Him Or Him

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We have to split up. We all knew that's what we had to do. But to where? We were thinking of everything we could do. Everyone we could call and places we could go. I can't be pregnant and homeless. I prayed my babies were okay with the amount of stressful events happening back to back. We had to leave everything we owned because where would we put it? On the very last day of eviction, we figured something out thankfully. We were split into 2. My aunt made an agreement with a co-worker she hardly knew. Me, Coco, Jessey, and Bella went to stay in a hotel with only two beds. It was pretty spacious but still only had two beds. We thought everyone who went with my auntie had it good but when Bella called, they complained about the things they were going through over there too. They didnt have much just like we didnt. Only difference is, we had to pay a daily fee to live in the hotel and none of us had a job. Bella didn't want to suggest it but her boyfriend knew a couple of people who would do alot for money. All he had to do in return was deal to them. The hardcore stuff. The day we moved into the hotel all I was able to pack of my belongings was a suitcase of clothes and a few pairs of shoes. Same for everyone else.  Me and coco shared a bed, Bella and her boyfriend shared a bed and my sister took the couch. We were pretty situated. In a very bad struggle but situated. We had to figure out how we were going to eat every night because we had no money for food. Some nights the girls Bella's boyfriend dealed to brought back enough money to pay for the hotel and a little extra for food that will last us a maximum of two days if we saved it right. Some days Coco would even take it upon his self to go into stores to steal food for me because he knew I was starving. That's how I knew he cared about me, that nigga was stealing for me. One time I asked my sister to come through with food for me. She didn't know I was starving but she came through quickly with a publix sub. I split that between me and coco and lasted off of that for almost 2 days. We were surviving in that room. I was about 5 to 6 months pregnant at this time and school was starting back. I was so determined to get back in school but it never worked out because I couldn't sign myself up because I was still a minor. I couldn't go back to Ms Cindy house because she could no longer handle me being there or the responsibility of me and my auntie had more important things to do I guess. So I stayed in the hotel all day bored and hungry and my phone was off and majority of the time the wifi wouldn't work so I felt miserable. Coco started leaving the room throughout the day saying that was hoing job hunting and hanging out wkth his friends and things of the sort but wouldn't come back till 10pm-12am. I never thought he was doing anything other than what he told me, all I knew was I was so happy to see him every time he stepped through the door. But it seemed the longer we were in that room the worse he got. He was play fighting me even more aggressively to the point I would be upset with him yelling at him to chill out. We were having sex almost everyday even when i didn't feel like it, he insisted. He never forced me to do just aggravated me into doing it. My sex drive was at an all time low and I hated my new body. He actually liked the belly on me and said my vagina was even wetter so he was always turned on. We had sex every time we were alone in the room or when everybody was sleep. Even when I was sleep. One night he bought me a bottle of tea because I was getting dehydrated but I ended up falling asleep before i could drink it all. When I woke up to drink it he's just laying on the bed watching minding his business. I go to put my lips on the bottle and the strongest stench came from it. "What the fuck bruh" I said smelling the bottle. He instantly started laughing and said "Oh shit dont drink that.?" He was laughing so hard his stomach started cramping up. This nigga once again drunk all of my drink and pissed in the bottle.. His excuse was "someone was in the bathroom when I had to piss so I just pissed in the bottle." I was disgusted with this nigga.

Shon had messaged me on Instagram out of the blue a few days later asking how I was doing. I told him the truth. I told him what happened who I was with and what I was going through. I told him I had a doctor's appointment coming up and he wanted to take me. Hell coco didn't have a car and lately his mind either. "Honey I need your address" Shon said. I loved it when he called me that. It made me feel so sweet. Coco knew I had an appointment coming up but I didn't think he wanted to go with me, he never mentioned joining. "Coco my friend is going to pick me up and take me to my doctor's appointment tomorrow." He looked at me stupid. I knew what he was thinking. Another nigga taking me to my doctors appointment didn't seem right. So I automatically said that he can come. The next morning Shon pulls up to the hotel with the happiest face and im kust as happy. We held off on the long hug that would've been out of respect for Coco who was looking aas mean as a pitbull. He barely spoke to shon when he got in the backseat of his car. It was so hard for me not to flirt with Shon. It was so much pressure and tention built up in the car. I could feel coco starring at me. But in reality maybe he was staring at Shon. We arrive to the hospital and waiting on my turn to be called. Us 3 have been sitting in the lobby for about 30 minutes now and coco is growing more and more irritated. Finally my name is called and Shon jumps up faster than me or him. He was excited for this ultrasound. Whenever it came to my pregnancy Shon was in stepdaddy mode automatically. "Fuck this shit" coco mumbled he was so upset he just walked and started to leave. "What are you doing? We about to go see the babies." I said. "The fuck you think this is I thought that nigga was leaving, I thought he was supposed to just drop usboff and pick us up. Tf he still here, if you got him you don't need me." He then stormed out of the building not knowing where he was, not even what side of town he was on. I didn't even argue with him I just let him go. "How is he even gonna get home we so far away and he don't even got no money" I thought. Shon innocently said "Why he left?" I didn't even wanna talk about it I was ready to see my babies. That same day we found out I was having two girls. He wanted me to have a boy so bad but seemed he was satisfied with girls. After the appointment was over I thought he was going to drop me off home. I was definitely not ready to face Coco's attitude so Shon said come over to my house and chill out. The entire way home we brain stormed and did alot of debating to come up with girl names. "I like Paige" he said with a grin. "I was thinking something like Kameron or Daisy" I said "Fine how about Peyton" he said we went on and on. Me and Shon's people were close at this point. Have been for years. So when I got there I just felt at home. His bed was so comfortable too I enjoyed myself and K.O'd. "Oh shit! Shon i gotta go like now like right now" I said freaking out as soon as I woke up. It was 11pm! The doctors appointment was over at 2! He was on the game with his friends online so he said to give him 20 more minutes. I sat there on his bed with so many things running through my mind. He is gonna go the fuck off as soon as he see me. Coco knew shon was my ex too. I fucked up. I did coco wrong that day then to top it off with coming home late from my ex's house saying we didnt do anything. Damn. What was I gonna say to him...

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