Ima sue you

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"Ima sue you for using my name and pictures" I got a message from a weird page. "Who is this" I responded. I was puzzled. "Take my pictures down or im suing" he stated again. I still had no idea who this person was to even take any pics or names down. So once again I asked. "Who is this..." "This coco. Stop using my pictures and my name or ima sue you and im dead ass cause I could really use the money right now" I couldn't believe he was saying this to me after what he did to me! "Just like I can sue you for stealing from me?" I replied. He had me fucked up. How doe you steal money from me twice then have the nerve to tell me you're gonna sue me over some bullshit... This is just like him. "Thank you and happy new year" he said. That kind of threw me off because he's not the type to just say that. He don't care about no damn new year...  "Im not lying in any of my post. You know what happened. Im gonna continue to tell my story that I told you about when you were here. I even asked if you were okay with it and you said yes because you didn't know I was telling everything" I texted. I didn't want to play any mind games with him. I knew he were going to save these messages hoping that I'd be a smart ass or spiteful so he could show the judge or whoever to make me look bad so I wanted to make it clear that he was aware that he was in my story. He even skimmed through some of it. He just didn't know that I was telling how he stole from me and everything else. "Excuse me Lena Stevens you told me you was posting stories about me without using my name and referring to me as cocoa and and using scriptures to tell your stories and no matter you told me you was going to post pictures about me and use my real name. So with that being said you have been warned" he said. Did this nigga just call me Lena Stevens? This definitely can't be him. "I did tell you all of that. So don't be acting clueless. You think you know so much but I will counter sue you. I still have the messages of you admitting to stealing money out of my house don't play with me." I said. I started to get pissed off. I met coco in the 10th grade and out of so many niggas, I gave his black ass the time of day. I walked miles almost everyday after school just to chill and fuck him, I snuck out the house late night to hang with him, got caught by the police and got in trouble for him, I was at his hotel room making sure he straight with whatever I had, he stole food out of stores for me when I was pregnant, I made sure this nigga had a place to stay when his mama put him out and I was only a jit myself, our relationship and friendship went deep with ups and down and loyalty I thought I could ride for this nigga until he started back stabbing me every chance he got. So for it to come to this, pissed is an understatement. At this point im ready for him to take me to court. I wanted him to. So I could shit on him. I started researching facts about counter suing and what factors were valid for suing me and more. I wanted to know my shit before I shitted on him. "Already there mama" he said. That right there confirmed that it wasn't coco talking to me. It was female. Niggas don't talk like that. He denied that he ever approved of being in my story. And of course he could lie about that because what was I supposed to do? Have him sign a contract that admitted to him saying it was okay? He was playing dirty. Lying. I brought up little scenarios that he caused that will put something in his head to think about as far as moving forward with his decision. He proceeded with his ultimatums. At then end of the day, he had a valid reason to sue me. His chances were slim but they were there. So I stopped going back and forth and tried to come to the agreement he kept asking for. "Nevermind. Let's come to an agreement lol. And lets make it really clear that in court you will always be under oath. And I keep track of everything so lies will cost you. You did agree to being in my story, you had full acknowledgment on that. I'll use different pictures, ones that doesn't include you but as far as your name, it isn't coco. I will continue my story and you do what you have to do from there." I said. I thought that would end that. But I didn't get a reply to it. He called me. The first thing I heard was the female in the background coaching him and talking shit. He told me it came to the point where he had to delete his Facebook because he was embarrassed. He should be. That doesn't compare to what I actually wanted though. He was upset that I called him by his nickname some times instead of Coco. He didn't like that there were screenshots of our messages and rambled on about what my story was doing to him. But I know him. In reality, he could care so much less about anything that I say about him on Facebook or to anyone. His focus was getting money out of me. He insisted that I take down my story parts that Involved him. He didn't care about what I was agreeing to. He wanted what he wanted. He started to delete messages of him being spiteful and admitting that he just wanted money. But deleted messages will definitely speak volumes. I changed his name and edited his pics but I still stood my ground. If he need some money oh so bad, his best bet is to rob the next motherfucka walking because im not paying him a penny that I found on the floor. My story is going to be told with him in it whether he likes it or not.

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