Who did what

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After seeing him walking towards my baby likes that I knew I had to protect her. While being blacked out, it wasn't good for my dad. I pushed him with every single bit of strength I had in me. "Ahhhhh!" He yelled out in pain on the ground barely able to move. "This what you want out of me!?" I yelled at him. I was still in rage. I grabbed the biggest knife I had in my kitchen and gripped it tightly because I was about to stab him. I've had enough of men putting their hands on me and roughing me up. But my daughters was a whole different ball game. I really wanted to kill my dad and started to. "You still want me to fight back!?" I said as I quickly approached him and stood over him with the knife ready to cut him up. "Look!" April yelled "Grandpa hurt" Praise said freaking out. I glanced at them and instantly came out of my rage. Thank god. I was about to ruin my life and ruin their life and regret was I was going to do for as long as I lived. I took a deep breath still very upset and tossed the knife into the sink carelessly. He was laying in a puddle of his blood. It dripped in different places from his mouth and he tried to get up. It was all in his beard and over his face. I still felt absolutely no pity for him. "Get out" I demanded. "I'm staying right here" he insisted. I didn't have any more time left for his bullshit. "My daughter done beat me up" he sobbed. He loves to play the guilt trip game. I grabbed my phone and walked into the room to call the police to make him leave. "Look what mommy did to me" he said to the girls. They kept asking him if he was okay. "April and Praise go in the room." I demanded. There's no way they should be seeing this, hearing it or apart of it and most of all I wasn't going to let him convince my girls that I'm a bad person who beat their grandpa up.
"911 what's the location of your emergency"
I gave them my address only a million times before she asked what the emergency was. It pissed me off. "My dad got drunk and ended up trying to fight me, I was scared for my daughters I ended up pushing him and now he's leaking blood out of his mouth." She had me elaborate the situation more so she could get a better understanding of who needed to come to my apartment. I couldn't get through the whole story without bursting into tears. I wasn't trying to sound like a victim but I was so angry and hurt that this happened. "This is my fault daughter. I take the blame for all of this" he said slurring his words. It made me feel bad. Because he know he fucked up. I stopped talking to him for 3 years straight for putting his hands on the last time but instead of a wall, it was a bush full of thorns. After tonight, he won't get a word out of me for any reason what so ever. I called my sister to let her know what happened because I thought he was seriously hurt. The puddle of blood just kept getting bigger and bigger. Me and Jessey got on video chat and every time I tried to explain what happened it felt like my chest was caving in. I couldn't help but to hyperventilate. As soon I called down to tell her what happened the police were bamming at my door. "Ima call you back" I said before hanging up. I answered the door unsure of what the outcome was going to be. I'm not a huge of cops. "What's going on"  one said as 3 of them surrounded me with their suits and boots and gear and shit. I was so uncomfortable for me and my dad. "Are yall not sending the ambulance? I asked for an ambulance." I tried to maintain my attitude because that told me they were more concerned about an arrest than medical attention. "The ambulance are going to be here. We need to know what happened." She cut me off. It was a black female cop with an attitude worse than mine as if she's been dealing with alot more bullshit than me tonight. "Can't you see what happened my daughter beat me up" he said on the ground still laying in his blood. She looked at me like I was a criminal so I had to explain the situation thoroughly because there's a big chance I could be going to jail. "Police! Police!" April and Praise went crazy to see them. This was there first time actually seeing them up close. They fascinated by the police and firefighters. Especially their cars and trucks. "Go in the room April and Praise. Here hold my phone and watch baby shark" I said closing the door behind them. The lady was looking at me annoyed. I finally began to explain the situation and my dad rejected all of it. He threw the blame on me. "No he is always drunk there's not an hour in the day that he isn't drunk and tonight he's had way more than what he usually drinks and he drinks a minimum of 3 beers a day. He became violent because I was yelling at him for playing with my kids too loud and popping them and raised his hand at my daughter so I pushed him before he could do anything." I said getting frustrated. "She dis this shit im the one on the ground" he getting mad. "Because I pushed you!" I don't think he understood that I wasn't hiding the fact that I caused him to be hurt. Two of the men picked him up off the ground with his hands behind his back. "Why the fuck yall grabbing on me like that I can get up by my fucking self" he yelled at them struggling to keep his balance while standing in one place. "Is that true what she's telling us?" The male cop asked. "No! I'm the one with blood on my fucking face" he said getting cocky. I couldn't believe him right now. "Look at all this... There's no way I could make this up." I didn't care at this point. I pulled out bags and bags full of beer cans under my sink from just this week alone. I didn't want them to take him to jail in the first place but obviously he was trying to get me in jail by convincing them that im the aggressor. So whatever was coming to him I didn't even care anymore. They put the handcuffs on him. The female started to read him his rights. "Fuck that shit. If yall muhfuckas gone take me to jail then just do that shit! I don't hear that shit." She ignored him and still read him his rights while he was talking shit to them. The ambulance finally came and he started talking shit to them too. He didn't want the medical attention and they weren't interested in convincing him to get it either. "Put me in the back of the car and take me to the fuckin jail house!" He yelled. "That's exactly what we're doing you will be there in no time. "Hurry the fuck up bitch" he said to the lady. After locking the door behind them, I turned around to see the girls were standing there watching the whole thing. I released a big sigh and just looked at them. I didn't know what to say. "Grandpa hurt" April said walking towards the blood on the ground observing it. "Back up. Go sit on the couch and watch Sponge bob" I said. I got the mop and started mopping it up and realized by the time I was damn near done that this would obviously be a part of my story and no one would probably believe this. So as dedicated as I am to providing evidence with my chapters, I snapped a picture of the little bit of blood I had left to clean up and the bags of beers. I heard bamming on my door again. "Oh my god" who ever it was I didn't care to be bothered with them. "Who is it?" I asked and peeked through the hole. "JSO" she. I opened the door and she invited herself in. "I just have to get a little bit more information before we take him to the station. "Alright" I said uninterested.
"Who is he to you."
"My dad"
"What's his name"
"William Stevens"
"When is his birthday"
"Umm.. I don't know."
"You don't know your dad's birthday?" She looked at me in disbelief with a attitude.
"No." I said with the same the level of attitude. His birthday and my mom's birthday is two days apart one is on the 6th and the other's is on the 8th so I never remembered which is which or if the month was june or july. I never cared to care. I didn't grow up with parents so I wasn't a fan of parents to give a fuck about their birthday or let alone know it. They both make me hate them so much.
"And what's your name"
"Willena Stevens" I put my hand on my hip tired of the questions.
"And do you want to file for a restraining order once he's released?"
"No. I'm not scared of him. I didn't even want him to go to jail, I just wanted yall to get him out my house"
"Okay we'll be in contact with you" she said closing my door. I called my other sister, pooh to fill her in as well, she possibly could've saved the night had my dad let me get to my phone to call her in the first place. But what's done is done he's in jail now and its not my fault so im not going to beat myself up.

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