Moma is as moma does

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Some time went by and we were still okay. I still had food in my house, my lights were still on and my phone too. That's what mattered. But I knew it was a matter of time before everything would would run out and bills would be due again. Randy wouldn't help and he didn't care, he made very clear. Luckily my mom was around now to at least watch the girls for me while I ran errands that would. She offered to watch the girls for me one day while I went to a job fair. Under the agreement that she would watch them when I get a job. By the time I got home it would've been too late for her to get home so she packed the girls a bag and took them to her house. I was definitely against it because I didn't know how much I could trust her to actually watch over my babies for such a long period of time. Certain occasions she would come to my house high so she'd fall asleep or daze off in the middle of talking to them. Or at least I thought she was. She would defend herself by saying it was medicine prescribed for her cancer and many other conditions I could never remember and they make her sleepy. But most of all because there was a man in her house. Her boyfriend Aj. He's claimed to be my dad several times and always says "I love you" to me. Everyone knows he isn't my dad and deep down he knows too. That didn't matter. I still didn't feel right about a man sleeping in the same house as my babies while im not around. But what choice did I have? I had to get things done or I wouldn't ve able to provide for myself and the girls. I couldn't sleep the whole night without them. The next morning my mom came to drop them off they were happy as ever. They had brand new outfits on that I never seen before, cookies and toys and hyper. They ran and jumped onto me to give me hugs. "Hey baby" my mama said dropping her bookbag on the bed. "What's happened to my baby?" I asked examining her forehead. My whole mood changed. She had a knot on her forehead the size of her palm. Everything that could've happened went through my head. Did she do something? Did Aj do something? "Oh they were fighting over a toy and April hit her in the forehead with it" she said examining it with me. She didn't sound like she was lying because when she does she speaks fast and she won't stop moving and also repeats her self. Also I've witnessed this happen before so I didn't stress it. I gave her forehead a kiss and laid back down. I was so tired from staying up all night wondering if they were okay. "Why you so tired?" My mama said laughing. "Cause I fell asleep like two hours before yall got here" I said with my face under the cover. "Come on girls yall wanna go back to grandma house?" She said in a cheery mood. The girls were more than excited to go back to her house so I knew they were gonna be okay. "Bye mommy" they both said a million times and gave me hugs and kisses while my mom gathered their things. As soon as they left I was knocked out. This same routine would go on for about two weeks. Errands, plasma center, job searching and the girls staying the night with my mom. It made me become more depressed. I felt like a failure. I get a incoming call from my sister Shanta "Lena what's going on?" She said panicking. "What's wrong? What are you talking about?" I asked highly concerned. "I just seen Stacy with the girls downtown." She informed me. "I know she been spending time with the girls lately" I said. "No she was telling me how she been taking care of the girls for you and that you struggling so had them for 16 weeks and a bunch of crazy shit". "What the fuck, that's definitely not true.." I responded aggravated. "Well I don't know but she told me that shit so I had to call you and check on yall I knew that shit sound crazy" she said. I was so pissed off that she would tell my sister something like that. I knew that was in her character but for what.. So I called my mom to confront her of the lie she spreaded. "Mama what you told my sister?" I asked in a demanding voice. "Girl what you talking about" she responded aggravated. "My sister just called me and said that she ran into you and the girls downtown and that you told her you had my kids for 16 weeks and been taking care of them" I said. "Girl I'm grown im too busy for all the he say she say stuff. I said I been helping you with the girls and I would take them for you for 16 weeks or however long it takes if anything was to happen. But the bus here ima call you when we get home, love you baby girl." She said briefly. She dismissed the problem and ended the call real quick.

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