Make yourself at home

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"Are you serious?" I asked pissed off. "Yeah man Ion know what ima do." He said I heard the sound of stress in his voice. "Well you know you can come to my house, I don't want you to be sleeping by that church again its freezing up here, is it freezing down there?" I asked highly concerned. "It's not freezing but its starting to get a little cold my allergies are fuckin up" he said as he sniffered and scratched his throat. I hate for him to have to go through this because I knew how it felt to not know where to go. He said his dad switched his SSI check information to where he wouldn't be able to receive any money and he refuse to reverse what he did and his sister would not let her live at her house rent free. "We just have to agree that there will be no strings attached. We have to be just friends so we don't mess things up this time it's going to be a new year and we're going to have a new beginning so we have to work together for real this time." I said in a very serious manner. He completely agree with me because that is exactly what he wanted as well. "Hell yeah when I get up there I will get a job and I will give you 200 a month is going to be like you're my landlord and I'm the tenant" he said laughing.  " okay when are you coming?" " I have to hustle up some money to get a bus ticket up there but I should be coming in a week" he said as if he already knew I would say he could stay with me. " okay we cannot wait until you get here the girls have been missing you. Thomas and Jesse is still here as well as my dad." I warned him so he can be prepared of what to look forward to. " damn jessey and Thomas still there? I thought they would be gone by now they always talking about how much money they have." He said. Spazz wasn't so fond of them because he knew that they did not like him and that they no longer trusted him because of the things that he's done and caused me and the girls but my dad on the other hand really bonded with him. " they are going through something just like everybody else is. We all going through something but if that's going to be a problem then-" he cut me off .." i know ma im just cracking jokes chill with yo serious ass" he said laughing. " okay but I am going to text you because it is getting cold outside I had to step on the porch because I didn't want to talk on the phone with you in front of everybody." I said. " damn so they won't know that I'm coming?" He asked. " yeah I'm going to tell them I just needed to talk to you in private first I didn't know that you were going to drop this on me" I explained to him. It was so cold outside that as soon as I stepped back in my house I felt like my body thought out and my face was a piece of melting ice. I didn't tell my family right away because I knew I was going to get feedback from Jessie and Thomas that I would not like and I didn't have time for that. So I told them two days before he arrived. Jesse was already annoyed by the thought of his presence so to be living in him in the same home once again made her cringe with my decision but I didn't care because it's what I wanted. I still have feelings for a spazz ever since the last time he left my house in November but I made it very clear that I did not want any relationship with him besides co-parenting because we fight like cats and dogs and if we are in a relationship or sleeping together we will mess things up quickly.
I cleaned my entire house from top to bottom even though it was pretty much empty and all ready clean. I just wanted to make sure it looked up to par for him on his first night there. He texted me "Ma im getting off the grey hound send me your address." I sent him my address but I was so excited that he was actually back here in Jacksonville so I shortly sent him a text saying I'm going to meet you at the Greyhound so you will not be lost even though I knew damn well he wouldn't be lost. My phone was off so whenever I left my house I did not have Wi-Fi. After I sent that text I immediately started walking to the Greyhound I did not know the exact location but I knew what area it was in and that I was supposed to walk down one street only. So that is what I did. Passing the Ritz-Carlton I knew that I would be close to the Greyhound I thought I would be able to see it but the further I walked the more I became lost. It was about 11 at night so I was also scared walking by myself especially being that I've watched many human trafficking videos and know that it could happen to me. There was a bunch of homeless men and men riding on bikes staring at me as I passed by a street away going in the opposite direction I seen a man with a bunch of belongings walking fast. I I thought it was him but there was many men doing the same thing. They all were homeless so I did not want to call or approach the man so I kept walking towards the bus station in which I did not know where it was nor could I find it. I found myself walking in the empty parking lot with just one car in it and very bright lights. There was absolutely no one around at this point. Anything could happen to me and no one will be able to save me or see anything as a witness. I received a little bit of Wi-Fi so I tried to called spazz. The connection was not strong enough to send out a call to him but it was strong enough for me to receive a text message from him. "Man where you at? I don't know where the fuck im at you said you were gonna meet me I'm out here with these heavy ass bags and is cold." I was pissed off because I was in the middle of downtown and he was the one complaining. I texted him back. " Where are you at? I'm very far from home I tried to meet you but I did not see you I've walked on the same street like you said before and I don't even see the bus station I'm scared and I'm getting pissed off and it's cold I can barely feel my feet or my fingers." He ignored everything I said. "Im on 4th st." Was his only reply. "Nigga you past me what the fuck I didn't even see you" I said pissed off because I walked very far in the cold for nothing. " just stay where you at and I'm going to walk towards you please do not move well you're going to be even more lost and I'm not going to go looking for you." I texted him. I started to walk very fast back towards my house checking my back every few seconds. I seen my breath in the air as I Breathed hard from the pace I was walking. I was damn near running. He see me coming down the sidewalk about a block away so he started to meet me halfway. When we finally got towards each other the moment wasn't what we thought it would be because we were already aggravated with each other because of the situation. But we didn't start off with bad vibes we quickly let it go. "Damn so that was you that I seen carrying all that stuff!" I said cracking up. "You seen me?" He asked as if I didnt just say I did. " where did you see me?" He asked "By the lavilla school" I said as I took his backpack off of him to help him carry some of his belongings. "Damn that mean I seen you too I just didn't know it was you" he said laughing a little. We began to walk to my house carrying all of his things as weed make a little conversation for the next 5 minutes. As soon as he walked in the house the girl saw him and they went crazy. " daddy daddy daddy" they yelled as they both jump on him at the same time making him drop his bags. They didn't even acknowledge that I walked in the door like they usually would. He picked them both up and started giving them kisses and hugs until they got heavy. He then explored the house upstairs and asked if he could take a shower as if he was a child who needed permission. He walked into the closet "damn I thought that was the bathroom" he said laughing embarassed. He then walked into the downstairs bathroom. "Damn wrong bathroom" he mumbled. I laughed at him because he was so clueless just holding his clothes ready to shower but couldn't even find the shower. " this big ass house" he said laughing. The kids were laughing my dad was happy he was there I was happy he was there and Jessie and Thomas minded their business so I felt all of the Good Vibes. I said him the biggest plate that I ever gave him because I seen that he was a lot skinnier than the last time I saw him. But this time it doesn't look like he was on drugs it look like he had been starving. After spending some time downstairs me him and the girls spent the rest of the night in my room, family time. It was amazing. We all fell asleep holding each other. Spazz was holding April and I was holding praise. Not even one kiss inappropriate hug or comment was said to me by Randy. I thought this was going to work out just well. The next morning came and all his things were still packed up." Do you need help putting your things away" I asked him. " yeah. I didn't know where to put them last night so I just left them there." He said with an innocent baby face. I helped him arrange his things mixed into my things to make him feel more comfortable, at home. I told him our home is now his home too.
It's been a week now since he's been here and all has been well. We haven't argued or had any misunderstandings. He started to sleep on the floor because the bed kept deflating throughout the night. I knew he was uncomfortable so I offered extra blankets and sheets that we had. "Here" I said handing him more blankets. " I know the floor is uncomfortable" I said. I've slept on the floor many times I knew what it could do to your back and your hips. Days passed and over that time he began to get attached to me as I was to him but I wanted the same terms to remain as what we spoke on the phone. One day on our way to the store we put the girls in there double stroller and took a nice walk to get groceries. About halfway there we had an altercation. The road was clear with my kids in the stroller. Out of nowhere a truck come speeding down the street stop this before me and the girls could fully cross. "Bitch ass nigga what the fuck wrong with you!?" Spazz yelled at the man as he waited for us to cross. "I'm sorry sir I did not see you guys" The Stranger said in fear as Randy approached him walking fast with his hands balled up. "Nigga my fuckin babymama got my kids and driving like a dumb ass!" He continued to yell. He reached in his pocket and I knew exactly what he was going for. "Spazz it's okay its okay just come on he let us go by and he apologized" I said as I pushed the girls across the street. "Bitch" Randy kicked his truck and put a dent in the door and continue to walk with us. I could not believe he did all of that. And what I couldn't believe even more is the fact that he brought his gun with him on a simple walk to the store to get groceries.

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