Sleep, drink, repeat

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With both of them being sick, I knew it was going to be a bad idea to stay at Jessey & Thomas house due to the uncomfortable air mattress but there was no way I could carry both of them on the way home. My dad wasn't with the bullshit. "I'll carry April to the bus stop and you get Praise" he said. "My grandkids shouldn't be walking or outside for long in this weather" he carried on. I couldn't fight with that. At all. It was cold and dark and they were heavy and sick.  I could've asked Jessey to help me but once I get to the other side of town, who would carry them then? She couldn't spend the night either because she had to work. So, my dad was my first, last and only option. We packed their things and I figured I'd give them a dose of medicine before we left so by the time we got home they could be feeling better to at least try to eat something. I opened the first box and discovered that I picked up Motrin for infants. I was so frustrated because it cost more than the Tylenol I got them. Which was exactly for their age. I couldn't take it back either because I had already opened it. I was lowkey pissed. We dosed them up and was on our way. The girls slept the whole bus ride home. When we got in the house they wouldn't get up to do anything. So I didn't even bother cooking anything. They continued to sleep in my bed. I put multiple fleece blankets on the bed to cover the whole thing. I felt so bad for them. Now both of them would only wake up to dob for their cups or because they were throwing up. It seemed like I could only sleep 15 minutes at a time because I was up cleaning throw up. The morning came and I didn't hear a peep from them. They didn't get out of bed and barely opened their eyes. They were still hot as ever so I gave them some medicine, more water and tried to give them at least a bite of a bananas but still no luck. Just more vomit and the shakes. I took advantage of it to catch up on some sleep and woke up periodically until 4pm. I didn't even know what to do with myself. They weren't misbehaving, the house was clean and I had no errands to run. Only thing that kept me somewhat entertained was Netflix and Facebook. My dad decided to stay and went in and out of the house getting more beer. He didn't bother us unless he was asking id we needed anything while he was out. I told him I bought the wrong kind of medicine and needed more and sure enough he brought it back. He sat on the edge of the bed and talked to them even though they were sleeping. I didn't want his company. Even though he was doing nice things for us, I just wanted him to get out of my room. I guess my feelings were still hurt and a minor grudge had formed. This continued for 2 days before I texted Spazz to update him. He haven't texted me or video called me to see them ever since I first told him April was sick. "They're both sick. They're going though it, the doctor said they're gonna be like this for at least a week. "Fuck" he replied. I didn't know how to respond to that so I didn't. A little later I video called him because they were finally awake. He didn't know what to say to them and they were to sick to speak so they were just looking at each other. That irritated me so I just hung up. While they were awake, I took it as my shot to give them both another dose of medicine. It didn't take too long to kick in. For the first time in days, my babies got out of bed. They laughed and played with each other with a new alphabet foam carpet I bought them a few days before them getting sick. I was so relived but It sucked because it lasted no longer than an hour. They were right back in bed with high temps sipping their water falling asleep. We followed the same on bed routine for the next two days before I decided to take Praise to the hospital to have her diagnosed with the flu too so she could get flu medicine. It was different than over the counter medicine. We never got the chance to pick up April's prescription on that side of town either so that was the chance. I didn't want to have them in the cold weather or on the bus so I called my sister pooh and asked if she could drop us off at a hospital and she came through for us quickly. Me, the girls and my dad all got in the back seat. Once we got to St Vincent, a hospital with better quality, we seen that it was full. I was told the wait would be at least 45 minutes until we were seen. I didn't want to wait that long so I called pooh back with shands being a second choice. My dad was getting on my nerves. He was making it worse by complaining and worrying about how sick the girls were. And I get it, he cares but stressing about it was already on the list for me. I didn't need a thousand possibilities of what could happen to them because they're sick. That's all he could talk about though. After we arrived to Shands Praise did not want to be fucked with. She wasn't in the mood to be touched at all. "Can I put this on your finger" the doctor said in a cheerful baby voice. It was to take her pulse. Out of no where Praise kicked her and pulled her hair. "Oh my god im so sorry!" I yelled in such shock. That wasn't like Praise. I was so embarrassed. "Its okay" the doctor said while they all laughed. "I actually remember this one. She's the one that called me the B word the last time I saw her" she continued to laugh. I was even more embarrassed because she remembers that. It was true. April and Praise do not get along with anybody in a doctor suit under no circumstances. They finally ran test and diagnosed her with the flu as well. I was thankful because that meant I could get her her own medicine instead of them having to share one bottle. This is day 5 that they are getting no better. 2 days later, I still haven't hears from Spazz. So I video called him. It just rung and rung. No answer. I knew that he seen it because the check mark was dark and not empty. I dwelled on that and felt some type of way. "I'm not gonna call you any more, just call when you're ready" I told him. The old me would've cussed him out and did something wrong out of spite but I've matured some so I gave him the opportunity to do what he wanted to do. Later that night I did all of my mommy duties and laid down to rest. I heard April breathing as if she'd just ran a mile non stop. It sound a bit like a whistle. I turned on the light and seen that she was balled up staring at the wall. No matter what I tried, she couldn't catch her breath.

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