Creepy but ok

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Once I was finished, to no surprise, my mom asked for more money because she knew I had it. I would've felt guilty to tell her no. So I went to the atm and gave her exactly what she asked for. I guess she was in a good mood after I gave it to her. "I'm keep the tonight" she said. She didn't even ask. She knew I was comfortable enough at this point since they stayed a few times already. "Okay ima come get them in the afternoon" I said nonchalantly.
*Next Day*
I was having a really good day. The thought of Terris had me smiling out of the blue and reading our dm's over and over. I was on my way to get my babies from my mom's house. When I got on the bus I sat in the very first seat. I didn't want to be bothered by the elderly people who always try to make conversation so I instantly put my headphones in to block out everything. After about 5 minutes of riding, I take a look around the bus to observe my surroundings and I was shocked to see Coco staring at me from the back of the bus. Once we made direct eye contact he did the usual old him and flashed a huge smile at me. I didn't want him to think I was any bit of interested so I avoided looking at him for the rest of the ride. I could still feel him watching me though. It was awkward as hell. I was only half way to my mom's house though, it takes 2 buses from mine. So once I got off the bus I felt relieved. I waited on the next bus but unfortunately he was waiting on the same bus. I walked around the terminal checking  to see what other buses I could've taken to get there but there was only one and that one didn't arrive until almost an hour later. I'll be damned if I let coco cause me to wait downtown for an hour. So I sucked it up. I was almost the last one on but I still managed to be in the very first seat. I popped my headphones right back in. Before the bus pulled off I checked my surroundings again only to see coco approaching me. My heart started to race. Still beats me why. "He literally has to be crazy." I thought. What in his right mind would make him approach me? I looked away and acted like I didn't see him when It was obvious that I did. He sat right next to me. I was waiting to snap on him for whatever dumb shit was about to come out of his mouth. But he never said anything. Just sat next to me. That bothered me more than him saying anything. I texted karla to tell her whats up because she always gives me real ass feedback or something that would make me laugh but really I just needed to be distracted to keep from looking at him. "Girl he probably real life crazy, better be careful." She texted me. She was right I came to his defense because I can't see it but maybe she's right because how does this make sense to him? Is this a game? Finally its his stop to get off. I noticed he was getting off in the same neighborhood as my first apartments. That has to be where he's living, in those apartments. And in order to be staying in those apartments, he must live with a female and her kids. I knew he was lying when he said he "had somewhere to stay" or "stayed with his boss" but that wasn't my business. I once again felt relieved to be away from him and shrugged it off.

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