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I called my sister and asked her to come as soon as possible because if I called the ambulance, I would've had to leave Praise at home with my dad. I knew this was an emergency but I couldn't stand the thought of leaving my baby alone with him again while I'm all the way across town. Pooh pulled up in the blink of an eye. I held April in my lap in the back seat paying close attention to her hyperventilating. My dad continued to worry for her and swore he was going to be by her side all night.  I felt they would take her sickness serious this time. Hell she couldn't breathe, what kind of hospital would send a baby home that had trouble breathing? They gave her medicine and as before, her temperature stayed over 103 and ate this point she hasn't eaten in days. So I opened a of cookies. April can't resist cookies. She'll do anything for a cookie. And she deserved as many cookies as she wanted but one was good on her watch. The doctor came in and April started to freak out. The doctor eased her with a toy frog flashlight she had on her neck with her badge. April calmed down but her breathing never did. It was getting worse by the minute. "Im glad you brought her in tonight. This isn't normal and could be very serious. Have they given you a cup to catch her pee in?" She asked. "They did but she wouldn't pee. She hasn't had not a single wet diaper today." I told her. "Okay well that means we are going to have to do some blood tests, okay?" She said. April having to get a shot was going to break my heart because I know how much she'd cry and try to fight using all of her energy, cause her temp to rise and possibly cause her breathing to be worse. We waited for a few before our favorite "ghetto nurses" came in with the needle and tubes ready to draw her blood. "Do you need me to hold her down?" I asked. I already knew how strong April can be when it comes to doctors. "No I got it" the nurse said. The other just kept watch observing what she was doing. As soon as the nurse pulled out the needle April flipped shit. "Whoa okay. Mom I'm gonna have her(nurse2) hold her hands down okay?" She said. The second nurse held her hands down not knowing april has strength in every part of her body. She kicked her legs and pushed the nurse head away with her feet. The nurses didn't expect that kind of strength from a little girl her size. So she placed her top body weight on April and held her down causing her not to be able to move. Now that she was still, the nurse slowly stuck the needle in a vein close to her hand. The scream April let out was heart breaking but I knew she was okay. So I was okay. "Big girl" I said letting her know I was still here. All the while trying to keep praise from touching everything. The flu wasn't kicking her butt as bad as April anymore. After getting her to calm down they were able to stick tubes up her nose to help her breath better. She started dozing off. She was exhausted. I talked to her and stroked her hair until she was fully asleep. I remembered that I needed to grab some pedialyte and their prescription for the flu before the pharmacy across the street closed. My dad was unable to pick it up. So I asked if he could keep an eye on them while I walked across the street to do those things. He couldn't do or say anything crazy to them if a bunch of people were watching. I stepped outside and damn near froze to death. The pharmacy told me that her prescription still wasn't ready for pick up. I grabbed to bottles of Pedialyte and was on my way back. When I walked in the room, it was empty. My dad, Praise and April were gone. I started panic and asked the nearest nurse where my babies were. He was clueless. "What are their names?" He asked trying to keep me in a calm state. "April Stevens & Praise Stevens" I said with a worried look on my face. "Okay" he said and started walking towards their computers. I followed him and as I turned the corner, I bumped into the ghetto nurse. "Hey do you know where my babies are?" I asked. "Yes they're with your dad getting Xrays done." She smiled and kept walking. I was so relieved. So many bad events happened that I believed that was another one. I sat in the room for about 10 minutes before they came back. Praise was hyper as if she weren't sick at all. That was amazing to see. April on the other hand was still on her tubes trying to wake up but too sleepy. I could see her breathing hard still. After a while It was determined that April would have to stay over night because nothing was getting better on top of the fact that they found large amounts of pneumonia in both of her lungs. She notified me that Praise wasn't going to be able to stay with us because she's under aged and that was fine with me because Jessey's house was right around the corner. I had no problem with my dad watching praise there because jessey wouldn't let him say or do anything crazy to my baby. So I once again called pooh to pick then up and drop them off. Even though it was walking distance, it felt like it was snowing. My dad wanted to stay by April's side but I couldn't handle staying in the room with him all night. He talks my head off and we're like fire and water. We argue about absolutely any and everything. We could argue about whether the sky is clear or blue. He was pissed that he had to leave. I called Spazz to let him know that they found pneumonia in her lungs and because it would be nice for her to see that her dad was there for her some way some how. But he didn't answer. Over an hour late he texted me and said "damn just got back from the hospital" I didn't care to ask why. My focus was on April. "April isn't doing well at all. She needs helps breathing" I followed that up with another video call. He wasn't paying April any attention. He said "hey daddy baby" and started to tend to shawanda and her child. I wasn't being impatient, I waited until he was ready but it didn't seem like he was going to be so I hung up. He called me right back. This time he said a few words to her. She actually spoke to him. "Hey daddy" she said in an exhausted voice. She was wide awake though. I knew she wasn't going to be awake for long so now was the best time that he could talk to her. But he went right back to tending to shawanda's child. "Yeah we just got back from the hospital Larry sick" he said. He couldn't keep the camera still either. He cut the "conversation" short and told her "I hope you feel better" and followed up with a text message saying he couldn't handle seeing her like that. I understood tubes up her nose and looking sick was hard to look at but it wasn't nothing he had to hang up for. I didn't press the issue though. At least he answered the phone I guess. Right? She started dozing off again and the her heart rate was rising as well as her breathing paste. She showed no signs of getting better. My auntie (mom's twin) had a baby and she died from pneumonia. April's little body was fighting the flu and pneumonia at once and it was winning. I was frightened. In my mind I couldn't stop begging god to help her feel better. I didn't want him to take my baby.

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