even realize the butterfly seat covers until he said it was hers. "Well hurry up so we can go to the park" I said grabbing the girls hands. He told me to wait and came back out shortly. We walked to the park and spent an hour or so playing with the girls. No touching each other at all, no inappropriate conversation or flirting. We were having a good afternoon. "Let's go to the store and get a black and the girls some snacks and drinks to keep their energy up" I suggested. "You need me to walk with you?" He asked. I looked at him crazy. "What kind of question is that?" I was thinking. He got the memo. "Alright hold on" he said before he jogged across the street back to his house. I guess he had to let wanda know where he was going once again. Upon him coming out of his house we met him halfway in the street as we began to walk to the store. I had no doubt she was watching us through the window as long as she could. We finally made it to the store and got everything we planned to get. "You smell that?" He asked scrunching his nose. "Smell what?" I asked. He picked Praise up and smelled her butt. "Ooo daddy baby you stank" he laughed shaking his head. "You stinka butt ma ma" I asked her laughing as well. "Can you change her at your house? It's only been about a hour I don't wanna take them in the house yet just cause she shitted" I asked. He HATED changing shitty diapers so he was hesitant. Eventually he said he would but future wise, we'd just have to go to my house and do it. I waited in the street for him for a good 5 minutes. He came back out with my baby and put her in the stroller. As we started to walk off Wanda came outside mad and yelling at him. "Give me the key Randy" she demanded with an attitude. She ignored my presence but I didn't I kept contact. I wanted to see exactly who she was and what she looked like. A bald up piece of paper to me. She was way older than him. He's 26 and she's 36. She's so skinny and her voice is even worse in person. Why is she so ghetto? Nothing but negative things ran through my mind while looking at her for a full minute or so. But nothing came out of my mouth. I knew she didn't like me and I didn't like her but that doesn't mean start drama. They continued to argue over his house key. "I'm about to go to the store and you bout to be gone so I need the key" she demanded as she shoved him. He blocked her from shoving him. This was all too familiar. The same encounter with ashely. The same words and body language. I knew it would be a matter of time before he started beating her ass. Ashely was getting beat and stayed for 2 years because she loved him but Wanda...seems like she'd die for him if he told her to. I know she isn't going anywhere no matter what he does to her. This isn't going to turn out well for her. He finally let up and gave her the key. She glanced at me as she was walking away. I know she wanted to get a better look at me but that would've caused some tension and made me say something petty like "Hey sis". Me and Randy walked off to my house because he decided he didn't want to be around her for a while and spending time with the girls took the stress off of him that she was causing. He told me how he'd lost his job which causes him to already be grumpy and cranky on top of her not working because she just got there. "I just hate her being up under me all day" he started to vent to me. As we are 2 blocks from my house, we see her speeding past us. "Crazy bitch" he mumbled as he watched her turn the corner. "Damn so she another Ashely" I said laughing. "Hell yeah I always get the crazy ones, yo ass was crazy too" he said laughing a little. "I am not crazy, anything I did or said was because you made me" I laughed defending myself. When we got inside my house he plopped down on the couch as if we just walked across the country. He made his self comfortable really quick. "Did you eat?" I asked him like usual. "Nah. I mean im good though. We got a little bit of food at the house we trying to make last" he said letting April get comfortable in his lap. I knew he wanted to tell me he was hungry. I always feed him well. "Come on let's go to the store" I suggested. "Can we wait a little bit? Im kind of tired" he said. We waited about 2 hours before going to the store and spent about an hour in the store. By the time we got back to my house it was a little after 5pm. We've been with him since 12pm so Wanda has been blowing up his phone begging for him to come home. He didn't even want me to cook, he wanted to cook. He loves it. He had the house smelling so good while I was on the couch using my phone, the girls were watching baby shark on his phone and he was just cooking it up in the kitchen. Wanda called once more constantly interrupting baby shark for the girls because she didn't trust him so he grew angry. He stepped outside and finally answered her phone call. He was so irritated with her. "I'm cooking dinner for them!" I could hear him yelling at her from inside. He came back in the door calm as ever and handed the girls back his phone. "You okay?" I asked making sure his temper was back leveled. "The bitch pissing me off. I told her ass she can sit outside in the fucking drive way since she don't trust a nigga" he said getting back angry. I didn't want to kill the vibe so I changed the subject right away. "We had a good time with you today. The girls really enjoy having you around" I said watching him fix our plates. "I love being around yall too. I took this shit for granted" he said as he gave the girls their plate and mine and sat down next to me. We ate and talked about the many things that was going on in our life since seperating and how vo parenting was going to work now that Wanda is here. Next thing you know it was 9oclock. It was dark outside and wanda steadily blew up his phone. Another hour passed before we noticed the girls getting sleepy so he decided to take it in. "Be safe" I said as I started walking him to the door. "I will ma you be safe too." He added. He looked at me in my eyes and stared at me. That look said a thousand words. I knew he missed being a family and living here. I knew he missed every bit of me and regret what he did. He bended down and gave me the warmest hug. I started to hug him back and slowly his hands rubbed down from my back to my booty. He grabbed it and squeezed it with both hands. "Damn I forgot you got this much ass" he said as he laughed. "Okay you gotta go, bye" I said as I laughed and pushed him out. I don't have that much ass and I know Wanda is skinny so he was missing some meat to fuck on and cuddle with at night. He pulled his phone out to call her as soon as he walked out the door. I watching him from the window. This was all extremely too familiar.
The next day came that I needed to go to the plasma center because I needed to pay for a bus pass to get to work. I was completely broke ofcourse until payday. So I asked Randy for $20. He said he didn't have it so I asked if he could watch the girls while I go to the center. He agreed with pleasure. I went to his house where I saw her outside sitting in her car. I sat about 5 feet away in a chair that was sinking in the dirt. His yard was mostly dirt and mud and about 10% grass. It wasn't so clean over there and I knew my girls wouldn't want to be in his house, they'd wanna go outside and play with the other kids. Her son and 2 other boyd were playing with them sharing ballons and what not. She eyeballed me as I eyeballed the kids playing with mine. I felt all the hatred and negativity and staring hitting the side of my face. I avoided direct contact because Im always ready to fight if I get the slightest amount of direct disrespect. April stumbled in the dirt being chased after one of the boys. Ibwas disgusted. I picked my baby up and brushed her off. "Spazz come here" I demanded. I knew she didn't like that I was demanding him to come to me, especially because he was talking to her. He came over to me right away "She alright" he asked helping me brush her off. "Yeah but you gotta watch them at my house please" I said. I had him watch them at my house because that's what I felt more comfortable with. I didn't want my kids getting dirty and I also didn't want to leave my kids in the presence of a bitch who doesn't like me. Women do crazy things now of days out of jealousy. I wasn't going to give her a single chance to harm, mistreat or neglect my baby in anyway. I video called him time and time again randomly just to make sure she wasn't at my house. When I called he showed me that they were sleeping and that he was just watching a movie and all was well. I tried my best not to take so long but I eneded up making it home around 7pm going on 8. He's been there since 2pm so I knew Wanda was hot. Atleast I didn't intentionally keep him away from home. He was simply doing my a favor that took time. She was at her last straw with me keeping her man from home.

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