Things are starting to look up

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After spending so much productive time with Shon, a blessing finally came through. I got a call notifying me that I was accepted for an apartment and that I could pick up my keys after signing a few more papers. I was so relieved because being in such a crowed house was not where it's at. On top of the fact there was a dude who would come over and steal my clothes. He didn't even care that they were girl clothes and just squeezed into them and made them all smelly and dirty and said he thought they were his. Finally my own space. Karla and I planned on staying together under the conditions that she would babysit the girls whenever I had to leave to do something productive towards the house. So Shon's family came and loaded their trucks with me and Karla's belongings. The apartment wasn't the best place to live in the world but after what I've been through I didn't complain because it was better than what I have been going through. I didn't have much in there except an air mattress a play pin and clothes and a few dishes. So aside of me and Karla's company we were very bored there. After a while I kept leaving the house trying to get things done and it threw Karla off. She knew she'd be babysitting alot but almost everyday? She wasn't so happy with that because they are a handful so she decided to go back to her mom's house where she wasn't obligated to watch kids she did not make. It was just me and my babies. After a week or two I became very bored in my house to where I can't take it. I would do the same routine every day and nothing changed. My life is so boring I always thought. So somedays I would walk about a mile just to go back tobmy auntie's house so I could have some company. It still wasn't wanted from my auntie and probably Stacie too but I wasn't over there for them so I didn't care. I seen that they had no food so I brought all the food in my home to theirs. I felt a bit more welcomed after that. I was so lonely that I spent two weeks there instead of going home. Wasn't anything there for me but an air mattress and a dry phone. I didn't want to make friends because I hated the northside. Most of the females were rude and loud, the men would only look at you like a peice of meat even with their babymama on the side of them and now you're in beef you have no control of and the air smelled like HIV and molly. I didn't want to get associated with no one. Not even my next door neighbor. I realized I didn't even want to live on my own. I just wanted space and a stable home. After a while my babies started daycare and I started going back to school so I had no choice but to go home and stay home. It was okay. I got used to it.
I caught 2 buses to school every day. I was determined to graduate. One morning after getting off the bus I seen Coco. "Wow its been over a year since I see him. We weren't on good terms obviously because I kicked him out the last time I seen him" I was thinking. Once we noticed each other we couldn't help but to stare. I wondered what he was thinking. The awkwardness finally ended, he approached me. "Wussup" he said. I seen every last one of his teeth and all of his gums he was smilng so hard. Inside I was happy that he was happy to see me because I missed him a little bit but I stood my ground. "Don't be trying to speak to me when you got a girlfriend" I said with a fake attitude. I wanted to look like I didn't want to talk to him but he wasn't buying it. "Man you trippin, you tryna chill? What you about to do?" He asked. "Im on my way to school" I said shaking my head no. He laughed "Many you still in school!? You was supposed to graduate with me" he said laughing. I was supposed to graduate with class of 2017 but here I was in 2018 struggling to make it to class everyday. I don't know how but he graduated in 2017. He wasnt so good with school either. "My bus right there, bye" I said walking away. He started to talk louder so I could still hear him "so we can't chill later?" I then realized why I kicked him out in the first place. He aggravated my soul with his disrespectful ass. So I just ignored him. I later posted a status saying "Pop got me fucked up" because he did. A girl commented on the post with a question mark. So I inboxed her and asked what did she mean by the question mark? She immediately began to ask questions about if me and pop talked and if so do we talk on a daily basis and what we talked about. A million questions I answered politely and truthfully. "We had a past" I responded. "Okay well that's my nigga don't let him fool you because he knows what's up" she replied. I didn't even want to entertain her. It was obvious she's his girlfriend but the other side of me said to tell her everything she wants to know and extra if you gotta. "Leave at that" she said trying to get the last word. I wasn't bothered, just a bit confused if she thought she was checking me or not. I posted to Facebook about my curiosity of if a female just thought she checked me or not and she once again commented but this time she was talking shit. We went back and forth with each other on the post before she inboxed me saying she wanted to fight. I don't fight often. Maybe 2 or 3 times. So when the opportunity arrives, I take it. "Pull up" I said instantly. She refused to come to my house because I guess that's street smarts to not go to ones house to fight them but I wasn't on that. I don't like to jump or get other people or things involved. It was simply because I had my kids at home and I wasn't going to leave them fight. She kept insisting that we fought downtown or at a public park in which I thought was crazy. We both have kids, we could get arrested if we fight publicly. She just left it on the terms that "im scary and she will beat my ass on sight." I seen her many times and she would not even make eye contact with me. She took it back to Facebook but this time her friends were involved. Her family were involved. His mom was involved. He was involved. I snapped on everybody. Anybody who said anything. Especially his moma after the shit I did for her son after she kicked him out. After telling Coco about his self and cussing out his mom it was even more awkward when I would see him on my way to school.
I got used to living on my own for a while but then a change of plans. The events don't stop. My family needed to move in with me because they could no longer stay at the private owned house. I didn't know why and I didn't question why either. Even though I didn't want Stacie and My auntie there, I welcomed them with opened arms. All I asked was for my auntie to pay the light bill as long as they're all there and for everyone to keep the house clean. It was cool to have company once again until after about a week or so I grew tired of coming home to hella dishes in the sink and trash on the floor. I know there was babies in kids but keeping clean was something that was important to me so I found myself nagging alot and the house started to have bad vibes alot. While checking my mailbox like any other day, I got an unexpected letter from the child support office. It was the results of the DNA test. Even though I 100% knew they were his I was still nervous to read the results. After 10 minutes of getting the courage to read it said they were 99.9999999996% and 99.9999999997 his. I was so happy to finally have proof that they were his! I called his sister as soon I could and she was just as happy. "I know girl I seen it he got the results too" she said. I felt so at ease now that i had proof of what I knew the entire time and no one can hive me a single reason or possibility of anyone else. After getting those results I went straight back to the child support office. "I'm trying to out my kids' father on child support please" I said politely. "Okay mam take this ticket and have a seat please." While waiting for about 15 minutes I thought I "finally I can get some mandatory help from this nigga or they gonna lock him up and suspend his driver's liscence in which I know he will need to get his car back that he lost years ago due to payment issues he claimed to still be making." Finally my name was called. "I have the other parties' name please?" She asked. I gave her more than his name. I gave her his name, his age, his birthday, where he lived and his social security number. I was determined to have his ass on child support. After filing all the paper work, a court date was made to determine how much he owes me a month. I was nervous to be in court because I knew I had a felony and a misdemeanor charge pending from beating up Ashely while she was pregnant. I was told I had a warrant out for my arrest and me being a goody two shoes, I was going to turn myself in so I wouldn't get in any more trouble than I already was. "You're charges are pending Ms Stevens but we could send the authorities to you and have you in holding so we can speed up the proccess if that's what you would like." An officer said on the phone. I thought she was trying to be a smart ass because who would decide to just go to jail without any charges? So court wasn't my favorite place I thought they would pull up those charges and sentence me since I was already there. About 2 weeks after moving to my aunt's house I had filed a restraining order against Spazz and Ashely with intent to make myself look better as far as my charges went and also because I actually didn't want him around me and the girls. I was granted the injunction against her but denied against him. The day came that we were to come determine the amount he would pay me. He didn't look unhappy to see me like I thought he would be. "Ms Stevens does Mr Sharpe contribute to the children at all?" The judge asked me. Spazz was just staring at me as if he were trying to pressure me but I wasn't bothered at all. "Sir he doesn't help me at all physically or financially" I said beginning to tear up. I been accepted the fact that I was going through hell but to actually be in a courtroom saying those words hurt me. It wasn't intentional but the judge felt for me. "Mr Sharpe are you working?" The judge continued the questions. Spazz tried to redeem his self quickly and bash me. "Yes your honor I do work she don't have a job." He said. I didn't want to lie so I told the truth. "I don't work sir im just in school and use government assistance to get by. He wants joint custody but I don't feel like he can take care of them because he never has even when given the opportunity." I said calmly trying to hold back more tears. My heart haven't felt such heart in a while. Spazz interrupted me "Your honor I am capable of taking care of my girls I have two jobs one full time and one part time and I make over $10 at both of them and I get an SSI check for almost $700 and I have a 6 month old daughter I take care of. He thought that would make him look good but it didnt. It made him look shitty. I was in disgust but the judge was even more disgusted. "So you're making all of this money and can't help the mother of your child at all?" He said in disbelief. Spazz begin to respond but the judge cut him off quickly. "Ms Stevens has he given you any finacial help what so ever?" He asked. I replied "He gave me $120 but that was what he owed me for giving to him" Spazz knew he fucked up. "Would you like to give him credit for that?" The judge asked. It wasn't much but he gave it back to me so why not. "Yes he can have credit for it" I said looking him. The juge came to his final conclusion. "Mr Sharpe, starting on the 3rd of next month you will have to make a payment to Ms Stevens of $435 a month." Spazz looked at the judge as if he seen a ghost. It wasn't that much so he got his act together and acknowledged the demand. "And since we have deducted $120 Mr Sharpe you will still owe Ms Stevens $5,649 in back pay." He then informed Spazz of the consequences of failure to make payments. "Case dismissed" the judge said as he pounded the gavel. Spazz had the face of a life fading patient. I was so shocked. Did this really just happen? He finally has to help!

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