A new home

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Sleeping without him felt so lonely now. I never really let my emotions run this deep for him before so it felt kind of weird. After he left we still stayed on the phone everyday. I talked to him about everything. I finally was accepting by Jacksonville Housing Authorities to move into the apartments I had my eyes on ever since I've been living on my own. They looked so beautiful inside and out and had everything I didn't have. It wasn't gas powered thank god so no more cold showers. I had to pay lights and water, and a deposit by a deadline I had absolutely no money for or I wouldn't be accepted. Thomas and Jessey were freaking out because they didn't have money to help after paying the light bill recently. It was unexpected that I got accepted. Very bad timing. I asked Spazz if he could help me pay some of the fees off and he said he would send me $100. He had just received his SSI check so I was expecting more than that because that wasn't even enough for the deposit. He said he spent the rest of his money on court fees and rent. He was no longer sleeping at a church. He had moved in with his older sister. I've never met this one but by the way he explained her she sounded selfish. He wasn't allowed to do anything he didn't pay for. Such as wash clothes, eat or even much watch tv unless he out money on the lights. That's life I guess. So I was grateful that he helped me with the amount that he did. "Ma send me your information im going to send you the money right now" he said. I texted him my information but made a Typo in my first name. He knows my name so I didn't think to resend the information. "Ight ma I sent it through western union you should be able to go get it now." He said feeling satisfied. He knew it put me at ease because that was one step closer to moving into a better home. My mom came through for me and put &150 in a money order too so Inwas set thank god. I got the required papers from my new landlord and told her I will turn them in along with my deposit on the same day. I had already got my 30 day notice signed by my current landlord and the count was 14 days left. 4 days past and I went to turn in everything I needed to move in I was so excited. "Sorry Ms Stevens but there was a mistake. We hace to place you back on the waiting list because there is a domestic violence transfer that we have to move into your unit. They are the number one priority in our company. Im not sure why they sent your acceptance letter so soon." She said before she apologized. "Okay but I've been waiting for a year to get accepted and I already turned in my 30 day notice that YALL required. I have literally 10 days left to get my stuff out of there" I said trying to make sense of this situation. "I'm sorry mam you're going to have to take that up with your landlord I can't do nothing about that." She said shaking her head. I was so hurt and stressed out I slammed her door as I walked home in tears. It was a short walk but I rushed because the office closed in 20 minutes. When I arrived to my current landlord's office I explained to her the situation and that I needed my 30 day notice canceled. " That's why when dealing with these kind of things, you have the notice signed last because its irreversible. Your apartment is already taken now because its preleased." She said showing no sympathy. I hated her. Her and her mother worked there and treated everyone nasty and looked down on everyone thinking they were better than us. I was raging in anger and fear of being homeless again but this time it would have been worse because my kids weren't in my stomach. I didn't tell them what happened but I caught a ride with jessey and thomas to a walgreens close to my house to get the money spazz sent me. They only dropped me off. Thomas didn't wait because he thought I had an attitude with him and a misunderstanding in the car about having unauthorized guest in my house. I never used western union before so when it told me I had no money available I was confused. I had Randy send me a picture of the tracking number to make sure he actually sent it and wasnt lying. He did send it. "Sir can you help me please?" I said trying not to look at the employee because tears were still falling down my face. "Yes mam how can I assist you?" He said as he stood over me looking at the computer. "My kids father sent me $100 im trying to get it and it keeps saying error." I said getting upset. So he entered all of my information in for me this time."Mam you have two different names from the transaction and your ID. There's a letter in your first name not matching the transaction name. It's too late now western union will close in a few minutes but have him edit your name and try again tomorrow" he explained to me. More tears fell down my face. I was so ready to just close my eyes and walk into traffic. "How could this bitch mess up my name?" I thought. I took a long time to walk home on purpose. I didn't want anyone to see me looking the way I was and I didn't want them to aggravate me constantly asking me what's wrong. When I got home I called Spazz and asked him why didbhe spell my name the way he did. "That's what you sent me the fuck" he said instantly snapping on me. "Nigga you know damn well that's not how I spell my name" I yelled at him. "Man I don't have time for this shit" he said. I calmed down because it was a mistake that could be fixed. "The man said all you have to do is edit it and I can go back and get it in the morning. " I said calmly. "I cant go back and edit it. It's already been sent I did it as a guest not with an account." He explained to me. I wanted to through my phone into the wall. That's usually the reason all my phones never last. "Well can you just contact the company and tell them what happened and you need a refund so you can resend it?" I asked. "Yeah I'm try right now" he said and hung up. I felt like the day couldn't get anyworse.
I was up bright and early the next day and went back to my future landlords office. "They said my apartment is preleased and is already taken. I only have 9 days and no where to go. Please.." I Said tearing up again. "I'm sorry but im personally not able to do anything im just giving you the information JHA gave me. But you can go across the street and talk to Ms Errica and see what she can do for you." She said. I walked out once again with tears uncontrollably falling down my face. Once I got into the JHA office I was able to speak with MS errica after 30 minutes of waiting. I explained my situation to her with try my best not to cry but I couldn't help it. "What are you talking about Ms stevens? I see that you were accepted and placed in the unit ****" she said showing me the paper. "I know but when I turned in my information sshe told me it was a mistake because yall have a transfer who was moving into the unit" I said wiping my tears. It still didn't clear my face because more fell. She picked up the phone with confusion all over her face. She called my future landlord. "Ms Grant the apartment **** for ms stevens should be reasy for her as of last week. *she paused and listened to the response* I understand where we wrong. We did have a transfer but she picked a scattered site she cancelled for Blodgett Villas. *she paused listening to the response* yeah, yeah that apartment should be good to go and ready for move in." She hung up the phone and apologized for the misunderstanding. I felt so much relief leave my body and mind. Thank God. "Thank you so much" I said as I stood up out of the chair and wiped my face leaving her office. I walked back to my future landlord's office and gave her all of my documents and money order for my deposit. "I have everything except my deposit for my water bill for JEA" I said expecting to hear bad news. "That's okay just have your lights transferred and they will just add that fee to your next bill." She said with a smile. She didn't even apologize for making me freak out with her inaccurate information. I went to with Jessey and Thomas to get the lights transferred. They were still in charge off that bill. "$200 deposit?! We have to pay that?" Jessey said like I had her fucked up. "Yeah. The lights are combined with the water over here its not like Roosevelt." I said. I knew it was a bit much especially considering they just recently paid a light bill but I stood my ground. I was making a scrafice risking losing my apartment for letting them live there. I got caught with them in Roosevelt and still let them stay. $200 didnt compare.  "$200 deposit and then the actual bill" thomas added on. I stayed quiet while they figured out what move they wanted to make. If they wanted to find somewhere else to go or pay the deposit and bill. I was hoping they stayed because I still didn't have a job and my dad was an old drunk. He could only hustle up $5 a day. $10 on a good day. He pan handled for it because he couldnt helo but to have a beer or wine cooler. I kept him around because there were times he woukd go to agencies and shelters and bring home new toys for the girls and food when we were low and etc.. He's was amazing and tried his best to make ends meet one way or another. I was too embarrassed and had way too much pride to go with him so I was okay with him staying in my home too. Jessey and thomas agreed and we got a tour of the house. It was beautiful and so spacious. I couldn't believe it was mine. He gave me the keys and made it official. God always have my back I thought to myself as I looked around the house. The rooms were twice as big, I had sliding door to my walk in closet beautiful bathroom upset but my favorite was was the bathroom downstairs where there was another huge walk in closet. A washer and dryer belonged there but of course I couldn't afford them and also didn't want that to run up the bill on jessey and thomas. I had my own backyard which was also spacious and gated off and the porches were ready for Pt 28. A New Home

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