Get out and stay out

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He suddenly stopped his self from choking me as if he had an epiphany. I wiped my tears before leaving the bathroom so my kids wouldn't see them. I needed the cops there right away before he got angry all over again. If he did I would've been way more than just choking me. I sent my kids in my room to lay down because I couldn't make it obvious that I was up to something. When I closed the door behind him I turned around and he was standing right behind me in his doorway looking to see what I was doing. I went downstairs so I could call the cops in private so he wouldn't break my phone and beat on me. "You bout to call the cops on me?!" He yelled following me downstairs. "No leave me the fuck alone! I'm just trying  to get away from you right now I need some air!" I said holding back my tears. My landlord was just next door on the porch finishing an inspection so she heard us yelling at each other on my way out. We looked each other in the eyes so I knew she caught on. I was in some trouble, she heard a man in my house after personally specifying she didn't want any unauthorized guest in my home. I stood on the side of the house to call the police because I didn't know if he was standing by the door or windows listening to me. "911 what's the location of your emergency" I was speaking a mile a minute telling the whole story but quietly. "Okay did Sharpe hit you?" She asked to get a clear understanding. "He didn't hit me I just kept having to break out of him choking me" I said crying. Saying those words broke my heart. "Okay we're sending an officer to you right now." My sister and my nephew came walking up to my house because she leaves him with my dad as well to go to work. She seen me crying and immediately wanted to know what's wrong. I couldn't even explain it because Randy loud mouth came outside yelling. I had no idea what he was saying because my sister started talking over him trying to get him to calm down as she eased him back into the house. I knew Randy had no where to go so he would be back that same night after everything cleared up, apologizing and begging to come back in. So I called his sister Red. I told her everything. And to sum it up we bith came to the conclusion that Randy is a grown ass man who makes his own decsions and we can't clean up his mess this time. He was on his own. My sister came back outside saying "Girl he mad as fuck you was talking to another nigga last night" she started laughing. "He was talking bout "she was akikiki all night with another nigga" like I was supposed to fix it" Shanta said. My dad finally came back with his beer so Shanta left for work. I was upset because I was supposed to be leaving for work too but no I had to deal with this bullshit. Finally 2 female cops arrived after waiting so long. "Is he in there now?" They got straight to the point. "Yes he's upstairs" I said as I opened the door for them to go in. "Randy this is JSO come down stairs" she demanded. He came downstairs with a confused look on his face as if he didn't know why they were there. He stopped at the doorway as me and the 2 cops stood on the porch. "So what's going on?" She asked him. "Nothing we was just arguing, she said she needed to step outside to get some air and now yall here" he said trying to make it seem as if it was something minor. "She said that you physically assaulted her is that true" the cops asked. "No I mean I got in her face but I would never put my hands on her" he said talking to them but looking at me. "Stop lying Randy you were just in the bathroom choking me!" I said holding back my rage. The other cop started to examine me for any bruises. "We don't see any marks" she said still examining me. "I don't even care I just want yall to get him out of my house" I said shaking my head with a pleading face. The other cop could see how much I wanted him gone. "Okay Randy we're just going to have you go upstairs to get your stuff and vacate the premises." "I got too much stuff I don't know where to take all of-" "Effic live right around the corner" I interrupted him folding my arms. "He has a bestfriend he can stay with right dow the street. He just don't want to leave." I told the cops. "I get mail here. You can't just up and kick nobody out if they have mail from within 30 days" he retaliated. "This nigga is really trying to go against me of staying in my own shit." I thought. "He's right" the other officer added. I was beginning to hate her because It seemed she was taking his side trying to help him after not seeing any bruises on me. Maybe she's witnessed so many woman lie about things like this and thought I was one of them. "Well what we are going to do for now is, you get your things oh, the things that you can carry and you take them to your friend's house and tomorrow we will come back and you will be able to get the rest of your stuff as long as we are here with you. If you come back to this house anytime today after we leave you will then be trespassing it we will arrest you. Is that clear?" The cop said very assertively. "Yeah" Randy mumbled. He became very bummed. He turned around and locked eyes with me as he took his first few steps back up the stairs. He wanted me to feel something. Whether it was bad, scared or hurt. I wasn't sure but he wanted me to feel something within that long lock. But I felt nothing. I wasn't ashamed to have called the cops on him. From what he did to me, I was actually hoping that they would take him to jail. But atleast he was finally out of my house. He came back downstairs with just his book bag and his bike from off the back porch. They made it clear that they were going to ride with him as he rode his bike to make sure he made it to Effic's house and not just pretending to leave. "Can I just ask you one thing lena?" He said approaching me. The grabbed his arm quickly as the other cop reached for her tazer. I ignored him and started to walk in the house. "Lena!" He called my name. "Can I just talk to her real quick? Lena please" He begged. "Bye Randy" I said calmly shaking my head. "She doesn't want to talk. Let's go Randy" the cop said letting his arm go and gave two firm pats on his back. He shook his head in so much disappointment. He looked like he was emotionally hurt. He gave me one last look in my eyes as I closed my door.
"What happened daughter?" My dad asked as I walked upstairs. I ignored him. I was so upset with him. None of that would have happened if he was there like he was supposed to be. Why would he leave at the last minute like that? He's never done that before. I came back downstairs ready to leave "He's not allowed in my house daddy. If he come back call the cops. Don't even open the door." I gave my girls some kisses and headed out on my way to work even though I was going to be late. I probably was going to be fired I thought but it was worth still going. 20 Minutes clocked into work something kept bugging me to call my dad to check on my kids. The feeling wouldn't go away. So I went on break and called my dad. "Yeah Lena he came back" my dad said. "Why did he come back? Why did you let him in? Are the girls okay?" I started panicking. "The girls are fine daughter and I didn't let him in.. He came through the window and went straight upstairs and took alot of stuff with him".

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