He's comfortable

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Throughout the night he would wake up occasionally to check the time to make sure he didn't wake up late. I was up each time because I just couldn't sleep. Finally the alarm went off loudly but he wouldn't wake up. "Coco get up" I said shaking him. "What time is it?" He asked in a very tired voice. "It's 4." He instantly got up and brushed his sleepiness off. "Why you up so early?" He asked me. "I couldn't sleep." "So you didn't go to sleep at all?" He had this twisted look on his face like something was wrong with me. "No. I'm still just wide awake" I replied. He didn't say anything else, just started to get ready for work. He turned on damn near every light in the house except the girls room while at it. "Can you turn off some of these lights please" I said loud enough to where he could hear me from the bedroom. He turned off majority of the lights but turned them right back on as he continued to get ready. I guess he couldn't help it. As a person who doesn't pay bills I knew he didn't understand the importance of having all the lights on at once for long periods of time but he sure will find out soon when the lights are due again. He finally turned every light off in the house as he headed into my room. It's weird but the back door is in my room. "Ight im bout to go, lock the door" he said looking at me. He looked good in construction clothes. It seemed like he didn't know whether to hug me, kiss me or what. But he didn't do anything. He just walked outside. "Alright, bye." I said calmly as I closed the door and locked it. Finally I became sleepy. I can't even say it was a whole 10 minutes before I fell asleep. I woke up and seen that he left the tobacco of his blunts in a blunt wrapper abd ashes on the floor. I was too worried to be upset about it. Throughout the day I tried everything to keep the thought of being pregnant off my mind. Nothing worked. But every time I thought of it, I brushed it off. The only person I told I might be pregnant at this point was Henry. I didn't know who else to tell besides Karla but even then I didn't even know how to tell her. Talking to Henry made everything easy to take in. It didn't help but it was a shot. 
*Fast forward to that night*
He came into the house looking like work had kicked his ass. "Wussup" he said. "How was work?" I asked.
"It was work."
"So I take it you had a boring day"
"I was just working, that's it" he started to take off his shoes. Well at that moment I knew not to ask a question like that anymore. He grabbed my phone and went to YouTube to listen to music and chilled with me in the kitchen. I wanted my phone back badly because his company is only good for so long and I was actually tired of listening to Da Baby. It sucked that he had no phone because he always needed mine. He took a gram of weed out of his pocket and started to break it down. "Oh yeah.. You left the trash and ashes on the floor last night. You can't leave that kind of stuff around." I said. He started to rap along with Da Baby louder than I was talking as if he was trying to tone me out. "Im serious I already told you I can get in trouble if they come around and see that" "Alright, my bad" he said annoyed with my nagging. "Do you want me to fix your plate?" I asked him. "Nah I'm tired im bout to shower and go to sleep, you can make me a plate for work tomorrow though" he said walking away to the bathroom. I grabbed my phone off the counter where he left it and was relieved to change the song to any other artist other than Da Baby. It was about 10 oclock when he finally turned the shower off. Walking past the door I realized it wasn't fully closed. I could see inside a little bit. So I slowly opened it to where I could see in but not to where he would notice that its open. He was standing in the mirror making all kinds of facing and weird noises. As females, we twerk or adore how cute we are. I guess that's what men do. He went to open the door and realized I was standing there observing his weird private "mirror behavior" "YOU WEIRD AS FUCK!" I yelled in laughter. We both laughed non stop until our stomachs hurt. Later on that night after getting everything situated, we layed in the bed and talked a little bit as he smoked the rest of his jay. "You wanna hit it?" He asked trying to pass it to me. "No it's gone hit me back" I replied. He started to rub his dick and smiled at me. "Ion know why you doing all that cause im not giving you nothing until I take a damn pregnancy test" He smacked his teeth as I turned around. Another night of being squished in the corner, smelling his gas, hearing his snores and no sleep. It was officially day 3. So at this point a pill wouldn't work no way.

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