Making his decision

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The next day he got out of the hospital he texted me the update thanking me for visiting him and told me he went right back to work. I was at work when I was sent this message. I took a break to go to the bathroom to respond to the message but then I get an incoming call from the West Palm Beach area. I was so confused because who would be calling me from there? And for what? So I answered. "Hello?" I asked in a professional bouce just in case it was someone important. "Who the fuck is this?" A woman responsed in a loud and ghetto way. Her voice sounded like the cancer patients using a machine to talk. I was still confused as to why she was calling me talking to me like that. "You called my phone who are you?" I said picking up my attitude. "Where is Randy?! Who are you?!" She asked yelling at me. After she asked who is Randy I instantly picked up on who it was. It was his 36 year old girlfriend that he told me he "doesn't talk to anymore". Randy not here, this is Lena." I replied normally. "Lena? Bitch I don't know you!" She yelled at me. "Okay you don't know me but you called my phone yelling" I said. She hung up in my face. "Whew chile the ghetto" I said to myself out loud shaking my head. When I went back to the call log to block the number, I seen that I was logged into his talkatone (call/text app) instead of mine. "Damn damn damn I done got this man in trouble by accident that fast" I thought to myself. I washed my hands and went back to work. When I clocked out of work I checked my phone and seen that he sent me multiple texts cussing me out for "contacting his girlfriend". I truly didn't even know he was logged in instead of me. He didn't know that I had the password to his account. I looked through his text messages often but her name was saved as "Wonda" so I didn't recognize her phone number when she called. I didn't even go back and forth with him this time because I knew it was going to be a matter of time that he crawled back to my feet for forgiveness and that he did about a week later.
*the week later*
"I want to see my girls." He started begging and apologizing before I could even respond. "It's late you can see them on my next off day" I replied. "Please. I'm going through so much shit I know being around my girls gone make a nigga feel better and I owe you an apology but I wanna tell it to your face" he continued begging. "Fine okay. But you can't stay the night over here" I said to actually make it clear that we weren't having sex. "Okay that's cool. Im about to go to the store before I head over there. Ima get something for the girls, you want anything?" He asked. "Please no candy for the girls. Get them some chips and juice or something and I want a filter tip and a mike hard if you have enough" I said. "Okay I got you and raspberry right?" He asked. "Yes" "See I know you too well I know all yo favorite shit" he said laughing. I faked laughed with him just to keep the vibe going.
When he arrived he sat his bike in the bathroom because the girls had a habit of trying to get on it. He greeted the girls with hugs and kisses and theirs snacks and sat them dlwn at their table to eat them. Just like I told him not to, he bought them their favorite debbie cakes and candy, gummy bears. "I had to ma don't be mad at me, them my lil spoiled babies" he said smiling and holding his arms out getting ready to wrap them around me. I put my hand on his chest to stop him from hugging me and pushed him away. "Damn its like that?" He said laughing. I shrugged my shoulder and opened the wine cooler. "I know you got your gaurd up Lena and you have every right to. I put you through some shit no woman would take from me. Not even Ashely. Shit you see she not here.. She in a whole other state I haven't seen my baby in over a year going on two. You never took my kids away from me Lena and you still here for a nigga. Ylu was the only one to show up for me at the hospital, wanda ass couldn't even be there for me she aint even call me. I snapped on you for no reason. I was thinking. She called me yelling and cussing me out about messing with you and I just reacted without thinking. I didn't mean none of that, im sorry. He said looking me directly in my eyes. All I could see was a liar who was trying to save his ass on my end because he already saved his ass on her end. "You got a lighter?" I asked putting the black in my mouth. I acted as if I didn't just hear him make his big apology to me. He handed me the lighter and I lit my black. I hit it hard. I blew it out and looked at him and hit it again and slowly blew it out then responded. "I ain't even worried about it." As nonchalantly as I could be. And I wasn't. He looked at me in disappointment that I didn't care. "Lena we have kids together I know you hate me but you gotta let your gaurd down and forgive to move forward. We been coparenting with no problems so don't let this get in the way of that we need to do this for the girls" he said as he started to drink his wine cooler. "You need a glass for your drink" I said reaching in the cabnit to get a wine glass. I just didn't want to or know how to respond to him. And he was actually right about not letting this situation get in the middle of him actually being around for a change. It seemed like once he got kicked ojt he started doing everything right. His best friend Effic's house is split. So he signed a lease to rent one half. He got a job where he was working 7 days a week getting oaid weekly and started interacting with the girls without me asking and more frequently so I wasn't going to let a loud ghetto bitch get in the way of that. I fixes us dinner and we all sat down and ate. "I miss it being like this." He said looking at the scenery. "Like what?" I asked him even though I knew what he meant. I just wanted to hear him say it. He paused and thought abiut actually saying it. "Being a family" he said shaking his head and took another sip of his drink. That was also something I noticed. He only cared when I was giving him something that could benefit him, some vagina or if the drink was making him feel good. Most times it was all 3. But not tonight. I kept in the back if my mind that he was only trying to get in between my legs tonight and that he had a whole girlfriend with a 6 year old that he was moving into his home soon. He and April had some daddy and daughter time after Praise fell asleep. I finished my second wine cooler. Luckily for me only two wine coolers wasn't enough to get me drunk to get in my pants. I let them spend their time together and then sent them off to bed because it was late. That's when he made his move. I came back downstairs he threw himself on me with a huge hug. I didn't deny the hug. I actually hugged him back. He started to give me the mushy talk trying to get in my head saying how much he loves me and the girls and how much he misses us and want to start over. He then went in for a kiss. I knew I was fucking up and everything in my right mind told me to stop because it was just the liquor effecting us but I couldn't stop. I kissed him back. "How I know you not lying? I can't even trust you. You got a whole girlfriend." I said looking him the eyes as he still held me. He took out his phone and typed he then held it in my face, the text was to his girlfriend wanda. "I miss my family to be honest. Im sorry but its over" and pressed sent.

Life Ran Into MeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt