I got your money

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As im watching my girls play at the park, I get a random message. "😍 call me" I instantly got annoyed. The nerve of Coco to call me after all the shit he's done! What could he possibly have to say to me? Still I replied. "Can I talk to you?" He asked. I didn't want to talk about anything but the $160 he stole from me. Other than that, not a bone in my body craved to have any conversation with this boy. "You must be about to tell me you're giving me back the money you stole from me" I got right to the point. "Yeah I want to give it back to you" he responded. Bullshit, I thought. He's had plenty of opportunities to give it back to me. I even gave him the opportunity to make it up to me instead by helping me move. He threw me to the curve each time. I didn't even believe he had the money. "Take a picture of it" I demanded. "Im sorry, please. I really do have the money. He even offered to video call me to show me he had it. Unfortunately the video chat wouldn't connect each time we called each other but he was super dedicated to showing me so he must've really had it. "Show me. I don't want to go through all of this for nothing." I held my guard up. "I don't have a phone can I come bring it to you?" He asked. I knew what he was up to when he asked to bring it to me. It was already getting late so if he comes all the way across town he'd try to stay the night. I didn't want him to stay so I said "where you trynna meet at?" "Where you stay at?" He replied. "We can meet downtown" I tried to make it clear that he was not welcomed back to my house. "How will I know when you're there?" And answer was, without a phone, he wouldn't know. I was recently billed for my lights that was due in two weeks. So I wasn't trying to let go of this money opportunity. I gave him directions my house. "Are you going to let me make it up to you?" He asked. I knew that meant giving me my money but but maybe that meant sex as well.. So my plan was to lead him on and do him dirty by making him leave as soon as he gives me the money back and I hide it. So I said he could make it up to me. "Do you want a bottle?" He asked. He knows very I like to drink and wouldn't turn down liquor. "Peach paul masson" I replied. It's my favorite drink. If he's willing to do all of this he has the money for sure.  "Who stay with you?" He asked. "My kids."okay I'll see you soon. Im sorry and I miss you like crazy" he said. I kept it simple. "Okay." A few hours passed and within those few hours I managed to get the girls fed, bathed and to sleep. I then got myself ready. I took the hottest shower. I shaved my arms and I shaved my legs. I got out the shower and and looked in the vanity mirror at myself. Next thing I know, im back in the shower shaving my vagina. At this point it was me against myself. "Lena what are you doing?" "Just shaving. All women shave." "Girl you haven't shaved since the last time you had sex" "The last time I had sex was with him" "So you're gonna have sex with him" "No im not gonna have sex with him im just preparing myself" I had a full argument in my head while making sure I was shaved absolutely bald. I got out the shower in a dress that I never wear no bra and no panties. I made up my bed and put on some vibe music as I waited for him in the dark. The knob on my door started turning. No knocking. So I instantly ran to my closet to grab my knife. He knocked on the door finally after not being able to get in. "Who is it?" I asked suspiciously. "Its pop girl" I opened the door relived. He threw his self onto me smothering me in a hug "whoa wait a minute" I said backing up to put the knife down. "Damn you must be scared as fuck out here by yourself to answer the door with a knife" he said laughing. "I'm not scared" I rolled my eyes and kept myself from laughing. I couldn't hide the smirk though. Why did I feel so happy to see him? Im supposed to hate him. Im supposed to get the money, hide it and then tell him he has to go. Yet there I was halfway flirting and ready. "This shit big as fuck" I said looking around my room. "I know right" I responded watching him open the doors to my closet and bathroom. "Oh shit you got a bathroom in yo room this some fancy shit" he said turning on the lights. "Where my money at" I demanded folding my arms. I cut the bullshit with the smiles and conversation. "Dammmn girl you ain't even gone have a lil conversation with me, how you been?" "Yusef where is the money" I became very serious. "Its in my bag" he said with a huge smile. He remained uncomfortably happy to see me.

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