10 long days

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I told Spazz how coco came over and "tried to have sex" with me. "Did you fuck him?" He asked. "No I already said no I was just telling you what happened cause he had me fucked up we was only supposed to talk and hash some beef out but he wanted sex so I sent him home" I lied to Spazz sounding fake annoyed so he would believe me. I knew he didn't believe me but he acted like he did. "Did the girls like him" he asked. "No. You know they mean as hell and they went to sleep like 5 mins after he came." It was so easy to lie to him. I didn't even care. I was looking forward to Spazz eating me. Atleast he knew how and he loved it so I wasn't going to mess that up by saying I just had sex with coco just 2 days ago.
"Ma im not gone be able to come"  Spazz told me the day before he was supposed to arrive. " What the fuck you mean?" I asked. He knew I was going to snap on me with my quick temper. "I don't have the money yet. My pops messed up my check information so I don't have enough money to pay for a round about trip" he said. It sounded like he was just making excuses. "Nigga don't miss you kids birthday again. Ashely don't even let you see her baby at all and here I am giving you chance after chance and yet you always have excuses" I snapped. I didn't get a reply from him until later on that day. "I talked to Red about it and you right im tripping. You never held the girls away from me. Ima be there ma I promise." He said in a confident way. He got his act together and made something happen because he showed up at my doorstep late night the next day with a bookbag with his things in it. He looked so good I just wanted to kiss all over him and we been talking for a lil while now so I had the right. As soon as I unlocked the door I fell right into his arms. The smell of his clothes hit my face as usual because I was no taller than his chest. I missed the smell of him. After I left him go I drowned his face in kisses. He was so happy to see me because his smile damn near stretched off his face. The girls seen him and they went crazy. They knew exactly who he was. And after recognizing his voice since we been on the phone so much they screamed "Daddy Daddy Daddy" running up to him as he picked both of them up in his arms drowning them in kisses. "Hey daddy baby! Daddy missed you" he said in a baby like voice to amuse them. The happiness didn't die down not one bit. Jessey and Thomas didn't say much if anything at all to him his whole stay of 10 days. My dad had also moved in shortly after me and Spazz clothes altercation. He made sure we everything we needed. If I asked for it he would give it to me woth no hesitation or go out and work his best so I could have it. He spoiled me and my kids. Not with the most expensive things but with love and determination. I forgot what "No" meant for a while. "Nice to meet ya pops" spazz said "What's good bruh" my dad said as they dapped each other up. The girls had already ate and had a bath and it was super late so they were getting sleepy. I put them to bed just before Spazz told me he was about to walk to the store to get cigars. "Im finna go with you" I suggested as I quickly put my shoes on. It was freezing out side. We were once again in that weather. Halfway there im shivering because I was so excited and rushed to go with him that I forgot my jacket. "Ain't nobody tell yo fine ass to come out here with no clothes on" he said laughing as he put his jacket on me "nigga I'm not tryna be cute or nothing I was just rushing" I said smiling hard as hell. I felt so good. I was happy. His jacket smelled like his cologne so I was surrounded by the smell of him. He was dressed to impress too which was funny because I knew that he put on his best outfit just to impress me. He always did. And for the next 9 days he'd probably be wearing some gym shorts and t shirts all day. As the night came to an end I fed him the biggest plate. There still wasn't any hot water but I actually liked cold showers at this point and forgot to tell him about it. Oh well. If he want to be clean he'll get used to it. He ate me until I damn near passed out that night. Every night and every morning he did. Everything was good up until towards the 6th day. I went through his phone while he was sleep. I saw everything. I found out a lot. So back to the old ways I fell into. I started to screen shot things and send them through text messages to myself. I went through his gallery and saw naked photos of his girlfriend that I had no idea about and also naked photos of Ashely. I sent them all to my phone because I was going to embarass both of them whenever they decided to try me. While in the middle of doung what I was doing Spazz woke up. He went on about his business but I didn't hsve any personal space alone to delete evidence that I was going through his phone and sending sneaky stuff to myself. "Lena you seen my phone?" He asked me looking confused. He knew I had it but didn't have proof. "No. Why? It's missing?" I tried to play it off and act like I didn't have it right in my bra hoping a notification wouldn't sound because I forgot to put it on vibrate. He looked everywhere... "Bruh Lena I know you got my phone its not gonna just come up missing after I went to sleep with it on the charger." He said getting irritated. "Lena if yoy got the phone just give them man his shit so yall can stop the bullshit" my dad yelled from down stairs. "Daddy I don't have his phone! He misplaced it and now he blaming it on me." I replied. I felt so childish but I couldn't let him see what I done. "Man this the type of shit that yo daughter do chill will" he said to my dad as he got upset. He walked downstairs and slammed the door behind him. Its go time. I had to delete everything as fast as I could and hide it in a place he didn't check before he comes back in. I don't even know where he went or what he's doing. I got all of my business deleted and contemplated on where to hide the phone. Under the tv? No why would he place it under the tv.. Maybe under the mattress.. It could've slipped under there. Nah he checked there already. I was freaking out because I didn't know where to put it. "Fuck it" I said to myself as I threw it on the shelf his bookbag was up there too. I went down stairs "daddy you got a black I can have?" I asked my dad. "Yeah, you got that man phone daughter?" He asked me giving me a moment to come clean. "No" I said rolling my eyes. "He always tripping" I said as I got the black from my dad and waited on the steps for him to come back in. I couldn't smoke it because Spazz was the only one with a lighter. I didn't smoke much before he came though I loved black but for some reason every time I got around Spazz I got the urge to smoke. Whether it was bad or good vibes. He came back in the house and slipped right past me without saying excuse me or anything. My kids were downstairs watching cartoons with my dad so he smoked in the room as he laid on the bed. I went in and laid on the bed too. I didn't even know what to say or how but I didn't want the beef between us no more. "Can I use your lighter please?" I asked as I freaked my black. He looked at me at me with a blank face for a second "No" he replied. "Let me use your lighter and I'll tell you what I did with your phone." I tried to make a deal. He didn't hand me the lighter, he carelessly tossed it to me. I wasn't mad because I started the bs. I was faking my emotions so he would believe what I was telling him. I lit my black and hit it a few times before I got up and went straight to the phone. "Here. I had put it on the shelf" I said handing him his phone as if it was there the whole time. "I knew you had my shit Lena. I just knew you had it" he said shaking his head and hit his blunt. "I hid it because ever since yesterday you've been on it so much playing that game." I said making a sad face. "You don't got no cable and we haven't been to the library to get new movies that was something that killed time." He defended his self. I know it can get boring sometimes being with the same people in the same house every day and I know even if you weren't bored you still need some alone time and space. Im sorry. I did overstep." I made my sad face even stronger trying to make him feel bad. And it actually worked. "It's alright. Just talked to me next time and let me know wussup" he said as he gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Yo ass is sneaky you a good actor too" he laughed. I didn't think it was funny because he realized how good I can act. But I faked laughed with him.
The girls birthday approached us and we were flat broke. My mom promised she would give some money to take my girls out and Spazz was depending on his SSI check that apparently his dad fucked up. I was so upset on their birthday but I didn't show it. We still had fun. They had a blast at the park and we created a bomb ass cake for them. We fucked the cake up with our decorations but it was still really good. They loved the cake and we let them have as much of it as they wanted. It wasn't a materialist birthday at all but they were happy as can be.

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