Im not done just yet

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"I understand she don't want him to visit my house no more, okay cool I understand. Go to the park or somewhere public. She then said she doesn't want me around him at all so at this point im puzzled. He is a dad so he has to be around his kids mom at some point" I argued with everyone. "Just drop the kids off over here" effic rebuttaled. "No im not leaving my kids over here with a bitch that don't like and damn sure not with their daddy who might let her do crazy shit to my kids because he doesn't even care for real." I said getting more irritated. "That stupid ass excuse he aint gone let nothing happen to his kids" th short drunk man claimed. "You don't even know him. Every time I leave the room my baby crying cause he popped her for some stupid ass reason" I argued. "I don't got custody of my kids but Ima tear they ass up if they do some shit wrong too" he said drinking some more of his drink. "I don't care about how you and your baby mama do things with yall kids that's not my business. I don't even know why yall telling me this shit" I said folding my arms. Everyone was against me. I new I wasn't safe. Whether it was if I got jumped or beat up by a man, any outcome other than just me and Wanda fighting wasn't going to be fair. "Bitch just want my man" wanda said. "You talking all this shit bout how Randy want you and not me but im the one who kicked him out!" I yelled at her. "You only put him out cause you a little ass girl who don't know how to handle a man" she said hyped. She couldn't stay still she was just pasting back and forth looking like a praying mantis. "How can you call a nigga 10 years younger than you a man you fucking pedophile. He was just bragging to me on the phone about how he pistol whipped yo ass and you were in the hospital begging him to forgive you for provoking him to do it" I said embarrassing her. Everyone already knew though, he told everyone. She just ignored that part. "You over here arguing with me when you should be going to get your kids" she said as her and her friend got hyped and dapped each other up in agreement. I just wrapped it up and made my conclusion. "So Randy are you going to get the girls or not?" I asked trying to stay calm. "Nah im staying" he responded backing up. He couldn't even look me in the face and say it. So I started to walk off and Wanda said "coming over here starting shit instead of worrying about her kids" to Effic's girlfriend. I had no control over myself. I didn't even play on it, my fist was locked with her face. It happened so quick I didn't even realized I punched her until she yelled "this bitch just hit me" after that everyone said "just let them fight, let them fight it out. I took off my jacket cause I wanted to beat the fuck out of this cougar. She then saw my mace and knife in my bra. "Put that shit down bitch you not bout to cut me hoe" she yelled throwing her set up. She was ready to fight me because she kept trying to sneak me every time I reached for them to put them down. "Don't run up on me yet or I will cut yo ass, let me put my shit down" I said keeping my stance just in case she tried to sneak me once more before putting my weapons down. I realized I even had my house key in my bra because I didn't bring my purse.  As soon as I dropped my weapons, she ran up on me. First thing females grab for is the hair so my pony tail came right off while I had a good grip on her tracks. But on for a while. I tried my hardest to make all of my aims to her face but ahe had good defense. I ended up pulling all of her tracks out so there wasn't anything left on her head but halfway pulled out braids. While my hair was out, wild. So I fought and fought because I didn't want her to get a grip on my hair. Once I cornered her with the house and the ground, everyone could see it was a done deal for her. So they made me wait to let her get up. I did. And as soon as she did she went straight for my hair and started swinging. I grabbed the few braids on her hair that I could and started swinging with the other hand as well. The short drunk guy then interfered. "Let her hair go" he said pulling on my hand. I had a grip like no other because she still had my hair. "Tell her to let my shit go" I yelled at him. We both stood there out of breath waiting to be let go of. "Im not gone tell you again let her shit go" he demaded but I didn't I punched her. So next thing I know he punched me. He aimed for my face but we were both facing the ground so he ended up hitting my forehead. It hurt so bad I stopped as a reflex and held my face. He then grabbed my hands letting Wanda get all of her licks in that she's been missing through the fight. "I will NEVER say I got beat up by a skinny bitch" I thought to myself. So I worked up all my strength to get loose from him and I did. It was over for her. Luckily I clipped my nails just the day before. I know its a bitch move but I tried to scratch that bitch's face off her face. I wanted to leave a huge permanent scar on her face so she could remeber me for sure. But It wasn't cutting her like I expected it to. "Let her go let her go" they yelled once again. I was out of breath thank god for a break and so was she. They ran in the house to get her some napkins for her face. I honestly don't know exactly where the blood was coming from. I was just swinging. I waited for round 2 and caught my breath and let her catch hers. "Wussup you ready" I yelled to her as she stood cooped up with Spazz cleaning her face with the napkin. "Gone head and go. She done, get from over here" he said trying to dismiss me. "So you gone choose a bitch over your kids and let a nigga put his hands on me?" I said to him as I picked up my pony tail off the ground. "Man you came over here with that drama starting shit, go home" he said as he walked back in his house with Wanda. I was not done. I wanted to fight more. I was upset even more with the situation now. Wanda's friend handed me my knife and mace while Effic continued to give his opinion. I started to argue back for a second but ended up cutting him off "Yall don't know me, yall don't even know him" I said walking off done listening to their bullshit. Halfway walking back to my house, I realized my key wasn't in my bra anymore. It fell out while I was fighting. So I walked back over there as I seen Spazz and Wanda pulling off in her car. I didn't say anything to anyone, I just turned my flashlight on and started to look for my key in the grass and dirt. Her friend started to help me look for it. Then the short drunk guy approached me and said "look I don't have a problem with you I just-" "I gotta find my key" I rudely cut him off. What in the hell made him think it was okay to talk to me and like that as if he didn't punch me in my face? Everyone was trying to help her win the fight. After looking for about 15 minutes in the same few places over and over I came to the conclusion I wouldn't be able to find the key. So I had to walk back to Jessey's house with my phone on 5 percent and a knot on my forhead. I wanted to tell Effic how Randy was plotting on having him killed just a few months ago because he "heard" effic was plotting on him. I didn't say it though because clearly they were both going to deny it now that they were on good terms and it'll just seem like I was making shit up. They still had me fucked up though. She better be on the lookout for her car at 4am instead of sleep because Im coming back to fuck it up. Fuck jail.

Life Ran Into MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang