Surprise Christmas round 2

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Once we made it home, it's like we left with the Flu & pneumonia and came back healthy. The girls were completely back to normal. Happy and energetic. There was only one problem. Christmas was in 5 days and I had nothing for them not even a tree but my dad had yet another Christmas surprise up his sleeve. The very next day, he woke me up early. "It's time to get up and eat!" He said yelling in his new york accent. I was tired because he's an early bird. I don't like having to get up early unless I have something to do or somewhere to be. "Noo" I said in a sleepy voice and turned the other way. I heard the girls jumping out of bed up and ready to play. "Go sit down at the table and say your grace" he told them. He kept nagging me to get up. "You gotta eat your breakfast" he said sitting the plate down on my dresser. I heard the girls yelling "look grandpa, look!" In excitement and it woke me up. I had to see what was going on. I grabbed my breakfast and walked out to see that my dad had brought a whole real Christmas tree in my house.. It wasn't perfect, it was split in half and barely standing up but the determination he had to make it look good, made it perfect no matter how it came out. My sister came over and chilled with us for a while before her and my dad went out to run a few errands. Within that same hour Ms Cindy surprised me with another gift. She came to my house abd seen that my house wasn't furnished. I didn't want to take old furniture to my new house and I wasn't going to accept anything that wasn't new or that I didn't buy but she offered me the firmest softest purple couch. I loved this couch while living with her I used to fall asleep on it after school so of course I said yes! She had her friends bring it and a extremely heavy, large, red computer desk. My sister and her dude helped me get it in. I was shocked because when I went to sleep I had none of these things and my babies were so excited yet it wasn't even toys. Just a Christmas tree a desk and a couch. I realized that my kids are happy without Christmas gifts. Besides, they already have a room full of toys. I was grateful that I didn't have to skip out on the girls first time making a ginger bread house. I was glad I could do that for them. Praise was focused on eating the house rather than decorating it and April just put everything she seen on it. I loved how they came out. The sugar rush was real afterwards. The same night Ms Cindy said that she wanted to stop by and see how the couch looks in my house and she did. We sat down and talked about life and things of the sort for about 15 minutes before she whipped out 2 loaded walmart gift cards and a 100 dollar bill. She knew how much I've been in a bad situation and what it would be like for me to not provide christmas so she gave me money to buy gifts. She also said that she had a Christmas tree for me in the car but seen that I already had a lop sided one. We all found humor in it so I kept it. She thought it could use some lights and ornaments and gave us some. The tree actually didn't look bad anymore. It became late and she had work to get ready for so she gave the girls christmas light necklaces said goodbye and was on her way.
Finally it's Christmas eve. I cooked a good soul food dinner, the house smelt like cinnamon, we had Christmas songs playing, they were stealing pieces of their ginger bread houses and I had already went to get and wrapped the girls presents. The house had nothing but the christmas spirit. They were so happy I wanted their dad to see it too. I video called him and the girls were excited to see him but not more excited than opening their toys. So the call wasn't long before hanging up. I let them open one gift and one gift turned into two which turned into 3 and more. We got carried away because I was just as excited as they were. I loved to see that joy in them. The night was going completely well. Until I got a message from Coco that caught my attention.

Life Ran Into MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang