Surprise Surprise

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About a month later im finally starting to experience the solid effects of pregnancy. I couldn't wake up without throwing up even when I haven't eaten. I was sleepy all day everyday, I couldn't even stand up for 5 mins without being out of breath or energy and my stomach was showing at this point. I was so sad, lonely and miserable. It was begging to be late so I went to go to sleep and suddenly out of no where I received s text from my ex boyfriend Jashon. We haven't spoken in about a year and some change after a unfortunate break up. I was in love with him. I still loved him. He knew it too. "Hey I heard you were pregnant im so shocked, how you doing?" I almost flipped shit when I got his text because i missed him so much. "Im just laying down I feel so sick I cant eat." I was expecting a little conversation and then we wouldn't speak for a while but to mu surprise he said "Well let me take you out to a restaurant so you can try again. Get ready Im going to pick you up in a hour." I flew across my room looking for the right dress to put on. How should I do my hair? Do I need to paint my nails? Which shoes do I put on? I wanted to look so good for this man I was so happy. My energy went through the roof. 10pm hits and he's knocking on my door exactly on time as he said. He has the most beautiful face ever and his smile damn near took me out. We head to the car and he opens the door for me and once I get in the car he says "Come Here" He took my hand and helped me out and gave me the longest hug I ever had. It felt like heaven and he smelled so good. A million memories ran through my mind and all those feelings came back instantly... Or maybe they never left. So we headed on ojr way to the date and had a great time, I haven't felt like this in so long. When we got back to my house we sat in the parking lot for about a hour or two still talking and flirting and we didnt wanna leave each other. "I reall wish I didn't have to go. I just wanna stay with you" I said. He stared at me for a second as if he were thinking of something we could work out. And he did. "I can get us a hotel so we can spend the night with each other and finish catching up." We found this fancy hotel near his house that unfortunately didnt have any rooms available until 6am. It was already about 3am at this point so we just sat in the lobby cuddled, talked and waited. He fell asleep on my lap and I felt myself falling in love with him even more. Finally we get the room and he is ready to go to sleep after we took seperate showers. Sex was not on his mind from the looks of it but it damn sure was on mine. My baby daddy could never do what Shon did or felt the way shon felt. The room had two beds and he offered me space of him sleeping in the other bed. I said "it's okay you don't make me feel uncomfortable." He took the blanket off the other bed and tucked me in like a child and tucked his self in the other blanket. The lights were cut off and he got to snoring. I didn't know how to feel that he actually didn't want anything from me but to spend time with me and for me to enhoy myself. I took my blanket off and got under his and cuddled with him. He stopped snoring so I knew he had woke up. Next thing I know I went in for a kiss and it felt so relieving. I then stick my hand in his pants and he immediately said "Lena you're pregnant" I ignored my pregnancy because I wasn't enjoying it but I enjoyed him so I said "I know but we're here and this is what I want if you don't mind." He hesitated and said "Im sorry I cant do that." So I backed off and just started to cuddle him again. Less than a minute later he's kissing on my body and gave me what I was asking for. It felt AMAZING. The next morning we went to get smoothies and visited a couple of his friends before he took me home.

As he dropped me off I seen Spazz in front of my door. I waved to Shon as he oulled off instead of giving him a hug because I didn't want to be suspicious as if getting out of a guys car wasn't suspicious enough. I sipped my smoothie as I tried to ignore him while walking in my house. He pulled my hand gently yet firmly and said "who is that nigga" his face turned from relaxed into a concerned mean mug. HA - HA- HA im thinking in my mind. He's jealous. I liked that he was jealous because for some reason it mattered to me that he was. It showed that he still gave a fuck. "He's my friend from school,don't worry he's gay. He took me to see his mom because she wanted to talk about this pregnancy and she bought me a smoothie and asked him to drop me off because she had to go to work." His face started to relax again. Thank goodness he was buying it. "Alright ma im about to go to work I'll see you later." "Okay baby be safe." I sealed the deal that we were a thing again. He gave me a very long kiss and took off. I didn't know what I was doing. Why did I even lie we werent together to my knowledge. He did me dirty so why would he even care about who im with? What did I just do...  Later that night he came in my room dripping in sweat and breathing really hard. With a scared look on his face. "What's wring are you okay?" I never seen him like that so I started to get scared for him "Baby let me help you." He finally caught his breath and said "Bae I just fucked up." "Well what happened? He put his hands on his head out of stress and said "Ashely got some niggas to shoot at me while I was at work today so I shot at her while she was in her car when I got to her house and I put my habds on her so she called the cops. I ran from her house to here non stop because the police was on my ass I had to cut allies and shit to get away". Her what? Her house? I was speechless because I didn't know he was a woman beater and I also remember confirming that same day that we were back together. Before I could say anything he got a text and his face turned upside down. I knew it was her. He said "Ma im about to step outside and talk to my bro." So he did just that. When he got back yo my room he was calm and looked like he done cleaned his self up. To get his mind off things I told him i could do his hair. Weird I know but he always talked about having dreads so I told him I know how to make dreads using yarn and that it would make him look different if the cops would still be looking for him. He was okay with that so I got all the supplies I needed and he sat in between my legs for hours while i just worked on his hair. He gets another text. But this time his phone is by my lap and I start to read it. He said "The bitch crazy I been broke up with her but sje keep doing all this extra shit."  I rolled my eyes because i knew he was lying. The text said "Baby im sorry I didn't mean to call the cops I overreacted just come home. We can move to my home state and start everything over."  This bitch is just plain dumb. But I wasn't no smarter because we both were messing with the same aint shit ass nigga and letting him call the shots and be in control even with his dirt. She had no idea he was at my house. She would start the crazy shit up again if she knew where he was. She sent another text asking where he was at. His dumb ass told her that he was at his mom's house. Mind you me and his mom were next door neighbors. A light clicked in her head from that response. Once again she became furious because she caught on to where he really was. She had enough of this shit. She was on her way.

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