Let's keep it like old times

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Pregnancy was torture but having them here was even worse. Don't get me wrong I love them dearly but things became alot more stressful quickly. I had already dropped out of school and wasn't eligible to go to work. I had just gave birth to twins I wasn't even supposed to leave the house for 6 weeks on top of the fact that I had no baby sitter to do so. I was worried because I only had very few clothes and diapers for them and two bottles each. When will I be able to get them new things? How? I knew that newborns grow fast so it would be a matter of time where those things would no longer be helpful if I didn't run out first. About a week out of the hospital the girls had a doctor's appointment and sure enough shon was there bright and early ready to take us. As soon as we were about to leave Spazz got in contact with Shanta. They previously spoken about where we lived and that he wanted to see them. I didn't know it would be that say though. Spazz came through and into the house to see the girls shortly after letting us know. Once he got there he didn't know what to do. He just looked at them as if he didn't wanna hold them. He didn't even know how, they were so small. I could feel the discomfort in shon's body language. He was mad with Spazz that he wasn't there. He was picking up all of his slack. They didn't speak a word or even acknowledge each other. Finally I broke tention and put April into his hands. "This is April and that is Praise." I said. "Hey daddy baby" he said while gently rocking her. "Why you ain't come to the hospital nigga" Shanta said bluntly. She knew I wasn't going to ask. "She was already gone. Lena when I got there they said that you had just left." I looked at him in disgust because I was there for 3 days. Your own blood and flesh was brought into the world and it took you three days to finally come. That's if you even did really go. "They don't look me at all" he laughed and said. Je was the only one who thought that comment was funny.  "They look like you" he added trying to make up from what he just said. "They're only almost a week old, they don't look like nobody, they barely have feautures yet" I said annoyed with his presence just like old times. " Alright we gotta go" Shon said. Spazz looked at him wondering why Shon was calling shots. "That's Shon he's their god daddy" I said immediately to let his authority be known. "Wussup" Spazz said with no intrest. "Sup" Shon said with even less intrest. I took April out of his hands as we got their belongings ready to go. "I'll be back over here soon just let me know when its a good time" Spazz said as he headed out the door. Everyone was irritated by the end of that quick visit. We ended up missing the appointment because of it and had to reschedule. Shon knew how much I didn't like being at my sister's house so he offered me to stay at his house until I was ready to go. He cooked for me and let me sleep in his bed. It felt so good because I couldn't rest at my sister's house at all. For hours I didn't have to open my eyes not one bit. Him and his brother javon handled everything. They gave me nothing but a break whenever I visited their house. Their mom would always work on getting me things for my babies from every way possible and that's how I always kept my girls well dressed and okay. Lord knows without Shon and his family I wouldn't even have my kids until this very day. I wouldn't have been able to provide or care for them in my condition but every single time they came through. No matter what day it was ot what time it was. She even wanted to let me live with her but her husband was dominate. Man of the house. And he has a lion mentality. He said that he "can't let other cubs into his pride". I was always scared and never really fond of him from the day that I met him.

Shanta and my aunt had a conversation that nade jessey flip shit. I wasn't really caught up on what was said. Once I got back to Shanta's house Jessey came in the door crying her eyes out. "Lena get your stuff bruh" she said wiping her tears and packing her stuff. "What's wrong?" Me and Shanta kept repeating. Jessey was crying to the point where she could barely speak. "You and my auntie goin back and forth getting dcf involved gonna end up getting Lena's babies taken away" she said sobbing some more. I had no idea what she was talking about but she kept crying and rushing me to get my stuff. There was no time for questions apparently so I packed everything that belong to us and put it into her boyfriend's car. "Hey lena, Jessey's been telling me all about you and the babies she can't stop talking about yall" were the first words he said to me. His name is Thomas his motives didn't sit right with me because he was 56 at the time. I guess he could say the samr too because jessey was 19. "Hey" was all I could say. "I heard what was goin on, I haf to get yall out of there with that bullshit I don't want nothing to happen to those babies" he said showing that he cared. It made me think he was actually genuine. "Where we going?" I finally asked. Jessey said "He bought us a hotel until we could figure something out." I liked the sound of that. There was beds there and no strict rules. My sister Shanta tried to keep her house warm for the girls but the way winter and her house was set up, the coolness still flowed in from the windows. It was freezing there. Once we got to the hotel It felt great. There were our own neds there and it was warm. I felt relaxed and the girls didn't give me such a hard time because of that. Shon once again would come visit us every night he got off work. He was so dedicated to being there for me. He'd help me feed the girls and put them back to sleep if they woke up during us spending quality time. And made sure I had what I needed. One night our emotions completely took over us and we waited for Jessey to go to sleep and there we was at the end of the bed getting it on. We did it everywhere. The car in front of my house, in front of my auntie's friend house, parking lot, dark area, the beach, many places in his house, the list goes on. I really wanted to be with him. He was stepdad material and we loved each other. We couldn't get enough. But no, he was still dating Krishelle. We stayed at the hotel for about a week before jessey said "Hey im going to stay at Thomas house and I spoke with my auntie and hashed things oit she said that you and the girls can go back and stay with them." That was the last thing I wanted to hear. I liked it being just us. Karla called me and told me how excited she was that I was going to be living with them again. "Moma got a room thats big enough for all of us. It even got a full kitchen." She said trying to make me feel comfortable before arriving. Damn another hotel.. Shon helped me move our stuff to the next hotel. He was upset with my situation and that I had to go through it and constantly move from place to place. But he made it clear that no matter where I go, he woukd be there. Once I got to the room everyone crowded my babies. I didn't mind. But it was really awkward being in the same room as my auntie and Stacie but it wasn't for stacie. She seemed obsessedd with my babies. She kept asking to hold them every time O turned around. She was close to her due date so I guess it was just the baby fever kicking her ass. But how could I hate love? It might have been fake but who knows why would I fight it. So I let her. Her and my auntie. If we were going to be living together we might as well get along or act like we do so it'll work. But mostly because I had no where else to go. There were only two queen beds in the room. One with me, my babies Karla and fidel and the other one with stacie and my auntie. Bella would stay the night sometimes but majority of the time she would be at her baby daddy's house. News came about that she was pregnant. So it was crowded. But when times became annnoying Karla would leave to Verdel's house for sometime, Bella would leave to Philip's house for some time and I would leave to Shon's house for some time. So we stayed afloat. Believe it or not we had majority of good times in that room. Shon was still seeing me. Not as often but still alot. He would pop up to the room with cases of diapers and wipes and clothes that he and his mom got for me. Bella babysitted the babies and I was able to get back in school and also got a job. Me and karla went to the same school and jobs were across the street from each other. So we spent alot of time together and grew really close. It was cool. Everything wasn't great but I was so greatful and blessed because things could have continued to get worse.

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