Wasn't expecting this to happen

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I walked in the kitchen to get some cups for the liquor. He followed me as I showed him the rest of the house "That's the other bathroom, my kids room, this is the living room, here's the dinning room and obviously the kitchen" I said grabbing the cups from cabinet. He stood over me with his huge smile flashing his golds at me. He had on a jogger suit and some slides. He looked like he had already smoked before he came. I sized him slowly from his hair all the way down to his shoes. Basically judging him. I didn't know what I was doing letting him back into my house. But he had my money, a bottle of my favorite drink and I haven't had sex in a long time. "I missed you foreal" he said twisting his wicks before he leaned down to hug on me. He smelled so good but I still resisted the hug. I put my hands on his chest and started pushing him back as he continues to embrace me. "Yoooo" I said getting aggravated. I stopped trying to push him off and stood there as still as I can be and looked off into space while I recollected my patience. "Pop... You said you had my money so if its in your bag, get it. Im dead ass" "Damn girl a nigga can't even get no hug and shit" he said steady flashing his golds at me. He reached in his backpack and pulled out a hundred dollar bill a fifty and a few twentys. He started to count it. "What you counting for I want all of it" I said in a joking manner although we both knew I was very serious. "I can't give you all of it. That bottle alone costed $30. I still gotta get a month bus pass so I can get to work and shit. I start this new job on Monday that shit pay good and weekly. I can give you some more when I get paid." he said happy as hell as he handed me the hundred dollar bill. It wasn't was I was expecting but it was enough for the time being. That was $100 I could put towards my light bill so I wasn't complaining. "Now can I get a hug damn" he said embracing me before I could even answer. He started to kiss me on my shoulders, my chest and my neck. I kissed him back once when he got to my face. Something in me couldn't let me get intimate with him so I pushed him back off again. "Why you keep doing that" he started to get slightly serious. "Like why you coming on so strong? I said backing up to create some distance between us. "I don't have nothing for you. Im going through it and honestly im down bad right now im not working. So I don't get it." I became completely serious. Hearing those words come out my own mouth made me feel bad for myself. I don't know if I felt bad for admitting to struggling out loud or if it was because I had to tell someone that I actually used to fully love that he couldn't use me if that was his plan. "I just missed you. I felt bad for the shit that I did. You know im not that type of nigga. I was dead ass hurt that day.. But it was worse going everyday with you thinking im that type of nigga. Like we been through the mud together you know I'll do anything for you so doing the shit that I did I fucked around and hurt you fr and hurt myself too. So I just wanted to give the shit back to you and make it up to you. Im sorry foreal Lena" he said looking me in my eyes as he approached me. "HELL YEAH NIGGA THAT'S WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT" I yelled at him laughing. I had to break the tension he was building. "That other shit you said last time was bullshit but this sounded like a real apology. Good job nigga." I said. My personality is way too goofy to continue being serious after a sincere apology was said to my face. I started pour the liquor into the cups. A lot for me, a little for him. Given what happened last time we drunk together, I didn't want to get him drunk. Only buzzed. "Did you eat?" I asked fixing him a plate anyway. "Nah what you cooked?" He asked looking into the pots. "Neckbones, cheddar rice and broccoli." " I don't know, yo ass can't cook" he said laughing. He was 1000% true though. The world knows that though. He started to eat the neckbones before I could put anything else on his plate. "You don't want anything else?" "Look at the rice" he said he said with a straight face. "What? It look good." I said mixing it. As I mixed, I realized majority of it was clumped. "You not supposed to stir rice" he said taking the spoon out of my hand shaking his head. "You tripping this is good" I said. I put a spoon full on my plate and took a bite, my face explained it all. "Im bout to go to the bathroom real quick" I put my plate in the refrigerator and headed to the restroom but not to use the bathroom, to spit out the rice that I ate. Parts of it was still hard so I had to brush my teeth to get it all out of my mouth. I then remembered that I needed to hide the money he gave me. I shoved it behind the mirror because people would think to look everywhere. In the mirror but not behind it. After I came out of the bathroom I wasted no more time to drink. I drunk the whole cup. I knew that wasn't going to do anything for me but get me buzzed, maybe tipsy. So I poured another cup. "Got damn you a alcoholic foreal" he said watching me drink. "Im grown" I said pouring more before I finished. "Well yo grown ass need a man around here you stay far as fuck, why you moved all the way out here?" He said sipping his less than half a cup. "I don't need no man, im good on that I can handle myself." I said rolling my eyes. "So why you answered the door with a knife" he said smirking. "Cause don't nobody be knocking on my door and especially this late. I had forgot you were coming so I was ready to slice and dice a mf" half of that was a lie obviously but I convinced myself it wasn't. "You must need somewhere to stay" I said cutting to the chase. "Hell nah. I got somewhere to stay." I said taking another sip. "Where you stay at?" I asked challenging him. I felt he was lying. "With the same nigga, my boss". I tried to pressure him into telling the truth by holding my 'I know you lying' stare. But he stood his ground. "So how you paying yo bills if you aint got a job?" He asked me. "Why you so nosey?" I said getting smart. "Im just sayin I could help you." He made the biggest grin. I didn't have a job and honestly for the first time I didn't know how I was going to get my bills paid and it was due very soon. So I gave in. I showed him a portion of my bill. I knew another one was coming up soon. "That's it?" He said shocked. "Girl that aint shit" he added. "Well you can stay here if you can pay that a month. But you have to pay it when you get your first check." I said. "Shit I got you that ain't shit" he said smiling as I kept a serious face. I continued to drink my drink.

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