She's okay

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More time goes by and she's only breathing heavier and heart racing faster. The nurses had done everything they were trained to do and didn't have any more staff who were more experienced because she would need a closer evaluation and more attention than they could provide. April just laid on the bed trying to stay awake but coule barely keep her eyes open. There were so many doctors in her fave taking her temp, hooking her to monitors, fixing her tubes, I could tell she was irritated. A group of Paramedics from the children's hospital that we were being transferred to, walked in looking like they're about nothing but business. Not one smile. At least until they started talking to April to comfort her. They greeted me and told me what they were going to be doing and we were on our way. They pushed April on a stretcher into the ambulance while I rode in the front seat. Being so high up and legally speeding through traffic like that was so fun. I know fun wasn't supposed to be in the mix at the moment but I had never experienced that before. It may have been my last time too. Im not sure what they did to her while she was in the back of the truck but her heart rate slowed down just a little. It was still at an alarming rate though. They brought us to our room where it was much more spacious than Shands and a clean couch with pillows that turned into a bed was much more comfortable than a plastic chair and we were also able to control the temperature of the room. They put April in what looked like a bassinet/cage. The bars were high because of her age. It prevented her from accidentally falling out. It was hours that I stayed up on my phone and monitoring her myself. Her heart rate slowed down to normal and her breathing was steady as well. By this time it was 7am. I was tired too because I wasn't able to get any rest. I unfolded the couch, heated the room a little and propped the pillows and fell asleep within a split second. Less than 15 minutes into sleeping a nurse came in to check on her and informed me that she was doing alot better and that we were expected to be able to leave later in the day. That was the best news I heard all night. I turned the lights out and went right back to sleep. What woke me up, was the phone ringing. They were calling the room to get information on April's insurance. She was staring at me wide awake with her big eyes. "Hey mama, you feeling better?" I said in a cheerful voice. "Mhm" she said. She sound better too. My phone was dead so I looked around for the time and realized that they entered the room while I was sleeping because there was breakfast on the table. It wasn't too long ago because it was still hot. "Mommy I want cup cup" she said pointing to the sippy cup they left her next to the breakfast tray. I filled it with the provided apple juice and watched her as she drunk half the cup as if she hadn't drunk anything in days. "Do you wanna eat eat?" I asked. She shook her head no but I tried to feed her anyway. She loves bacon so I gave her a strip. I also gave her a carton of colorful goldfish and she seemed very content. I felt disgusting because I've been thrown up on, sweated on and worn the same clothes for about for 24 hrs. I was so caught up in making sure my babies were okay and cleaning behind their sickness, that I neglected myself. So I turned on Moana on the tv while she ate her bacon and gold fish so I could shower. I didn't have a change of clothes so I had to put the same ones back on but a shower could not be set aside. It felt so amazing I didn't want to get out. When I did, I seen that April finished her whole cup of Apple juice and bacon and she ate a few goldfish. She gave me a huge smile when we locked eyes. At that point I knew she was okay and that it was safe to bring her home. The doctors had other plans though. They knocked on the door and entered as I fixed my shirt. "Hi mom, how is she doing?" She said smiling as she checked the machine. "I think she she's doing okay now" I responded. "She sure is. We're gonna keep her for a little while longer just to make sure okay?" She said. I was okay with that. As much as I wanted to be home getting some sleep, I wanted to know April was 100% ok. I laid back on the couch and tried to go to sleep but it just wouldn't happen. Her dad still hasn't messaged me to check on her. "Yeah thanks for checking on your child she is doing fine" I texted him. "I wanna get down" April whined. She still was hooked onto an IV and monitors so I didn't think it was safe. She seemed hella said after I told her she couldn't so I hit the red button to call in a nurse. It was completely okay. They set it up to where she could be on the couch with me. A few more hours go by and they serve us lunch. Chicken tenders and fries. At this point she's been living the hospital life. She seemed like she wasn't sick at all. No breathing problem, normal heart rate, normal temperature and talking a mile a minute. We both sat on the couch eating our food watching my favorite cartoon, teen titans. I was happy that we were doing that because things could've been so wrong had we not been there and I couldn't even imagined how wrong things would have been if I fell asleep and did bring her to the hospital in the first place. We finally got the word that we could go home so I called my sister to come pick us up I had to get Praise from my sister house and taking her back on the bus with a whole bunch of germs was out of my mind. On our way home Spazz finally texted me back. "I'm working I can check on her when I get off the fuck" he said. It pissed me off because 1 he doesn't have a job and 2 why would you wait to check on your daughter who you've last known isn't able to breath right on her own? "She alright" I replied. "How she holding" he asked. "She alright" I repeated. Nigga wasn't worthy of any information other than she's okay.

Life Ran Into MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon