The unexpected

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I just couldn't believe I was logged into his messenger. There's no good explanation how and no telling what I'd find out. I was shocked to see Ashely's name at the top of the list because to my knowledge they haven't spoken in almost 2 years. I clicked their messages first. He said the same bull shit he always says to both me and her when he's not being involved in his kids life. "I want to thank you for raising our daughter, I want to be a father, it's been way too long, I want to send my baby some stuff" those lines were so old! And she fell for it all once again. After it being so long I guess she thought he changed some way some how. But why would I elaborate on it? "I'm glad you're stepping up I didn't think you were ever going to" she responded. They conversated and she gave them the address of where they lived. Me, being nosey, I searched the address she gave him and seen that the apartments she's living in isn't so great. Something like my very first apartment. My first thought was "that's what she gets" because she used to run her mouth about me not having a place to live and how good her apartment was and now the tables are completely turned. But I quickly humbled myself. I've learned to do that the hard way. The reviews were basically a collage of warnings to not move there. "You still talk to Lena?" She asked. I knew my name was bound to pop up somewhere in their conversation. Why wouldn't it right.. "She still being childish" he responded. That instantly aggravated me. I knew it was going to be a bunch of lies throughout this thread, which only made it more interesting to read. Being cursed out and blocked for asking for help with the girls and to blame it on me saying im being childish made me want to cuss his ass out once again. But I couldn't blow my cover, I wanted to be nosey and stay updated.  She responded to every message he sent expeditiously and would double text rushing him to respond and brought up the past alot. I knew it was going to be another episode of the same shit. She still has feelings for him. But this time his girlfriend is involved so I wanted to see how it was going to play out. I walked into the plasma center and got screened. I laid back onto the seat with my heart racing from seeing Terris. He walked around the floor with his normal happy go lucky attitude. "Hey Friend!" We both said at the same time with all smiles. It was our thing. I was called to go sit in a chair. My heart was still racing because I got into spazz messages and seeing Terris at the same time. About 20 minutes go by as I'm reading the conversation and talking to Karla. I decided to give it a break so I put my phone down and my focus back into reality. As soon as I looked up I seen that Terris was looking at me. Direct eye contact made me nervous so I kind of smirked at him. He stuck his tongue out and licked his lips on the way of putting it back in his mouth and smiled at me. My eyes became huge. I damn near passed out in the chair! "What!?" My own mind was screaming at me. I couldn't believe he just did that.. What does this mean? Is he saying he want to give me the best head of my life? Is this the official shoot your shot? I wanted to smile from ear to ear and god knows I couldn't hold it back. I balled my lips to prevent smiling so hard but it didn't work. I was choking on excitement and butterflies going in all different directions. I had to tell Karla right away. I haven't felt this way or done something like this since high school. I felt like maybe I actually did fall in love with someone at first sight. The more I seen him the stronger it felt.  I didn't want to leave. I just wanted to stay in the same room as Terris forever. But my donation was over so I had to leave. I finished lurking through Spazz & Ashely's messages. I scrolled through the rest of his inbox and seen him and his girlfriend's, shawanda's messages. I didn't even have to scroll through it to access tea. It was right there. She had sent him over 20 nude photos. I was disgusted. She's literally almost my mom's age. "I'm gonna save these because I know she's going to step out of line again" I thought. I posted her nude photos just months ago and it sent her into a crying rage on facebook live. I knew these would get to her even worse. I was going to do the same thing to Ashely but I lost access of Randy's old page. No way in hell was I going to post them on my own page. Lucky for her I eventually deleted them because I didn't know where to post them but I definitely wasn't going to keep them in my phone. I screenshot the pics that would embarrass her most and read on. Surprisingly spazz was faithful to me while we lived together but I couldn't say the same for wanda. It was full of messages mostly just her. "You don't want to answer your phone and it's late, thank you once again for hurting my feelings, you don't have to worry about me" it made me feel bad for her because she loved him. It was obvious he didn't love her on the same level. I know the feeling all too well. I guess while reading all of the pleading she was doing to someone she loved, I developed a soft spot. I deleted her nude photos. I didn't want to take that route. I know I changed my mind quickly.

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